Page 27 of Touch Me

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“Okay. Thank you, Reaper. For everything,” I tell him, placing my arm around his strong waist.

“You don’t have to thank me,” Reaper tells me, placing a kiss on the top of my head. “I will always come for you and make sure you have everythin’ you ever dream of. Do you think you can be happy here? Turn this lonely house into a home for us?”

“You want me to turn this into a home?” I question him, confusion filling me.

“Of course, I do. One day, when you’re ready, we’ll fill this house with as many children as you give me. You can change anythin’ you want to in here. I have nothin’ against you makin’ changes or tryin’ to make this a home for us and our future family. I’m gonna have Rebel go to the store for you to grab some clothes and other essentials now that you’re back with me. I need you to put your sizes in my phone before I leave to head for church,” he says, leading me from the back of the house and up to where the master bedroom is.

My stomach turns at the thought of a woman from the club shopping for my clothing and other belongings. I know these women are property of the club and will do as asked whenever something needs to be done. However, I’m not sure I want a woman who has possibly been with Reaper buying me things.

“Hey, darlin’. What’s goin’ through that head of yours?” Reaper asks, stopping us in the middle of the living room.

“It’s nothing,” I lie, brushing it off as I step from his hold.

“Alex, this won’t work if we’re not honest with one another,” he tells me, stepping closer and pulling me back into his body.

“Fine,” I mutter, keeping my gaze on his chest, so I don’t have to look in his eyes. “I don’t think I want someone you’ve been with at the club shopping for my things. Call me jealous, or whatever else you have to, I don’t care. I’ll go out on my own and get things if I need them.”

Reaper starts laughing, his chest vibrating against my head, causing anger to fill my veins, and I lift my head from his chest to glare at him. I have no idea what he finds so funny about this damn situation because I sure as hell don’t find anything funny.

“I’m sorry, darlin’,” he says, trying to stop laughing long enough to talk to me. “Rebel isn’t like that. She works behind the bar only. If she chooses to sleep with a club member, that’s her decision. Not a single man attempts to get her in his bed. If Rebel is with anyone, she makes the first move. There’s only one guy in my club she’s ever shared a bed with. Rebel is hung up on Pound, and he doesn’t want to settle down. He’s not ready, and she is, even though he’s younger than her. Rebel is someone you’ll like if you give her a chance.”

“Oh,” I tell him, my voice a whisper.

I feel like such a damn fool. I’m woman enough to admit when I’m wrong, and this is one of those times. I’ve never been able to admit my wrongdoings before because my father and husband wouldn’t allow me to. They were quick to judge and dole out punishments without letting me get a word in. Reaper isn’t like that. He’ll do what he can to protect me, as he’s told me more than once and shown me.

“I’m sorry, Reaper. I just assumed, and I shouldn’t have done so,” I tell him, looking him in the eyes so he can see how honest I’m being at this moment.

“It’s okay, darlin’. Let’s get you in bed, and you can rest. I’ll go to the clubhouse while you’re restin’ and be back before you even miss me. Alex, you need to know that I’m not gonna keep you locked away here in our home while I do whatever I want at the clubhouse. Those women are a dime a dozen and mean absolutely nothin’ to me. I won’t be touchin’ them or lettin’ them touch me. I’d prefer you stay behind the gates of the compound until we know what’s goin’ on with your family. And Troy. Get in bed, and I’ll be back with somethin’ to eat,” he assures me, pressing a soft kiss against my forehead as I wrap my arms around his waist.

Nodding my head, I pull back from him and open the sliding door into the room we’ll share. Stopping in the doorway, I look around. The walls here are stark white, with dark grey carpeting covering the floor. Two doors are on the left side of the room, with the largest bed I’ve ever seen taking up the middle of the room. A TV is mounted on the wall at the end of the bed, and two nightstands sit on either side of the bed. Everything is clean, and there isn’t a ton of things covering the top of the stands. Just a lamp on each, a remote on the one closest to the door, and an alarm clock on the same stand.

Walking to the doors, I pull open the one at the back of the room to find a huge walk-in closet that’s barely filled with clothes. The ones hanging up are all neat and look organized by color. A few pairs of boots line the floor under the clothes. There is a dresser opposite the hanging clothes, and I take a chance to pull open one of the drawers. Reaper’s tee shirts fill the drawer, and I pull one out. I want to get out of these scrubs and into something that’s not going to remind me of the hell I’ve been through. Heading back to the room, I carefully remove the scrubs and pull Reaper’s shirt over my head. Walking to the bed, I pull back his thick blanket and sheets before getting in bed. The mattress is so soft I sink right down in it. Sleep is already starting to claim me even as my stomach growls in hunger.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance