Page 26 of Touch Me

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Chapter Fourteen


I HAVE NO clue how long I’ve been sleeping or where we are on our trip home. When I woke up, I was tucked into Reaper’s side with his arm wrapped around me. He was sitting up with his head on a swivel as he constantly looked through each window in an attempt to see any threat coming for us. Reaper doesn’t have to say a word to me as he looks down at me. His eyes are hard and cold, not how he usually looks at me. Usually, when the man looks at me, his eyes turn molten and fill with desire. There is none of this evident right now. The man capturing my heart and soul is on high alert and will remain that way until we make it back behind the gate surrounding his clubhouse.

“Are you in any pain?” Reaper asks me, leaning down to grab my medication and a bag.

“No. I’m uncomfortable, but that’s to be expected. My ribs and my head hurt. I don’t want to take any pain medicine right now if I don’t have to. The stuff makes me feel all fuzzy and knocks me out. Plus, I’d rather have a different doctor look at the medicine to ensure it’s what I’m supposed to be taking and not at a higher dose or anything,” I answer him, my voice weak sounding to my own ears.

“Okay, darlin’. If you change your mind, we’ll figure somethin’ out. Do you need to stop to go to the bathroom?” he questions me, his voice soft and gentle as he alternates looking at me and through the window.

“I could probably stop to use one soon,” I answer him honestly.

“Okay. As soon as we get off the highway, we’ll stop so you can use one. Maybe grab somethin’ to eat that’s substantial before we move on,” Reaper says, looking at the two men up in front.

Closing my eyes once again, I snuggle into the hard body of Reaper. Most would think he wouldn’t be comfortable, considering he’s all hard angles and muscle. My reality is laying against him is the most comfortable I’ve been in my entire life. It’s as if a shield of safety and protection has been erected around me because his arm rests over my shoulders and his body heat seeps into me. This feeling comforts me more than anything ever in my life has. It’s not long before I’m lulled back into a light sleep with visions of Reaper filling my dreams.

Reaper wakes me up when we pull into the compound. He’s woken me up a few times on the journey home. Once or twice to go to the bathroom and a few other times when I was having a nightmare. Apparently, I was crying out and screaming his name. I don’t have any memory of the nightmares and what they’re about. Even when Reaper asked me to tell him about them, I don’t remember. I’m sure they have to do with Troy and the torture I’ve suffered once again at his hands. At least that’s what I believe they’d be about. There really is no way to tell when I can’t remember anything.

Instead of pulling up to the clubhouse as I expect him to, the young man driving the SUV we’ve been in for almost a day continues around the clubhouse and heads through a large field behind the large building. I’m confused as I look up at Reaper. His gaze is locked on mine, the blue of his eyes taken over by the grey. It’s the same thing that happened when we had sex in his room at the clubhouse.

“Where are we going?” I ask him, my voice slightly stronger even as my throat aches.

“My house, darlin’. You don’t need to be holed up in the clubhouse when I have a house we can be at. You’ll be safe behind the gate of the compound. No one will get to you out here. I’m still goin’ to have a Prospect there when I’m not around. I’ll have to have church with the guys later on,” he responds to me, his voice low in my ear as he leans into me more.

“Oh. Okay,” I tell him, trusting him implicitly with my life.

After a few minutes, we pull up to a single-story home with a wide porch on the front. I can envision a swing at the end and a small table with chairs on it. It would be the perfect place to sit and drink coffee in the morning as the sun rises. His house is white with dark red shutters on the windows. The steps leading up to the porch are a light wood color as if the wood has been treated to withstand the weather but left the original color. The front door is black, with a large window in the center of the upper portion of the door. Part of me can’t wait to see what the inside looks like. Another part of me is shuddering in response to being left in the house alone while Reaper does as he pleases and only sees me when it suits him.

I know I’m taking out the things Troy did to me on Reaper. Troy was in my life for five years; dating for three and married for two now. I’m not sure if he was cheating on me the entire time or if it started after we got married. Looking back at our relationship, I can almost guarantee he didn’t wait until we were married to begin cheating on me. We didn’t have sex until our wedding night. With the way he’s been cheating on me since our wedding day, I have no doubt in my mind he was taking every chance he could to fuck a different woman each night. At least until he knocked up one of the girls. Now, she’s tied to him for the rest of her life by the child they share.

While I would hope Reaper isn’t the same as Troy, I honestly can’t believe, with all the naked women at the clubhouse, he has a shortage of them at his beck and call. He can have them with a snap of his fingers and not think twice about getting them to suck his cock or fucking them. I might not know much about the club lifestyle, but I know enough to realize those women are only here to be with the men of the club. They give the men what they want and, in return, get lodging and food— protection from something they might be running from. That’s about the extent of my knowledge of club life. Most of that I’ve read in books or seen on TV. Based on my first day here, I have no doubt that’s the case for the women here. One of the women believes she has a claim on Reaper. How many more of them are going to act the same way?

“Where did you go?” Reaper asks, opening my door and holding out his hand to help me from the SUV.

“I was just thinking,” I tell him, not exactly a lie but not the entire truth either.

“Trax, make sure the guys know I’ll be at the clubhouse soon to have church. I’ll text Eagle just before I head down. Someone needs to bring my bike up here so I can have it to get to the clubhouse in a while. I want to get Alex settled in the house and get her in bed to rest more before headin’ down there. Jameson, get some rest. You’ve been bustin’ your ass and up longer than anyone. Rebel and the other Prospects can handle the bar,” Reaper orders through the open window of the driver’s side.

“We’ll get it taken care of, Pres,” Trax responds, sitting back in the passenger side of the vehicle.

“Let’s get you inside and in bed so you can rest. I’ll get you somethin’ to eat and make sure you’re okay before I head out for a bit. I’m just goin’ to have church to update the guys on what happened while we were gone and find out what happened here if anythin’. If you need me, I’ll come right back,” Reaper assures me, his voice gentle as he leads me up the stairs and into the front door of his home after unlocking it.

We step into a large hallway with another hallway off to the left of the house. The walls in the hall are a light beige color with no pictures or anything else adorning them. A sliding door is on the right as Reaper walks me further into the house. Peeking around the corner, I take in the large living room. There’s a soft-looking leather couch, a loveseat, and a recliner in the middle of the room. A large stone fireplace takes up the wall across from the recliner. An empty bookshelf sits in the corner of the room just next to the largest TV I’ve ever seen mounted to the wall. Another sliding door is off the living room between the bookshelf and fireplace. The floors are polished wood with light grey walls.

Reaper points to the sliding doors off the living room. “That’s the master room where we’ll be. I’ll show you the rest of the house before headin’ there.”

Nodding my head, he leads me down the hall off to the left. Four doors are left open to show different bedrooms. Each one is a different color with matching carpeting and painted walls. At the very end of the hall is a bathroom. We walk down the hall, and Reaper points out his office at the end of the main hallway inside the house. Next to his office, which has a closed door, is a large dining room with a wood table taking up most of the space. Chairs line the sides of the table made of the same colored wood as the table. A doorway leads into the kitchen, where a smaller table sits in the middle of the room. Cupboards line one wall with a stand-up refrigerator and freezer directly across from the kitchen doorway. Another door at the back of the kitchen shows off an inground pool. I can’t wait to dip my toes in the water.

Reaper turns me and leads me down the small hallway at the end of the dining room. The small hall is filled with a bathroom, a laundry room, a game room, and storage. In the game room, the walls are painted a dark grey, with the borders done in white. A pool table, poker table, and a minibar take up the space in the room. There are various motorcycle posters, and a large TV mounted to the wall. There’s also a dart board on the wall at the end of the pool table. One wouldn’t notice it right off because the doors are closed over the board. It’s only by chance I recognize it because Troy had one in his house as well.

“Are you hungry?” Reaper asks, his voice catching me off guard as he speaks from right behind me, his warm breath fanning over my skin.

“Yes, I could eat,” I reply to him, my voice merely a whisper as I take in his gorgeous home.

Most of his home has polished wooded floors. So far, the only rooms I’ve seen any carpeting in are the bedrooms. Hell, the only room with decorations is the game room with the posters filling the wall. It must be a room he spends time in with the guys when they want to get away from the clubhouse. I can’t imagine why they’d want to get away from a place like that. I’m sure you can sense my sarcasm because it’s not someplace I want to spend much time. It’s different for the men of the club, though; the clubhouse is their domain, and they rule over it how they see fit.

“Let me get you in our room, and then I’ll make you somethin’ to eat. Is there anythin’ in particular you want?” Reaper says, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me close to his body.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance