Page 25 of Touch Me

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“Yes. Reaper, take me home and make me forget everything,” she answers me, her voice low so only I can hear her.

“Your wish is my command, darlin’,” I tell her, pulling her gently into my arms so I can hold her.

Jameson drives us out of this fucking town and toward the future. At this moment, I’m not thinking of Alex’s dad coming after us or what’s going to happen to Troy. The only thing I’m thinking of is Alex and the fact we get to start building our future together. One where she’s in my arms whenever I want, and I make her the happiest she’s ever been in her life. If I can accomplish that, I’ll die a happy man.

It’s not long before Alex falls asleep on my chest. I cover her up better with the blanket they bought. The three of us remain silent as Jameson drives us out of this town and hits the highway to head home to Clinton. I want to put as much distance between us and here as quickly as possible. There is no way in hell I want Alex in this town any longer.

“We drivin’ straight through?” Trax asks to double-check what the plan is.

“Yeah. I don’t want to take any chances her dad is gonna try to pull some shit before we can get close to home and have backup. Pedro messaged me yesterday to let me know if we need backup, to message him, and he’ll immediately get someone to us no matter where we are,” I answer him, my voice almost a whisper.

“Okay. We’ll keep our eyes peeled if you want to get some rest,” Trax says, turning around to look at me.

“I think I might. I want to be rested and alert if trouble comes at us. Wake me up in an hour or so. I’ll alternate with you, Trax. Jameson, you drive until you can’t drive anymore, and we’ll switch out,” I order him, my voice already lowering as I close my eyes.

Even though my eyes are closed, I know I’m not going to sleep. There is too much on the line and not enough eyes on us to be comfortable. If we had more men with us, I might be able to get some rest, so I’m fresh and alert when we get back to Clinton or if someone tries to ambush us. As it stands now, I’m exhausted, having only rested on and off at the hospital when Alex was there. I couldn’t sleep because I was worried about her and the staff coming in and out as though using a revolving door to check on my woman. A woman who is now curled into my side and ready to put her absolute trust in me.

The road we’re traveling is packed as I open my eyes again with the deceleration of the SUV. Jameson is stuck in slow-moving traffic as I look around. I’m uneasy with how slow we’re moving and all the cars and trucks surrounding us. This is the perfect place for an ambush to take place. Yes, there are witnesses to anything that would happen here. Many people won’t give a shit about that if they want to get their hands on Alex bad enough. With Troy in jail, her father would be the one to come for us, to come for her daughter.

Trax is uncomfortable as well. He’s shifting in the seat in front of him while staring at his phone. I know what he’s doing; he’s looking for alternate routes to get us the hell out of this mess. The young man is the Road Captain of the club, and he will certainly have no problem finding a way we can get back home without the use of the highway.

“Trax, can we get out of this?” I finally ask him, not being able to stand the gut feeling I have.

“Yeah. Jameson, take the next exit. We won’t be on the highway and will go through several small towns, but won’t add much time on our trip home. I’ll call Eagle and let him know our route has changed and when to meet us based on the ETA I’m given for when we’ll be home. Hopefully, no one will have to wait too long. We don’t want to have the clubhouse with a limited number of brothers left behind,” he answers me, his voice low so he doesn’t disturb Alex.

“Sounds good. Jameson, get us off this highway as soon as you can. Trax, are there enough bathrooms on the new route for Alex if she needs one?”

“Yeah. There are enough in the small towns we’ll be traveling through,” Trax responds, his voice still low as Jameson only gives me a nod in response.

Leaning back in the seat, I keep my eyes open and look around at all the slow passing cars. Today is just going to get longer and longer the slower this traffic continues to move. It’s going to take us forever to get to the exit, and we’ll all be on edge until we’re there. I should have taken Titan up on his offer to stay with us. We could have split up into two vehicles and made our way home. No one would have had to know which vehicle Alex was in. Instead, I sent him and Hawk home, leaving Jameson and Trax with Alex and myself. Not one of my brighter moves.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance