Page 24 of Touch Me

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Chapter Thirteen


WHEN ALEX TOLD me there was something off with the doctor, I knew it wasn’t just my gut feeling. I’ll be the first to admit I hate hospitals and can’t stand being in them. However, as soon as Alex was brought up to this floor, she made sure she was the one always in her room. Doctor Catalina wants her here for some reason, and I can’t figure out what that reason is. Not unless she’s working for Troy or Alex’s dad. Hawk will be looking into her and finding out what’s going on. Just because my woman is leaving the hospital doesn’t mean I’m going to let this feeling go. Like I’ve said, I’ll do anything to protect her, including giving my life.

I carried Alex out of the hospital, not bothering to wait for the wheelchair a nurse was going to bring in. I turned my attention further down the hallway as we reached the elevator. The feeling of eyes on me was strong. Doctor Catalina is standing at the nurse’s station with a weird look on her face. A look I’ve seen on her more than once since we brought Alex in here. My gut feeling intensifies and lets me know we’re right in getting Alex out of here now. I don’t know what her end game is, but we’ve just fucked her plans up. Royally.

Jameson gets in the driver’s seat of the SUV they’ve rented, while Trax gets in the passenger seat. Trax helps me get Alex in the backseat and help her get comfortable by placing pillows one of them bought behind her and covering her with a blanket. Usually, I’d be upfront, but I’m not about to let Trax or Jameson ride in the back with my woman. One of the nurses followed us out of the hospital, and I keep a close eye on her as she stares at the SUV with something hidden in the depths of her eyes. I’m not sure if she’s in on whatever is going on with the doctor or if she’s got her own agenda. One way or another, we’ll figure out every single piece of this puzzle eventually.

“Jameson, take us to the police station. While we’re in there talkin’ with the cops so they can nail Troy for every single charge possible, you need to run to the pharmacy to pick up Alex’s medicine. I also want you to grab drinks and snacks so we don’t have to stop more than humanly possible. Use the club card. Come directly back to the cop shop so we can get the hell outta here. When we get closer to home, we’re gonna need some guys to meet us. Somethin’ bigger is goin’ on here, and we need to figure it all out,” I order as Alex cuddles into me.

Without missing a beat, Jameson does as I order him and heads for the police station not too far from the hospital. It’s honestly too close for comfort if you ask me. Still, it’s something we need to do before leaving this hellhole of a town. When he pulls up several minutes later, Trax and I get out of the car before I help Alex from the backseat. If a single person thinks for one second I’m about to leave Alex alone, they’re dumb as fuck. The young Prospect who proves himself more on a daily basis leaves us to go do the errands I need him to run. I want to be in here even less than I wanted to be in the hospital. Still, I’ll push my feelings aside to remain at Alex’s side. I’ll never leave her alone again.

The three of us walk up the few stairs leading to the front door of the police station. When we step up to the counter where a deputy sits, I give him Alex’s name and the name of the officer we need to speak with. After telling us to sit down, he goes to get the man in question, who will take Alex’s statement. Alex is a nervous wreck as we wait for the cop to come out. At this point, I can’t remember his name because my focus is on Alex and trying to get her to calm down and stop pacing. Her ribs have to be on fire right now, with her nervous pacing and flinching whenever she hears someone walking toward us.

“Darlin’, what’s wrong?” I question her, my voice soothing and gentle as I stand in front of her.

“What if he’s still here? What if my father shows up? I don’t know who they have in their pockets or anything else,” she says, pausing in her pacing to look at me.

“I’m with you, and I won’t let a fuckin’ thing happen to you,” I tell her, reaching out for her to take my hand.

All Alex has to do is lay a hand on me or look at me, and a calm settles over me. She hasn’t had the opportunity to do it much, but I still feel the serene peace she evokes in me. The first time I felt it was the night I picked her up when she called about someone being in her hotel room. Rage like I’ve never felt ran through my body until she wrapped herself around me, and, in an instant, I felt better. I can only hope my touch gives some sense of peace and calm the way she does for me.

“Mrs. Torres?” a man says as he walks up to us.

With her hand in mine, she turns to face the police officer she needs to meet with.


“Mrs. Torres, I’m Officer Michaels. Will you please follow me?” he asks, his voice trying to be gentle even if he sounds gruff.

I follow Alex back, and the officer looks at me. He’s not happy I’m going with Alex while she talks to him. I’m not going to leave her alone anytime soon. It’s going to take a lot for me to let Alex out of my sight. Without making a comment, the three of us make our way back to an office instead of an interrogation room. Alex sits down carefully on the chair in front of the officer’s desk. I remain standing behind her with my hand on her shoulder. I’m giving her my strength quietly so she knows I’m here for her. At the same time, I’m standing back because I wasn’t there with her and I don’t know what happened to her. She’s the only one who knows what was done to her.

“Can you tell me what happened?” Officer Michaels asks, setting a notepad and recorder in front of him. “I will be recording our conversation so I don’t miss out on any details you give me. Will you please state your name for the record?”

“My name is Alejandra Torres. Over three months ago, I left home of my own free will. My husband, Troy Torres, is abusive and a compulsive cheat. Just before I left, he moved his pregnant mistress into our home. That was the last straw for me,” she says, pausing to take a breath. “So, I have been on the run for the last few months or so. Moving each time my husband or my father found me. The last stop I made was in Clinton when the car I was driving broke down on the side of the road. Reaper helped me get it towed to their garage, and that’s where I met him. He helped me find a motel room. When I left to get something to eat, my room was broken into, and I called Reaper to tell him, and he came to pick me up.”

“How did you come to be back with your husband?” Officer Michaels asks her.

“Troy showed up to the Fallen Brethren MC clubhouse with the police force of Clinton. He told them I was kidnapped and being held against my will. Troy also told them I was sick and needed help from medical professionals to get put back on medication or something like that. That’s not the truth and what I told them at the time. Instead of listening to me, they arrested Reaper and made me leave with my husband. I don’t remember much of the time I was with my husband. You can clearly see the end results, and this is after being in a medically induced coma for the last two weeks,” she says, her voice almost monotone as she talks to the officer.

For a few minutes, Officer Michaels doesn’t say anything. Finally, he looks up from Alex to me and shuts the recorder off.

“Do you know where they were holding you?” Officer Michaels asks her, even though he doesn’t want to ask her.

“No. At first, I was in the home I shared with Troy. He had me locked in my room and chained to the bed. That’s the last place I remember being,” Alex answers him, looking up to me because she knows I found her.

“Reaper, do you know where else she was?” the officer asks me.

“When we found her, she was chained up in a warehouse. I’m not sure I could tell you which one it was or even the address. I had men with me who have since left to return home. If you absolutely need the address, I can get in touch with them and give it to you,” I tell him, knowing I’m lying through my teeth right now.

The officer keeps his eyes on me for a minute. I have no doubt in my mind he knows I’m not giving him the full truth. However, he can’t exactly question me without any proof. With a small smirk on his face, Officer Michaels tips his head down and looks at his notepad for a minute.

“If I have any more questions, I’ll get in touch with you,” he says, standing up from his chair.

I can tell the man doesn’t want to press Alex for details in her condition. He can tell that she doesn’t want to be here in the first place. We leave the police station to find Jameson parked right out front. Trax was still in the waiting room where we left him and walks out with us. Jameson rushes from the driver’s side to open the backdoor for Alex and me. I help her inside and get her comfortable again before sliding in next to her. Trax and Jameson get up front, and we take off.

“You ready to head home?” I ask Alex as we pull from the parking lot of the police station.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance