Page 21 of Touch Me

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The only sound in the vehicle is Hawk typing away on the laptop in his lap. For several minutes, I listen as he tries to pull up what we want and need in order to get Alex out as safely as possible.

“It looks like there’s only one way in and out of most the warehouses there. Most of them all have one large room separated from a smaller one that would most likely be an office. They’re all set up the same way except for the one in the back. That warehouse has more rooms in it, and it appears to have a basement or some other underground room,” Hawk informs us. “We won’t know what we’re lookin’ at until we pull up and find out where the cars are parked. That’s going to be the only other giveaway of what buildin’ they’re in.”

None of us say another word until the GPS lets us know we’re less than a mile from the location of the warehouses. I pull the SUV over and shut the vehicle off. Pocketing the keys after shutting the engine off, we all get out. Unfortunately, we have no weapons on us. We couldn’t even bring our knives on the plane. This wouldn't have been an issue if we had managed to get a private plan. There was no time, though. Not when it comes to Alex’s safety.

“I have no clue what we’re gonna do considerin’ we have no guns or other weapons. We have no clue what they have and how many there are,” I tell the men with me. “If you want to stay back here, I completely understand.”

“Not a problem,” Titan assures me, walking over to open the back hatch of the SUV. “Scanners and all that shit, can’t detect things they can’t see. I took a huge chance, but it seems to have paid off.”

“The fuck you talkin’ about?” Hawk asks, looking on as he opens his bag.

“My friend put a compartment in my bag no scanner can detect. I’m not sure what the hell it’s made of, but he swears by his work, and I didn’t get caught today,” Titan says, a smile covering his face as he pulls a hidden zipper and shows us three guns and several knives stashed in the bottom of his bag.

I didn’t even know shit like that was possible. I’ll take it though. Titan hands Jameson, Trax, and myself a gun while handing Hawk a knife before picking up one of his own. Jameson will stay with the SUV while we go inside and find Alex. I pull out my phone and make sure it’s on vibrate along with the rest of the men. Jameson can call us if anyone else pulls up or any other vehicles appear. Other than that, we’ll call him when we find Alex so he can drive up closer to us so we don’t have to cause any undue pain to her.

Walking up to the warehouse where two cars sit, no one meets us at the door or takes shots at us from another location. This seems too damn easy if you ask me. Either Troy is that arrogant, or he doesn’t believe anyone knows where he has my Alex stashed. I hate going in blind, but we have no choice in the matter. I’ll die for Alex even if the men with me don’t know that.

Opening the door of the warehouse, it doesn’t make a sound. Poking my head inside, no one’s in the large main room of the building. Well, until I spot Alex chained up like they’re waiting to slaughter her. Rage boils in my blood as I rush into her. Titan helps me get her down from the chains and lay her down on the floor without moving her too much. The rest of the guys search for Troy and his goons while we get her out of here. Something that needs to be done immediately.

Titan immediately goes to work, trying to find a pulse on Alex along with assessing her injuries with a quick glance of his eyes. I grab onto her hand while holding my breath to hear what he’s going to tell me. When my Enforcer finally looks up and gives a slight nod of his head, I release my breath and hold her hand even tighter than before. Just not too hard because I don’t want to cause any more damage. There isn’t a single place on her body that’s not got a bruise or cut on it. Every second I look at her, the more rage and venom fill my body. I’m trembling I’m so damn angry with Troy and everyone who has helped him hurt my Alex.

“It’s faint, but it’s there. We need to get her to the hospital,” he says, standing up when we hear the first shot being fired and commotion soon following.

I’m standing with my back toward the back of the building, but in front of my woman as she remains lifeless on the floor. My gun is held in front of me. The first person I see who’s not wearing my colors will get a bullet to their head. Trax yells out they’re coming just before an unlucky son of a bitch rounds the corner from the office.

A man I know isn’t Torres comes barreling out to the main floor. Without thinking, I pull the trigger and watch him collapse to the floor. Titan fires a shot over my shoulder, and I glance back to find a man falling to the cold, cement floor at my back just before where Alex is lying. Again, it’s not Torres. I’m glad he had my back at this moment, or I’d be just as dead as the man I just killed.

“Trax, how many men are here?” I ask, needing to know how many more we have to get rid of and where Troy is.

“There’s three left. One of them is Torres, and the other two men are unknowns,” he tells me as they enter the main room.

“Bring them to me,” I order, kneeling back down to my woman. “We’re loadin’ her up and gettin’ the fuck outta here.”

Pulling out my phone, I call Jameson and tell him to get here immediately. As soon as my phone is put back in my pocket, Trax and Hawk are not so gently escorting the men toward us. Torres has blood on his head, and he’s pissed as fuck if his red face and bulging veins are anything to go by.

“We meet again, fucker,” I say, waiting for Jameson to get here.

“And you lose. Again,” he taunts me, his voice full of malice.

“How do you figure? You’re the one with a gun to the back of his head,” I retort.

“She’s not gonna make it,” he tells me, his voice going even darker.

“I’ll make sure she makes it,” I state, not giving a shit if he believes me or not.

Turning my attention toward the woman lying on the ground at my feet, I pray I’m right. I’m not a man who prays, but today I will. If it means Alex has a fighting chance to live, there’s not a thing I won’t fucking do. I’ll pray to every single God out there to ensure she pulls through and can get past the damage done to her. I’d even trade places with her to take her pain and suffering if I could.

Jameson chooses that moment to burst through the door. He helps Titan get Alex into the back of the SUV while I take care of this fucker. Torres will die by my hands and no one else’s. No one gets to touch him unless I’m there, and his last breath is taken as he stares me in the eyes to know I’m the one ending his life and no one else.

“Pres,” Titan says, stepping up next to me. “I know you’re all about revenge and want to kill this fucker, but I got a better idea.”

“What the fuck do you think is better than him gettin’ a bullet between the eyes after I beat the fuck out of him and make him feel every ounce of pain he committed against Alex? A woman he was supposed to love and protect with everythin’ in him,” I growl, never taking my attention from the man in front of us.

“How about lettin’ him rot in prison for the countless crimes he’s committed? Especially against his own wife,” he says, his voice almost filling with joyful glee. “This fucker is so pathetic he doesn’t have a penny to his name and won’t last more than a few hours in jail, let alone prison.”

I think about Titan’s words. I’m ready to be in the SUV with Alex, so I nod in agreement. Torres will not get in the last word about anything if I have my say in the matter. Stepping closer to Troy, the slimy piece of shit, as he gives me an evil smirk, I lean down and get in his face as Trax and Hawk hold his arms back.

“I’ll make sure Alex testifies against you for all the atrocities you’ve committed against her. We’ll also make sure we make friends on the inside to keep you company and help you pass the time as you rot away and remind you exactly who the fuck I am,” I growl in his face. “How did you find out he doesn’t have any money?”

“Pedro just messaged me. He wants the trust Alex has in her name only. He has no access to it, as Hawk already told you. The dumb fuck believes he’ll gain access once she’s dead. Unfortunately, she’s got an ironclad Will, and this bitch will get nothin’ from her. That’s why he was gonna fake her death and sell her off to the highest bidder,” he answers, giving us some of the same information as Hawk did on the way here about Alex having a trust.

“You got him then?” I ask Hawk and Trax, not sparing another look at the asshole at my feet.

Trax and Hawk nod their heads in response. I tell them to take care of the other fuckers before grabbing one of their cars and meeting us at the hospital. Running out to the SUV with Titan at my back, I climb in back with Alex as Jameson drives us to the closest hospital. I’m trying not to jar her around too much because we don’t know the extent of the damage done to her. Placing a hand on her head, I stare at her with pain, replacing the rage and venom I’ve been feeling.

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance