Page 20 of Touch Me

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Chapter Eleven


GETTING BACK TO the clubhouse, the first thing I do is bypass the bar and common room and head straight for church. I don’t want beer, pussy, or anything other than information on Alex and where she’s at right now. All the men follow me into the room and take their seats. While all of them have left their phones and weapons at the door with a Prospect, I have my phone on me in case I need to place any calls while we’re here or Pedro attempts to call me. He was going to dig into Garcia and Troy to help us find out information Hawk might not have access to, even if he is the best hacker around. At least the best one I know.

Slamming the gavel on the table as soon as the door closes behind Hawk, I wait for him to take his seat before speaking.

“Hawk, pull up the tracker you have on Alex. I want to know where she is, and I want that information now,” I state, forgoing the rest of the way I typically start a meeting.

I sit in my chair at the head of the table, impatiently waiting for him to work his magic on the keyboard of his laptop. I have no doubt that Hawk is working as fast as he can. This matter is urgent, and I will not wait a second longer to find out where she is and how far I will have to travel to get to her. I’ll go to the ends of the earth for that woman and don’t give a shit who knows how I feel about her.

“What’s this really about, Pres?” Pound questions me, leaning back in his chair and lighting a cigarette.

“Alex. She was taken by her husband, as you know, and I want her back,” I state, never taking my eyes off Hawk as he continues to work.

“All this shit for a piece of pussy?” he asks, his voice raising a few octaves.

“She’s more than just fuckin’ pussy,” I bark, turning a glare heated enough to level Pound. “That woman will be mine if I get to her and she’s still alive. She will be my ol’ lady, my wife, and the Queen of this fuckin’ club.”

“You’ve never once wanted an ol’ lady, much less to be wifed up,” he says, tapping his ashes out in the ashtray in front of him.

“Things change when the woman who is yours comes and knocks you on your ass. One second is all it took to realize Alex would be the woman in my life, the only one who is meant to remain at my side. I’ve had a simple touch of her, and it’s not enough. Spendin’ a lifetime with her will never once be enough time for me to touch her and make her mine in every single way,” I state, finally looking around the table at the men who have had my back on so many occasions. “You don’t want to go with me? I’m good with that. I’ll go alone to bring my woman back here and save her from the asshole abusin’ the woman who belongs in my bed and no one else’s.”

Hawk’s laptop finally makes some sort of noise. He’s writing down something on a piece of paper from the notebook he always carries. Sliding it across the table, I pick it up and look at it before realizing I’m going to have to take a plane in order to get to Alex. She’s now multiple states away from me, and I’m not going to hesitate to get on a plane and chase after her. Standing from my chair, I rush from the room without calling our meeting or caring what anyone else does because I know where I’ll be.

“Eagle, you’re in charge until I’m back,” I call out as I pull open the door and head out.

Racing to my room, I hastily pull the keys from my pocket and unlock my door before slamming it shut behind me. My guns are locked in the safe because I’m not going to be able to get them on a plane with me. Digging through my dresser, I pull out a few changes of clothes so I can have something to wear no matter how long I’m gone. After making sure I have my wallet, phone, keys, and the small bag of toiletries from the top of my closet, I leave my room. Again locking the door because there is no way I want anyone tainting the room I’ll share with Alex when I bring her home where she belongs.

Heading into the common room, I completely stop in shock. Jameson, Hawk, Titan, and Trax are waiting for me. They all have their bags on the floor in front of them as I look between the four of them. This is not their fight, but they’re showing me respect, they’ll have my back, and they aren’t going to risk my life for anything. The common room is filled with all the members and Rebel, who has her place behind the bar slinging drinks for the men staying behind. Even those members who aren’t going with me are showing me respect for my impending journey because they realize I’m not just chasing some random woman; I’m going after the woman I love more than anything else.

“You don’t have to go,” I tell them, not wanting to take this time from racing to the airport.

“You’re not goin’ out alone,” Eagle says from his spot at the bar. “Even if the rest of us aren’t headin’ out, we’ll be with you in spirit. I’ll make sure any information we find out gets to you. Let us know when you land. Jay’s waitin’ in the SUV to take you to the airport. Not gonna let you store your bikes there when you don’t know how long it will take to find her and get her back home. I’ll make sure the run goes off without a hitch as well.”

“I’ve got our tickets waitin’ at the airport, and when we land, we’ll have an SUV waitin’ as well. Everythin’ has been taken care of,” Hawk informs me as he leans over to pick up his bag from the floor.

“Let’s get the fuck outta here,” I order, walking past the men riding out with me.

As soon as we load up in the SUV Jay is driving, we take off for the short trip a few towns over to get to the airport. The hour-long trip feels as if it takes forever as my mind wanders about what’s happening to Alex at this very moment. What’s already been done to her. My mind is coming up with all sorts of scenarios, and not a single one of them is good. They all lead to her suffering and being hurt more than anyone I’ve ever dreamed of doing to another person. This is honestly the last place my mind needs to go, but I can’t seem to stop it from going there after the small amount of information we’ve managed to gain on Troy Torres and Alejandro Garcia.

I barely managed to get a few hours of sleep on the plane. My mind wouldn’t stop coming up with various scenarios involving Alex. I have no doubt Troy, the fucking asshole, is punishing her as we land and wait to get off this damn plane. I hate flying more than anything else. That’s also a reason I didn’t manage to get much sleep. Alex will always be the main reason for any concern or fear I have in my life. I’ve never cared much about another person the way I care about her after such a short time.

As we all head to the counter where rental cars are taken care of, Jameson does all the talking and secures our SUV before we make our way out to the large parking lot filled with various cars, trucks, and SUVs. All of us would rather be on our bikes for any type of riding, but that’s not possible for this mission. We have to ensure we arrive undetected when it comes to Torres and have a way to transport Alex back home. She’s more than likely not going to be in any condition to ride on the back of a bike or fly when we finally find her and can take her back home.

As soon as we’re in the vehicle, Hawk pulls out his laptop and gets everything set up he needs to work from wherever we are. He’s silent along with the rest of us as I drive toward the address he originally gave me. I’ve plugged it into the GPS on my phone and am listening to the monotonous voice as we head away from the airport and toward the woman who captured my heart and soul.

“They moved her,” Hawk finally tells us as I turn down the volume of my phone slightly. “I’m not sure where she is, but I’m sendin’ through the new address to your phone, Reaper. You’re also not going to like this new information Pedro just sent me.”

“What is it?” I growl, looking in my rearview mirror at Hawk.

“There’s a site online offerin’ Alex up to the highest bidder. Pedro has also heard chatter about fakin’ her death for some sort of inheritance she’s never once touched, even though she has been able to use it for almost a year now. Your girl is smart as fuck and knew they’d be able to trace her easier if she attempted to touch a penny of the money. Seems your girl is richer than rich. That won’t be easy to let go if you’re her husband or father,’ Hawk tells us as I growl, the sound echoing in the interior of the SUV.

Pulling over quickly, I put in the new address. Looking at the map, it appears to be some sort of warehouse district. That’s good for us because there are no homes or civilians around. At least Troy has done that for us. The fewer witnesses to whatever is about to happen, the better. I’ll give him credit for that and not a single thing more when it comes to getting my woman away from the fucker. I plan on causing all sorts of destruction here to get what I want. Nothing is out of the realm of possibilities at this point in time.

“What’s the plan when we get there, boss?” Titan asks, his voice harsh because he’s in Enforcer mode.

“Go the fuck in and get Alex. We can’t exactly formulate a plan when we know nothin’ about the fuckin’ buildin’ or how many men he has with him. This is not exactly how I like to do shit, but there’s no time to waste,” I say, not taking my eyes off the road in front of us. “Hawk, can you get us the blueprints or somethin’ for the warehouses?”

Tags: Erin Osborne Romance