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Sal has a run we need to go on for the next few days. Zeus will be here, but I’m not sure if he’ll actually head over and spend time with Jae on his own. Not after his declaration the other night at the bar in his office. Or after he went off on her last night. Honestly, I don’t know where his head is right now. All I know is once Jae left and we managed to get away from the eager stripper, he grabbed the bottle Jae had in her hand and made his way to his room. I haven’t seen or heard from him since. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was up most the night working on shit and is now sleeping his drunkenness off. I’ll have to check on him before heading out with Talon and the rest of the guys too. I hate going away when so much shit it up in the air. At least it's only two or three days at most this time.

Getting out of bed, I stumble over the pile of clothes I left next to the side where they fell as I took them off. I’m surprised to know I managed to strip myself down with how drunk I got last night. I hardly even celebrated my birthday after her appearance. Instead, I sat outside and got wasted with everyone and didn’t let a woman come close to me. I know I’ll be hearing shit about it from Lash and the others today, but I don’t give a fuck. They all know who I want, who Zeus wants, and last night I’m pretty sure we fucked it all up. Only time will tell.

After jumping in the shower and quickly washing last night away, I brush my teeth and ripping a brush through my hair, I wrap a towel around my waist and head into my room to get dressed. Once I’m in my jeans, black tee-shirt, my cut is on my back and my boots are on even though they’re not tied, I grab what I need from yesterday’s pants and shove it all in my pockets for today. I don’t waste time before heading down to the kitchen where I know the Rebels and Prospects will have coffee and breakfast started. Food and caffeine are the first things I need before I can begin to repair the damage done in a matter of minutes last night.

Jaelyn was impulsive and didn’t think about what she was doing by coming to the clubhouse last night. With all the extra people here, yes I’m talking about the women, we didn’t want her to see people fucking out in the open. To my knowledge, she’s never walked in on anything like that happening here before and I wasn’t about to let it happen last night. The club decided as a whole she shouldn’t be here. I can understand the lure with hearing everyone out back getting drunk and having a good time. However, any single man out there could have hurt her by thinking she was a Rebel or one of the other women brought in for entertainment purposes. After someone drugged her, it’s the last thing we wanted her to deal with. She’s just starting to get her backbone back after weeks of hiding away.

Honestly, last night was the first time she’s gone off on a single man in this club. There might have been a time or two she came unglued in defense of Bronwan or her sister, but never about herself. I’m glad to know she will go to bat and stand up for what she wants though. It made my cock hard to see her standing up to us and the stripper. The only thing I could focus on at the time was getting her away from here though. In doing so, I fucked up epically and am so damn pissed at myself because of what I said to her. What I did in front of her.

“You okay, Sabotage?” Cole asks, pulling me from my head as I enter the kitchen.

“Yeah. Need coffee. And food,” I grunt out, accepting the mug he’s holding out for me.

After adding my creamer and sugar to slightly sweeten it, I take a seat at the table as one of the new Rebels fills a plate with bacon, eggs, and toast for me. The toast is already buttered, and my eggs are over easy just the way I love them. I’m not sure who this new Rebel is, but she got my food just right. Someone must have spilled my secrets to her already. Though, I’m not sure who it would be. Digging into my food, I don’t pay attention to the commotion in the common room. At least until the hurricane that’s known as Hartley rushes up to my table.

“Have you seen Jae? She’s not in the row house and all the lights were left on in the place. Some of her clothes are missing and what’s not missing are tossed all over her floor. Her laptop, phone, and purse are missing too. Lash is looking in the other apartments and anywhere else he can think of,” Hartley rushes out, panic and fear more than evident as tears fill her eyes.

“I haven’t seen her since last night. She showed up here durin’ the party and Zeus and I weren’t exactly nice about seein’ her here. We were in the middle of tryin’ to get a stripper off of us,” I tell her honestly. “She said some stuff, but I don’t exactly remember it word for word. We can get Zeus up to show us the footage from last night. Come on.”

Leaving my half-full plate of breakfast and coffee behind, I quickly head toward Zeus’ room. He’s going to be pissed just like I am. Pounding on the door, I don’t wait to try the handle and see if it will open for me. When it does, I rush inside to find my best friend already at his computers. He doesn’t look like he’s slept at all since storming in here last night.

“What the fuck?” he growls out, not caring that Hartley’s with me.

“Need you to pull the footage of us and Jae in the common room last night. She’s not in her apartment and it looks as if she left in a rush,” I inform him as he sits up ramrod straight in his chair.

“She wouldn’t leave. I know we were harsh as fuck with her, but she wouldn’t just go off alone after what happened to her at school. Hartley, are you sure she didn’t just go hang out with a friend for a few days?” he questions her, as I step closer to him.

“No, Zeus. She would’ve told me she was leaving. My sister took off and I want to fucking know why!” she demands, giving him the ‘mom’ look that terrifies me to no end.

Without another word, Zeus switches screens and begins to rewind the footage in the common room until he spots Jae walking in. Pressing more buttons, his room fills with the music blaring last night as she pauses slightly at the entrance of the common room taking in the mess from dinner and the beginning of the party until it moved outside. She makes her way behind the bar after staring at the food on the bar with longing in her eyes.

“Didn’t she eat last night?” I ask, needing to know she wasn’t alone with no food while we were stuffing ourselves with the amazing food I’m looking at again.

“Lash and I took her food from our house. Some leftover and things we had the night before,” Hartley answers as she too zeros in on her sister looking at the food. “I fucked up, didn’t I?”

“Yeah. She should have been at the beginnin’ of the party,” I mutter, getting angrier with myself.

“Be quiet. This is where we notice her,” Zeus growls out, turning the volume up as our harsh words fill the room.

The three of us watch in silence at the exchange we were too drunk to truly pay attention to. Jae is talking about I knew we were harsh with her, but I didn’t think we had taken it that fucking far. Now, I’m not pissed or angry at myself; I’m fucking disgusted with the way we treated her. There is no way in hell Jae will ever give us a chance to make this shit up to her.

“What the hell is she talking about? No one has been there to see her? I’ve tried multiple times and she doesn’t open the door. Neither one of you have gone to check on her?” Hartley questions aloud as she watches her sister walk out.

“I don’t know. What I do know is we fucked up and there’s nothin’ we can do about it until we figure out where she is now. Can we please switch camera angles or somethin’ to see if we can figure out where the fuck she went?” I question, my voice raising a few octaves. “Have you tried callin’ her?”

“Of course I have. Her phone is going straight to voicemail. She either shut it off or has me blocked. It could honestly be either option at this point. I have no idea where her head is right now. Jaelyn’s been off since the attack on her and won’t let me in the way she used to. I don’t know why. Lash and I told her she could stay with us, but she turned it down. Now, this happens, and no one knows where the fuck she is. What have I done that’s so wrong to make her push me away?” Hartley says, breaking down as Lash enters the room to find his wife in tears.

“You didn’t do anythin’ wrong, baby. Livin’ your life and bein’ happy isn’t a crime. What I know is Jae is a little messed up right now and we need to get her back here. Have you found anythin’?” my brother asks, turning his attention to the monitors in front of us while holding his wife.

“Here!” Zeus perks up, pointing Jae getting in her car.

We all watch her load two duffle bags in the backseat of her car before turning to look at the clubhouse with mixed emotions once again. With tears rolling down her cheeks, she gets in the driver’s seat and leaves the clubhouse. Cole opens the gate for her after a few spoken words between the two. We watch as the taillights of Jae’s car disappear in the distance. No matter where she’s going, we’re not going to find out based on her leaving the clubhouse and heading toward town. She can be in town, heading straight out the other side of Braedon, or anywhere else and we have no clue where to start looking.

“Fuck!” I roar out, my pain needing an outlet and knowing I don’t have the time for anything.

“We’ll find her. I’ll get the guys not goin’ on the run in an hour to head out and start searchin’ Braedon and the surroundin’ towns. Zeus, work your magic on the computer and see if you can get access to cameras in town. I want her found immediately. It’s not safe out there for her when she’s upset. I don’t know what all the fuck happened, but it’s clear somethin’ did. Hart, I need you to head home and start makin’ calls to anyone who would have any idea about where she went. You’ve got all the numbers in her old phone. Zeus, need you to see if you can track her too,” Lash orders before taking my sister-in-law from the room and trying to calm her down.

The only good thing I can say about right now is Hartley didn’t chew us a new ass for being complete assholes to her sister. I’m sure our time will come, but she’s too worried about where her sister is. I’m worried as fuck, and I have to finish getting ready to head out for Sal. There’s no getting out of this run since it’s been planned for almost two weeks now. Talon and the rest of us have had several meetings about things and we all know how we work together. To switch out for someone new at the last second would fuck everything up. It’s not something I’ll do when there are plenty of people here to find Jae.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance