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Anyway, today Sabotage and I are making the day all about our girl. She’s currently out with her sister at a spa getting their nails done and whatever other bullshit they do there. Something about a massage was mentioned and maybe waxing. I’m not exactly sure. They’ve got a few Prospects on them since Sal is still dealing with the situation brought to his door. Yes, we’re the ones who brought it, but we weren’t about to step on the Rossi family’s toes and have them pissed at us. We’ve got a good working relationship with Sal and some of the guys we plan on continuing for as long as we can. The one way to ruin that is to handle things involving someone they have in their ranks. Sal’s pissed as hell and it’s only fair he gets to take out his rage on the fucker responsible for making a mockery of the Rossi name. He might not be the head of the family, but he damn sure takes care of business like he is. Sal’s a good man and I know he’ll always have our back because we work good together.

“You almost ready?” Sabotage asks me as he walks in the living room of our shared home.

“Yeah. Just puttin’ the finishin’ touches on things now. Is Jae Bird on her way back?” I return, putting the last of the items we need for today in the basket in front of me.

“Yep. Austin just let me know they’ll be here in five. I got the blanket and pillows in the side by side already.”

“Good. Pretty sure we got all of her favorite food. You got your phone and speaker for music if she wants it?”

“Yeah. Also got a few towels out there if she wants to go in the water. Not missin’ a chance to see a naked Jaelyn. Ever,” he tells me, a smirk on his face at the thought of our girl naked with water flowing over her body.

“You got the other thing with you?” I question my best friend as he pats pockets of his cut to let me know he’s got it under control.

Grabbing the basket filled with food, bottles of water and juice, and some snacks for later on, Sabotage and I make our way out of the house to wait for our ol’ lady to get back. Hartley is over the moon excited to be an aunt. She wants to love and spoil kids who aren’t hers the same way Jaelyn has been spoiling Nash since he was born. This is going to be a rivalry for sure as the kids get older, I can see it now. They’ll push boundaries to see who will give them the most sugar, get away with more, and whatever else they can get out of their aunts or moms. Hartley and Jaelyn will make sure to outdo one another at all costs. I’ve already seen bits and pieces of it with Jae and some of the toys and things she’s gotten Nash so far. I see loud toys and shit in our future as well. We’re gonna need all the help we can get.

Sitting on the porch, Sabotage and I wait for the SUV to pull up with our woman in it. I know they’re back in the compound because Cole let me know they just pulled in. Yeah, we’re wound a little tight when she leaves our sight. I don’t see it letting up anytime soon. Thankfully Jaelyn kind of rolls with the punches and stops us when we’re being too over the top according to her. All she does is give us a slow, deep kiss and it shuts us up. We give in to her way too much some days.

“There she is,” Sabotage says as the SUV makes it’s way to our house.

Standing from the porch, we make our way to the side by side and wait for her to get out. A smile greets us when the door opens. Jaelyn looks fucking radiant in her cut off shorts and flowing tank top. A pair of simple flip flops cover her feet showing off her bright red nail polish. This girl and her red toes.

“What’s going on guys?” she asks as she pulls her bag and a few extra from the SUV.

“We’re goin’ out for a bit. Not leavin’ the compound, but gettin’ away for a little while. Sound good?” I ask her as Sabotage takes her bags and runs them inside before we leave.

“Absolutely. Are we having a picnic?”

“We are. Buckle up so we’re ready when Sab gets back out here,” I admonish her after helping her in the seat.

Sabotage rushes back outside after locking the house up. Climbing in the side by side next to Jaelyn, it’s a tight fit as I slide in behind the wheel. Neither one of us bother with a seatbelt because there’s no damn room to put the thing on without pressing it into Jaelyn’s pale skin. Not gonna mark her up that way for any reason if we don’t have to. She’s the one carrying precious cargo anyway. Starting the engine, I pull away from the house and head for the woods where I’ll pick up the trail for the waterfalls. I’m surprised not many of the others come out here. It's fucking peaceful as hell and my new favorite spot. Jaelyn must not have told anyone about this spot. Well, other than the two of us.

Pulling up to the first, and largest, waterfall, we get out. Sabotage spreads out the blanket on the ground under a large tree before adding the pillows. I lead Jaelyn to the spot and help her down before heading back to grab the towels and basket of food. The smile on her face is all I need to see to know this is the right decision. After a morning filled with being pampered, now she gets to enjoy her favorite spot without any worries.

“So, what’s going on guys?” she asks, looking between Sab and me as we take our spots on either side of her. “Don’t get me wrong; I’m not complaining about being here for a single second. I know you’re both busy and have other things to do though. So, why are we spending the day here?”

“Because we want to be with you in a place you love. We know you come here more than we ever thought you did before. This is your spot,” Sabotage tells her, reaching out to take her hand in his. “We’re spoilin’ our girl after the last few weeks to show her it’s not always crazy. Though I think you already know that. For now, it’s about the three of us and this is what we wanna do.”

Jaelyn accepts his answer without further question. I open the basket knowing she’ll need to eat soon before she starts to get an upset stomach. She’s still got morning sickness, but as long as she eats on a regular basis, it’s not too bad. If she pushes her eating times back or doesn’t eat enough, she’s in the bathroom. Everything is trial and error at this point and we’re all kind of just winging it to ensure she doesn’t get sick as much as possible.

Pulling out the containers of pasta salad, burgers, fries, cheesecake, and the water, she hands things over to Sab before taking her own dish of food. Yes, I cheated and plated everything up before loading the basket. There are containers of extra food in case she needs it, which are now setting off to the side as she digs into her plate of food. I grilled the burgers while Hartley made us the salad and fries. Sabotage got the cheesecake from somewhere since it’s one of Jae’s favorite desserts. We don’t talk as we eat, letting the peace of the woods surround us and the sun beat down on us as it filters through the branches of the tree. The only sounds are of the water splashing from the waterfall and a few animals as they scurry through the brush and debris of the forest floor.

Once we’re done eating and have the food put away again, Jaelyn sits back against the pillows and closes her eyes.

“That was so good. I’m stuffed now,” she says, a serene smile covering her face.

“I’m glad you liked it Jae Bird,” I tell her, leaning down to press a kiss against her soft lips. “There actually is a reason we brought you out here.”

“Yeah?” she asks, still not opening her eyes as Sabotage and I shift around on the blanket.

Getting down on our knees at her feet, Sabotage pulls out the ring and holds it in his hand. It’s actually got two silver bands intertwined with one another. A large diamond sits in the middle of the set with smaller diamonds surrounding it. The actual wedding band she’ll get on our wedding day is filled with sapphires and fits perfectly with the other two bands she’ll have wrapped around her finger.

“Open your eyes baby girl,” Sabotage says once we’re in position.

It takes a minute, but Jae finally opens her eyes and stares down at us. Her eyes gloss over as tears fill them. The smile doesn’t disappear, but lessens as she waits for us to speak.

“Baby girl, you have rocked our world on it’s axis. Since the first second I laid my eyes on you as your world was crumbling around you, I knew my life would never be the same. It’s not either. You make me want to get up each and every day to make myself better than I was yesterday. I love you and will do anythin’ I can to ensure you’re happy, protected, and loved every day for the rest of our lives,” Sabotage tells her, holding his hand closed around the ring so she can’t see it just yet.

“Not only do you make us want to be better men, you brighten up our world, show us how to love and be loved, and make every day an adventure. Together we’ll make memories and ensure we will grow together until our children our takin’ care of us because we can’t do it on our own any longer. Jae Bird, we love you, you’re givin’ us the greatest gift anyone ever has, and we want to spend the rest of our lives together. Will you do Sabotage and I the honor of agreein’ to marry us? I know you can only marry one, but you’ll commit to the other one. The decision is yours,” I ask her, finishing off where Sabotage left off.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance