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“I’ll let you know. If you call me when you get closer to town, I’ll have a better idea. Right now I’m full of the amazing breakfast you made me. Thank you, Adam. I love you too. More than I ever thought possible before meeting you and Zeus,” she tells me, her voice bordering on sleep as her eyes flutter.

“Sleep, baby girl. My mom and Hartley will be here no matter what,” I say just before pressing a kiss against her full, soft lips.

The ride to meet up with Sal has shown me two things. First, I’ve missed the wind whipping around me as I tear down the open road. Secondly, I’m stiff as fuck from the bullet and surgery I had a month ago. Being the first time on my bike since everything is making my shoulder throb in ways I wasn’t expecting. I’m sure it’s from the vibration of my bike, but it’s still a shock in some ways. As soon as we pull up to the restaurant where meeting Sal at, I shake out my arm as my brothers and Zeus look on at me with concern.

“I’m good. Just a little stiff,” I assure them as I get off my bike and we begin to make our way to the door.

Pulling it open, I easily spot Sal and Tomasso sitting at a table in the back. It’s a large table; big enough to fit us all with a few chairs left over. We all take our seats. Boxer and I on each side of Lash with Zeus on my other side. Zeus sets a folder down on the table in front of him and waits for my brother and Sal to start the meeting we’re about to have.

“Sabotage, I heard about what happened at Jaded Outlaw and with your ol’ lady. I’m glad to see everythin’ has been resolved,” Sal says, looking between Zeus and myself.

“It’s almost been resolved,” Lash says as I nod in acceptance of Sal’s words. “We’ve gotten some information from Bastard. As you know, he was the President of the Risin’ Rebels MC. Zeus made sure he’s no longer breathin’. One of the last things he told us is you have a man in your family who has a side hustle. One he doesn’t want you to know about for a very specific reason.”

“And what reason is that?” Sal asks, leaning back in his chair looking as relaxed as a man can get.

“You wouldn’t approve of the way he’s makin’ money. Zeus show him what you’ve found since we brought my sister-in-law and your ol’ lady home,” Lash states simply as Zeus slides the folder across the table.

We all watch on as Sal flips it open. His face never once changes as he looks through the pictures, banking information, and everything else Zeus managed to dig up so far on him. There’s more than enough evidence to tarnish the man, but it’s not enough. We know there are missing girls, and he has the information on where they’re currently being held. That’s the one thing my best friend hasn’t been able to figure out yet. Given more time, he would have found every piece of dirt on the fucker. Now, we’ll let Sal decide how the rest of this plays out.

“You’ve dug all this shit up on Lucious?” Sal questions Zeus once he slides the folder over to Tomasso.

“Yes, sir. I would have found more, but we wanted to bring this to your attention as soon as we had enough evidence to show you. Right now, we’ve discovered he’s got girls bein’ held somewhere. I’m not sure where he’s keepin’ them though. The reason we know this is because I’ve been searchin’ through the dark web and there’s gonna be an auction in the next few days. He’s gonna sell the girls off to the highest bidder and take all the money they pay him. Those funds, as you can see on his bankin’ records, will be deposited in an off shore account. As soon as I know exactly when the auction is happenin’, I can give you a call. I’m sorry I didn’t have more for you,” Zeus answers him, showing Sal as much respect as he deserves and more.

“Zeus, you’ve gone above and beyond. You don’t need to continue diggin’ into this situation for me. We have our own ways of figurin’ out what you haven’t already given us. This fucker works under Tomasso, and we’ve been wonderin’ where he’s gotten so much money lately. He’s been throwin’ parties, goin’ all out for the other soldiers. It wasn’t a priority with the shit we got goin’ on. Until now. I assure you; this problem will be resolved in the next few days. I’ll make sure all the girls are returned to their homes or taken in by good families if they were sold off by their parents. Tomasso and I will personally oversee everyone bein’ taken care of,” Sal tells us as Tomasso slams the folder closed in anger. “How is Jaelyn doing?”

“She’s okay considerin’ everythin’. Right now she’s still on bed rest. She can make one trip to the couch and one trip back to the bedroom. Other than goin’ to the bathroom that is. We’re hopin’ the babies are okay and nothin’ happens as a result of the damage her body suffered,” I answer him.

“Congratulations to you both. You’re gonna love being a Daddy,” Sal says, a smile on his face as he thinks of his own children. “If you need anythin’, let me know. I’m sorry we couldn’t do more to help you find Jaelyn sooner than you did.”

“Your help is always appreciated, Sal. You did what you could and that’s more than some people I reached out to did,” Lash tells him before launching into the betrayal we discovered.

“It’s so fucking hard to find loyal men these days. Are the rest of the guys gonna be a problem for you?” Sal questions, the blood lust filling his eyes.

“They’re good. Most of them didn’t know what the fuck he was doin’. Those who did have since been taken care of. We let them sort out the mess. They also know they’re on a trial basis with the club until they can prove their loyalty to us once again. The same goes for the club down by Judge. He just went home and stopped by there on his way through. No one is fuckin’ happy, but that’s how things go,” Lash says, placing his hands on the table in front of him. “I just want a month of peace. That’s what I’m countin’ on now.”

We all laugh because in our life, peace is fucking rare to come by. There’s always something going on, an enemy hiding around the corner, and someone else wanting to take what you have. Honestly, I just want my ol’ lady happy and healthy. I want our children safe and growing in her stomach for as long as possible. I’ll figure out everything else as we go. We all will together.

“If you figure out how to make it happen, let me know,” Sal says before laughing once again. “I haven’t figured out the secret of anything peaceful yet.”

“Neither have I. We need to head back. My brother is gonna lose his shit if he’s away from Jae for much longer.”

“He’s not wrong,” I admit and not caring what anyone thinks.

“Gotta take food home to her too, so that’s another reason to head out,” Zeus adds in with a smile on his face. “If you need me to find anythin’ else for you, give me a call.”

“Will do friend. Thank you for what you have brought us,” Sal says as him and Tomasso stand from their chairs and extend their hands to us.

After exchanging our goodbyes, we head out to our bikes. I make sure my phone is connected to the Bluetooth in my helmet so I can call Jae when we get closer to home. I’m not about to just make a decision about her food. With her morning sickness, we go based off what she wants to eat so she gets more than enough food in her belly for our children and her. She’s been taking her medicine as directed and cut off the pain medicine all together. Jae cut that off in the hospital a few days after she woke up so she didn’t hurt the baby. Now, I just want to get back to my ol’ lady and spend the rest of the day curled up with her.

“Let’s ride,” Lash calls out once we’ve all started our bikes.

The ride home seems to drag on forever since we’re making our way toward our girl. Jaelyn is home for Zeus and me now. It won’t change anytime soon and I’m not mad about it. This girl is our safe place and we’re hers. Today is a movie day with as much food as our woman wants. Though, there is one stop I want to make. Looking at Zeus, I give him a nod. Today is the day we start planning the rest of our lives with Jaelyn. The guys can follow alone, or they can continue on home without us. This stop is important.

TODAY IS A huge day for the three of us. Sabotage and I have been talking nonstop since bringing Jaelyn home. Her being taken has reinforced to us not only how short life can be, but that we want her with us. We want her tied to us in every way possible. There is nothing I won’t do for this woman and the children she’s going to bless our family with. Do I still have reservations about being with her for the rest of my life? Abso-fucking-lutely. Not because I’m scared to love her or don’t want to be with her. It’s because she is my entire world and there are so many stupid fucks in the world who will do everything in their power to bring us as a club down. We would never go after a woman or child when it comes to taking down an enemy. Not everyone else can say the same thing. They have no limits when it comes to getting what they want. If someone were to use our ol’ lady against us because they’re that demented, I have no problem taking them out. I just don’t want her to suffer because she chose to be with us and love us.

Sabotage understands where I’m coming from. He feels the same way for the most part. Especially knowing she’s pregnant now. My best friend is scared to death our sons or daughters and woman will be taken because of us. However, this is the life we chose to live. It’s the only way we know how to live our lives. So, we made a vow between the two of us to do whatever is necessary to protect our little family and won’t hesitate to take a bullet if it means they get to live. Jaelyn would never ask us to do that for her; she still doesn’t understand the love we feel for her or how seriously we take our roles as her men. It’s our responsibility to make sure she’s safe, loved, and can do all of those impulsive actions with as little consequence as possible. It’s going to be a full-time job.

Yesterday we came home from the clubhouse to find her covered in grease, her hair a rat’s nest, and so many tears in the sleeves of her shirt. What was she trying to do, you ask? Jae decided to clean the oven and stove. I’m talking about taking the entire thing apart and getting in every single nook and cranny of the damn thing. Apparently she tried to bake something, and it overflowed covering the entire oven. This led to cleaning the whole appliance since it needed it. Then, she didn’t want to take a shower. Jae told us about this waterfall she found one time when she was traipsing through the woods and that’s where she wanted to clean up. So, she waited for us to get busy trying to reassemble the stove before she took off for the waterfall. Honestly, I’m pretty sure she took a shower before going there. Sabotage and I showed up just before she jumped in the water and she was a lot cleaner than when we took over in the kitchen. It’s going to be hard as fuck to keep her still once she gets farther along in the pregnancy and can’t move around as fast or steady. Especially with three Sabotage sized babies in her stomach. Like I said, a full-time job keeping an eye on our ol’ lady. I wouldn’t have it any other way though and I know Sabotage feels the same way.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance