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“Nash is here. Mom brought him with her this mornin’. They came in to see you as soon as she got up. I’m sure Bastard tried playin’ all sorts of mind games on you. We’ll talk about your time spent with them, but not now. Today is a happy day. One we’ve all been waitin’ three weeks to have happen. Concentrate on your family surroundin’ you and all of us lovin’ on you because we missed you so fuckin’ much,” he tells me, his voice breaking several times as he speaks. “I was goin’ crazy, baby girl. Not knowin’ what they were doin’ to you or where you were. I was ready to tear this place apart and sign myself out to get to you. Then I got that stupid infection and it knocked me on my ass. I’m not happy with the club. Especially Talon for what transpired. Again, we’ll talk about everythin’ once you can actually talk without doin’ more damage. I love you, baby girl. Not gonna take another second with you for granted. You’ll tell me when you’re ready.”

Now, I can’t stop the tears from falling as Zeus makes his way back in the room with a tray of his own. He looks between the two of us. Sabotage must convey what happened between us just before he entered the room because he smiles and takes his seat next to me again.

“Everyone will be up here in a few minutes. They’re gettin’ rid of their trays now. Hartley is gonna change Nash really quick before comin’ in. Guessin’ you just told her?” Zeus says while turning his attention to his best friend.

“I did. Doesn’t mean you have to if you’re not ready.”

“Fuck that! Jae Bird, I never thought I’d let someone else in again after losin’ my sister. Sabotage bulldozed his way through the walls I built up which is really no surprise because that’s just who he is. Then, you come strollin’ in the clubhouse without an ounce of fear in your eyes despite bein’ surrounded by bikers you know nothin’ about. Every single day you show us how strong you truly are. Every minute I’m with you, you break down more and more of the walls I built back up. I love you, Jaelyn. I’ll spend every day the rest of our lives showin’ you just how much. Losin’ you for the time you were gone has done nothin’ but prove to me, to us really, how much you mean to me. Like Sab, I’m not gonna waste another fuckin’ second of our time holdin’ back. We’ll get through whatever happens together and come out the other side stronger than we are now,” he says, making me cry harder.

These two men hold my heart in the palm of their hands. No one else could ever handle all the shit I bring to the table and keep me in line when I want to run off and do the craziest things without a second thought about what might happen. They’ve been there for me when I’ve gotten in trouble and spent countless hours searching for me when I was kidnapped by my mother. I have no doubt in my mind Bastard is no longer walking this Earth and I won’t have to worry about him ever again. With them by my side, I’m stronger than I would have been had I not met them. This is right where I want to be; between them as we build a life together and create a million memories every single day we have left alive.

Before I can write anything down, the door of my room opens up to reveal my sister, nephew, Lash, Iris, Trina, Mammoth, and more guys. My sister races to my bedside and gives me a gentle hug. Lash is holding his son, but that’s not gonna work for me. I want him in my arms right now.

Baby, please.I write down as everyone laughs.

Lash hands his son over to me and Nash curls up against my chest with his head resting on my shoulder. It’s not exactly comfortable with my cast, but I don’t care. Zeus stands from his chair and grabs a pillow off Sabotage’s bed to place under my arm to make me a little more comfortable. The rest of the day they talk, laugh, and we just spend time together. The guys come and go to let others in to see me. There’s only three missing from my room the entire day; Talon, Austin, and Cole. I have no doubt they all feel horrible about what happened, but I don’t blame them. No one could have guessed what was going to happen the day I was taken. Austin was following orders and Cole would have gotten there quicker if he had any idea of what was going to happen. He might be new, but I have a good feeling about him.

It’s not long before the pain level makes me need to have more medicine. Sabotage presses the button to call a nurse in and lets her know after I write it down. With Nash passed out on the bed next to me, I let the nurse administer the medicine as it makes me drowsy. I don’t fight the sleep pulling me under since my body still needs rest. My family isn’t going anywhere. I’ll see them when I wake up again and we’ll start to heal and move on from the last three weeks. That’s all we can do now.

JAELYN AND I are finally out of the hospital. After a little over a week more spent there, I’m glad to be home. We moved back to the compound, but in the house that was built for Zeus and me. For the last two weeks we’ve been staying in a bedroom on the first floor before we eventually move upstairs to the master bedroom. Jae is allowed to sit on the couch for a few hours during the day before moving back to bed. That’s all the moving she’s allowed to do. I know she’s going crazy, because I’m going crazy. I just got cleared to ride again and I want to be out on my bike. With the way I’m feeling toward the club still, I’ve left my bike parked in the garage attached to our home and not been anywhere near the clubhouse.

I stay home with Jaelyn all day long. Zeus has gone to work, has been looking up the information needed to take to Sal and the Rossi family, and gone to church since we returned home. It’s the last place I want to be though. Plus, it’s not like I have the Jaded Outlaw to go to. The club’s business is a total loss. Now we’re just waiting on the insurance to wrap the case up before we start rebuilding a new club. Lash stopped by long enough to tell me that and let me know I was going to be in charge of every aspect of the new strip club. I appreciate it, but I’m not ready to become completely immersed in club life again. It’s a tough decision for me to make when we still don’t know what’s going to happen to our child. Not to mention I have to talk this shit out with Talon so we can clear the air once and for all. Until that happens, I know I won’t step foot in the clubhouse.

We did get to see the baby two days ago when Jaelyn had a doctor’s appointment. Well, I guess I should say babies. Yes, that’s plural. When I got her pregnant, my swimmers must have been on their game because our ol’ lady is having fucking triplets. Three damn babies at one time. They’re all still holding on and she’s now almost six weeks pregnant. It’s honestly crazy how much time has passed from the day she was taken until now. Her doctor is hopeful we won’t lose any of the babies since it hasn’t happened yet. I’ll tell you her morning sickness has kicked in with a vengeance and her appetite is through the roof. I can’t wait to see her start to gain weight and grow round with our children. Zeus feels the same way as I do. These babies belong to us. Not just me and Jae, but the three of us.

Our girl can finally eat solid food again. She has to be careful of what she eats because there still is some tenderness and swelling. Jae has been eating a lot of mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches without the crust, and pancakes and eggs. She’s waiting for the day when she can eat a huge, juicy cheeseburger and French fries with gravy. I’ll take her out to the diner to have whatever the hell she wants because I know it will make her happy and smile as large as she’s been since coming home.

Zeus and I have been worried about her having nightmares or other things happen because of what was done to her. At this point, Jaelyn seems fine. After being given the go ahead to talk more, she filled us in on every detail of what those fuckers did to her. I think things would be different if she didn’t talk to us about it, but she did. Hopefully this means she’s not holding onto the monster who took and hurt her. We also let her know Bastard, every member of his pathetic excuse of a club, and her mother were no longer a threat to her or Hartley. I’m sure that goes a long way in easing her mind and heart about no one hurting her ever again. At least I hope it does. Though, if she does ever have a nightmare or gets lost in her memories of what happened, Zeus and I will be right there by her side to pull her back and help her through in any way she needs.

“Adam,” Jaelyn’s soft voice calls out from the bedroom as I finish making her breakfast. “I’m coming out to the couch to eat this morning.”

“Okay baby girl. If you give me just a minute, I’ll walk with you,” I respond as I plate her last pancake and place it on a tray with her orange juice, bottle of water, and a fresh flower I picked from the flower bed in front of the house curtesy of my mom.

As I’m heading for the living room to set the tray on the table in front of the couch, there’s a loud knock on the door. I groan knowing Jae won’t wait for me to answer the door before she makes her way out here on her own. We’ve been trying to give her space, but not when she’s walking. Zeus and I are scared every day something is going to happen to the baby so we’re up her ass at times. Yes, she’s called us out for it too.

“Hold the fuck on,” I call out toward the door as I head for my ol’ lady.

Once I’ve got Jaelyn settled on the couch with her breakfast, I make my way to the door to find Lash standing there with a smirk on his face. I stand back to let him enter the house as he heads straight for the kitchen to pour himself a cup of coffee.

“Don’t you have coffee at your house?” I question him, picking up my own and taking a big sip of the brew.

“Yes and no. I’ve got coffee and everythin’ to make it, but I can’t. The smell bothers Hartley with this pregnancy. So, I’m not allowed to drink coffee in the house. Your house is right here so I’m here to visit and get my fuckin’ caffeine. At least until it starts botherin’ your ol’ lady,” my brother informs me as I cringe at the thought of having to drink coffee at the clubhouse instead of my own home. “You have to come back some time, Sab. We’re tryin’ to give you time so you can be here with Jae and wrap your head around everythin’. You haven’t been to church or there for any reason in the two weeks you’ve been home. Guys are startin’ to question it. I’m not gonna say a word though because it’s up to you about what you want to say.”

“I know. It’s just hard to put everythin’ in perspective still. I need to talk to Talon and work this shit out between us and beat his ass still too. I’ve been cleared to ride again though. So, maybe one day this week I’ll swing by and see how I feel. You, Boxer, Judge, and obviously Zeus are the only ones who know how I feel as far as I know. Well, I’m sure Talon has an idea too. Right now, I just can’t. Give me a few more days and we’ll see,” I tell him honestly as I head for the couch Jaelyn is sitting on eating away while cartoons play on the TV.

This is what we do in the morning, and I can’t say I hate it. She watches the older cartoons I don’t mind having on as we eat, talk, and just spend time together. I want nothing more than to pull her under my body daily and fuck her until she can’t walk straight, but she’s not cleared for it just yet. The doctor still does have some concerns about the babies, so we’ll wait. I’m not about to do a damn thing to risk Jaelyn or our children. I’d never forgive myself for bringing harm to them because I want her more than my next breath. Zeus feels the same way as I do. Yes, we’ve talked about it thoroughly when she’s been sleeping.

“I know you don’t want to go to the clubhouse just yet, but a few of us are ridin’ out soon to meet up with Sal. Zeus has enough information to give him and it’s time we take care of the last piece of this shitstorm,” Lash informs me, not holding back since Jaelyn knows what he’s talking about. “You wanna come with us? Hartley can come spend time with her sister and we’ll be back in a few hours. It could be good for you to get out on your bike and feel the air around you.”

I look to Jae, and she nods her head at me. “Your mom is coming over too. We’re planning on having lunch together. It would be nice to see Nash and Hartley at the same time. I promise I won’t do anything I’m not supposed to. I’ll stay on the couch and let them do everything.”

“Okay. I love you, Jae. I’ll be back soon. Let me take a shower really quick and I’ll be ready to go. Make sure she doesn’t take care of her dishes. I will when I’m done in the shower,” I order my brother knowing he won’t let her do anything.

Disappearing in the room we’re using, I take the quickest shower I’ve had in a long time. The thought of riding my bike is appealing though I hate leaving my ol’ lady for any reason. It would be different if she wasn’t on bed rest. Dressing in a pair of jeans and tee-shirt, I slide my cut on over my shoulders for the first time since I was shot at Jaded Outlaw. Amazingly enough there is no hole from the bullet in the leather. It’s been cleaned free of my blood already and I’ve missed it’s weight on my back. I’m still not sure about the club, but this is what feels right. After filling my pockets with everything I’ll need, I leave the bedroom to find Jaelyn laying down on the couch covered up by the blanket she put there. My brother is nowhere to be found.

“He went to get Hartley and Nash so you guys can leave,” Jae informs me without taking her attention from the TV.

“I love you baby girl. Call me if you need anythin’. I’m sure Zeus will be with us. Don’t do anythin’ you’re not supposed to. I’ll bring dinner home. Anythin’ in particular you want?” I ask her, leaning down closer to her face.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance