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“We went into business together. You will never fuckin’ get in the skin trade and they are. We need the fuckin’ money to keep the club goin’ and I’ve thought of every other way to make the fuckin’ money we need. I don’t want a war with you guys. We are allies and there’s a loyalty between us,” Kutter says, knowing our alliance is over with and has been since the second he lied to us.

“No! There is no loyalty or alliance between our clubs any longer. All you fuckin’ had to do was call me and we would have fuckin’ helped you out. Instead, you get into bed with a fuckin’ pathetic bitch who uses drugs, rapes and tortures women, and has no fuckin’ morals. You lied to us for two weeks and were seen on camera laughin’ and jokin’ with the stupid fuck. You did all this shit to get into the skin trade thinkin’ he would keep us from findin’ out what you were really doin’. One way or another we would have found out about it and taken you out. Now, we’re just gonna take you out,” Lash informs him, his voice cold and deadly as he raises his gun and aims it at Kutter.

“You can’t!” Kutter yells out, his voice frantic. “My men will come for you if you kill me. Do you really want another war?”

“See, that’s the thing. Your men never wanted in the skin trade. Well, most of them. Now, there’s a new President and he’s more than willin’ to keep our alliance. Even the club by Judge doesn’t want you associated with them. Told them I’d take out their trash free of charge. Well, we’re each gettin’ more than one marker for takin’ your ass out and lettin’ them continue on livin’ their life and runnin’ the club the way it’s supposed to. You’re the reason this chapter of the club is doin’ so fuckin’ horrible. Gamblin’ and buyin’ hookers takes a lot of money you didn’t personally have to use,” Lash gives him information he must have learned from someone close to Kutter because I sure as hell didn’t know anything about this.

Without another word, Lash pulls the trigger and Kutter takes the bullet right between his eyes. Honestly, it’s too good of a death for him, but I want to focus on Bastard and make sure he feels every ounce of pain my girl has felt at his hands.

“The big, bad bikers thinkin’ they’re the shit for shootin’ a man and killin’ him,” Bastard taunts.

“That’s his fate for betrayin’ us. You won’t be gettin’ off so easy. Not only have you tried to take out one of our own, but you kidnapped an ol’ lady and beat her. My brother by blood may not be able to touch you because of his injury, but his best friend sure as fuck can. You’re gonna now suffer at his hands. He’ll show you how big and fuckin’ bad we really are,” Lash states as he leans back against the wall, pulls out a smoke and lights it before I take a step forward.

The first thing I do is snap Bastard’s wrist. My girl has a broken one, well now so does he. Bastard’s pussy ass screams worse than Marnie was before he put a bullet in her brain. From there, I take a pair of brass knuckles someone is holding out and slide them on before going to town on the fucker. He grunts, moans, and whimpers with every single hit I land. I’m not gonna kick him like he did my girl. Instead, I’ll inflict pain this way. When I’m done using the knuckles to bruise his fucking body, I toss them on the tray and grab up a random knife already laid out for me. It’s dull and rusty letting me know I’ll have to use force to do the same amount of damage to his body as what’s been done to Jaelyn. That doesn’t break my heart at all.

Ripping the shirt from his body after slicing his cut across the shoulders, Bastard starts trying to kick out at me.

“You can’t disrespect my club colors like that,” he shouts as the leather falls to the floor at his feet.

“I’m doin’ the leather a great deal of service by ensurin’ it never touches your fuckin’ body again. You wanna talk about disrespectin’ colors? When’s the last time you took care of yours? There’s so much fuckin’ grime coverin’ the thing I don’t even want to hazard a guess as to what it all is. Not to mention, I don’t recognize those colors as belongin’ to a damn club. Maybe a bunch of pathetic excuses for pussies, but not a club,” I tell him, spitting on the leather before grinding my boot down on it.

Going back to the task at hand, I look to Judge. With a nod of my head, he knows what I want without me saying a word. Pulling his gun from the back of his jeans, he fires a single shot into Bastards arm. The same place he shot my ol’ lady in his attempt to escape us. Again, he screams out some high-pitched screech hurting our ears as it echoes off the walls. I ignore it as I begin placing cuts all over his torso, arms, face, and sides. As soon as I’m done, I toss the knife on the plastic we keep covering the floor at all times so the Prospects can clean it up. Shank hands me the bottle of alcohol we keep down here. It’s time to end this. We need to get back to the hospital.

Dumping a generous amount all over Bastard’s body, I give it a few seconds to soak into his skin, hair, and the nasty jeans he’s wearing. When I believe he’s had more than enough time to soak it in, I grab a lighter and flick the flame. Bastard’s eyes widen in shock as he realizes what I’m about to do.

“No! I have information you want,” he pleads, finally breaking.

“What information?” I ask him, knowing we got Jaelyn back and there’s nothing more he can do to hurt us.

“There never was a man who bought the other fuckin’ daughter. I wanted you to believe there was so you’d hand her over and we could get her up on the site. Without any pictures it’s kind of hard to sell somethin’. Or someone in this case,” Bastard tells us, making sure we know no one will be coming after us for Lash’s wife. “I’m not the one who set this shit up. We’ve been workin’ with someone else with mafia connections. I’m supposed to recruit crews in to help with the transport and shit while also findin’ merchandise to auction off or for certain buyers who have preferences already in mind.”

“Who the fuck are you workin’ with?” I question him, my voice going low as I realize this is bigger than we thought.

“The asshole works with the Rossi family. I’m not sure what his role is, he wouldn’t ever tell me. All I know is he doesn’t want them to fuckin’ find out. His name is Lucious DeLonzo. He’s not very high up if I’m correct. But, I don’t know if the Rossi family will come after you for takin’ me out,” Bastard says, as if we’ll let this get us to let him live.

“First of all, you said the rest of the Rossi family doesn’t know about his side hustle. So, I’m not worried about them comin’ after us for any reason. Not to mention, we’re friends with Sal. You know who Sal is, don’t you?” Lash asks him, pushing off the wall and crossing his arms over his chest.

“Fuck!” Bastard shouts as I once again bring the flame to life and set him on fire.

The acrid smell of his burning flesh and his screams fill the room we’re all standing in. I want him to suffer as long as possible. However, I need a shower before we can go back to the hospital. Not only do I need to get Sab back, but we need to be there for Jaelyn. I will not have here there alone even if the ol’ ladies and a few men are still there. Sabotage and I will be at her side when she wakes up. We need to be the first two people she sees.

“I’m gonna shower and then we’ll head back. I’ve got clothes down here. Give me ten and I’ll be with you, Sab,” I tell him as I make my way from the room.

I don’t grab my cut because there’s no reason I’ll let a drop of Bastard’s blood taint my leather. Or any part of my life moving forward. Jaelyn will never have to worry about this sick fuck coming after her again. She’ll never have to look over her shoulder for her mother coming at her again either. Our girl will never know another ounce of pain or hurt if either one of us have our way.

WAKING UP, I immediately know I’m not in the basement or wherever I was being held. I’m warm. Almost too warm. There’s also a mattress under me. It’s not comfortable, but it’s there, nonetheless. I’m also covered up with more than one blanket as my fingers twitch where they rest on my torso. Well, one of them does. Opening my eyes, I take in the white, sterile walls, the small TV mounted to the wall in front of me, and the blinding light over me. I’m in the hospital. It takes a second for my eyes to finish adjusting enough to take in the fine details of the room I’m in though. Like a warm spot on each side of my bed. Sabotage and Zeus. My eyes immediately land on them as they sit hunched over in uncomfortable chairs with their heads resting directly against my hips. I want nothing more than to run my fingers through their hair in order to wake them up. I can’t though. I’ve got an IV from one arm and a cast on the other. This is going to be interesting.

No one else is in the room with us as my eyes drift back toward Sabotage. He’s wearing a hospital gown with an IV pole positioned behind his chair. His face is turned toward me letting me see the worry he feels even in sleep. There’s the smallest hint of a bandage peeking out from the gown covering him. Well, part of him. Sabotage’s strong back is on display showing me the tan skin and hard muscles underneath. I’ve never been one to like a strong back, but I do on Sabotage. The way his muscles move and bunch together as he moves in the slightest way do something to me and I find myself in a trance. Right now, they’re still but still amazing.

Turning my attention toward Zeus, I find his eyes open as he watches me. Neither one of us say a word as he lets his gaze travel over every inch of my body he can see. I let him have his fill before I return the favor. Zeus hasn’t shaved in days based on the length of hair covering his lower face. His brows are creased in a frown as his hair sticks up all over the place. Zeus’ eyes are half-lidded from sleep with red lines covering the side of his face he was laying on. I’ve never seen him look as good as he does in this moment.

“How are you feelin’?” he asks me, though I know it’s the last thing he wants to say to me.

“I’ve been better. I hurt. How long have I been in the hospital?” I return, lifting my hand with the cast covering it to rest on the bed instead of my stomach.

“It’s been six days since we brought you in. They took you into surgery to make sure there was no internal bleedin’ and you’ve been out ever since. I’ve been fuckin’ worried Jae Bird,” he answers me, the pain replacing the sleep in his eyes.

“I’m sorry, Zeus. How is he doing?” I return, motioning toward Sabotage.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance