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“I don’t give a fuck how bad he feels. He was in church with us when we went over puttin’ protection on the girls. Hartley is no doubt surrounded by several men at the compound. Does she even know her sister is missin’?” I bark out, my rage taking over as I feel fucking useless laid up in this hospital bed. “Our ol’ lady, new or not, was out there on her fuckin’ own and now she’s gone. Do you even fuckin’ know where she is? What’s bein’ done to fuckin’ find her? If I’ve been out of it for three days, that means our ol’ lady has been missin’ for that time. I don’t want you fuckin’ here. I want you out lookin’ for her and bringin’ her home where she fuckin’ belongs.”

“I’ve been combin’ through the footage of every single camera I can find. For the last three days I’ve been trackin’ the direction the bitch left when she left the diner. We can’t move in until we know their location, Sab. Trust me, I want Jae Bird home just as bad as you do. I haven’t slept for a second since everythin’ happened,” Zeus promises me, hating himself for not finding her yet.

“And you’re right, my wife is at the compound surrounded by several men. She’s the queen of the club and will always be protected. Jaelyn will always be protected as well. We dropped the fuckin’ ball, Adam. I’m sorry. There’s nothin’ more I can say. They want us to turn Hartley over to them. Apparently, they’ve already sold her off and the guy is waitin’ to get his hands on her. I’m worried as fuck about my wife and son. About my unborn child Hartley is carryin’ right now. I’ve been sittin’ here with your ass because I had to make sure you’re okay too. Do you know how fuckin’ torn I’ve been the last three days?” Lash grinds out, letting his anger at the entire situation fly out.

“My fuckin’ point is, if Hartley had been out, no way would a guy been called off her for any fuckin’ reason. There should be no difference in how ol’ ladies are treated, yet there clearly is. Jaelyn should have either been at the compound where the bitch couldn’t get to her. Or she should have been well protected. I don’t give a fuck what was goin’ on. Austin should not have left her for any reason,” I return, trying to stay calm despite me wanting to beat the fuck outta someone right now.

Mainly Talon.

“The ol’ ladies aren’t treated differently, Sabotage. You fuckin’ know it. This will never happen again. That’s a fuckin’ promise.”

“It doesn’t matter. It’s already happened and it’s our ol’ lady who’s payin’ the ultimate price. Do you honestly believe they’ve left her alone since you haven’t handed over Hartley? No. She’s more than likely bein’ fuckin’ tortured and I don’t even want to think of what else is bein’ done to her. If they sold Hartley, there’s nothin’ stoppin’ them from sellin’ of Jae either. Yet, here you all are, sittin’ on your asses. I want you all out of my room. Now!” I yell, wanting to throw shit and smash things until I can get this pain filling my chest out.

“Sab . . .,” Lash starts.

“Get. The. Fuck. Out!”

My brothers slowly leave the room as Zeus remains at my side. I’m at my breaking point. I can’t get the fuck outta this bed right this second so there’s nothing I can do to save my girl or be out there searching for her. Talon had no right to pull Austin from her and I’ll never fucking forgive him for the decision he made three days ago.

“Tell me what my injuries are,” I demand from my best friend.

“You were shot in your shoulder. You lost a lot of blood because it hit somethin’. I’m not sure what at this point. I’ve been focusin’ on lookin’ for our ol’ lady. The guys have been out searchin’, Sabotage. Yeah, they’re all here for you too, but they’ve been out every day on their bikes lookin’ for her,” he informs me anger and fear filling his face. “Anyway, they gave you blood, repaired the damage in your shoulder, and stitched you up. The doctor wants you in here for a few days to make sure you don’t get an infection or anythin’ else. Then you’ll still have to take it easy and there will be no ridin’ until your shoulder completely heals.”

“Yeah, I get it. Zeus, we need to find her. Our baby girl won’t last with those fuckin’ monsters. It’s already been three days too fuckin’ long. You know they’ve already hurt her. Especially since Hart never showed up. I love my sister-in-law, but no one’s fuckin’ thinkin’ about Jae in this situation. About how much danger she’s actually in. Has Lash, Talon, or Judge once thought about her already bein’ gone into the hands of the devil? I have no clue what’s bein’ done to her, and you know they are not gonna hold off on hurtin’ her for any reason. If anythin’ they’ll take their anger out on our ol’ lady’s body because she’s the one they already have,” I tell him, my voice cracking from being dry and the emotion flooding my body.

Before he can say anything in return, there’s a knock on my door and it’s pushed open to reveal Talon standing there. He looks like shit and won’t meet my eyes as he slowly makes his way in the room while shutting the door behind him.

“I don’t wanna fuckin’ see you right now, Talon,” I tell him, not giving a fuck what he’s thinking about doing.

“I know you don’t. You have to know I haven’t stopped thinkin’ about my choices since we found out Jaelyn was taken. I shouldn’t have pulled Austin off her until I knew Cole was at the diner with her. You have no clue how pissed at myself I am right now,” he begins before I cut him off.

“You think that’s doin’ a fuckin’ bit of good for Jaelyn. You wouldn’t have pulled a single fuckin’ man off Bronwan if the roles were reversed. You’d beat someone’s ass for even thinkin’ about doin’ it. You also knew we were claimin’ Jae as our ol’ lady. It was said out loud in the common room and we claimed her once we left the clubhouse to go stay with her. We were stayin’ in the fuckin’ apartment with her which should have told you how fuckin’ bad the situation was. Still, you pulled a man off our woman while your ol’ lady is safe at the compound. It never should’ve fuckin’ happened for any damn reason, Talon, and you fuckin’ know it,” I growl out, throwing it in his face our ol’ lady is the one missing and not his. Not my brothers.

“You’re right. Red is home right now with a few guys on her. I know neither one of you are gonna forgive me and it’s on me. I’ll do whatever I can to bring Jae home. You have to know that,” he says, his voice begging me to listen to him.

“I honestly don’t know a fuckin’ thing right now. I thought you guys would always have my back. Yet, I wake up from surgery after bein’ shot to find out our ol’ lady was taken from work. A place she should have been bein’ watched over at. What the fuck was so damn important, Talon? Why is my ol’ lady gone because you had to fuckin’ pull Austin away from her?” I growl out, leaning back against the uncomfortable as fuck pillows.

“I thought we had a lead on the fuckers after her. Was gonna send Austin out to do some recon,” he answers weakly from the end of the hospital bed.

“And no one else could fuckin’ do it? That’s why we have fuckin’ Prospects, Talon. Cole and the other new guy need to fuckin’ prove themselves. There’s no fuckin’ reason it should have been Austin who had to go. Now, you can get the fuck outta my room too. I don’t wanna see a single fuckin’ one of you.”

Turning my head away from Talon, I stare blankly at the white wall. My thoughts are filled with nothing, but the hell Jaelyn is no doubt living in right now. She’s paying a high fucking price when it all could have been avoided. Now, we have no clue where she is or if they plan on moving any time soon. Since we’ve never seen these guys in our area before, there’s no way they are based anywhere near Braedon. They could have already fucking left since Hartley wasn’t handed over to them.

I don’t pay attention to Talon leaving the room or anything else. I want my thoughts kept firmly where they belong, on Jaelyn. Zeus moves around the room, working on his computer after a few minutes. I don’t look at him, the TV that’s playing quietly in the background, or anything else. Jaelyn’s smiling face fills my vision as I try to remember her when she was happy and not suffering. Nothing will ever take away this pain and rage of the nightmares she’ll suffer through when we do finally get her back. Mark my words, wewillbe bringing our ol’ lady home one way or another. I don’t give a fuck if I have to leave here and get her myself.

FOR THE LAST week all I’ve been doing is working nonstop on trying to locate where the fuck Jaelyn is. I’ve followed all the cameras through town from the diner the morning Jae was taken, gone through countless hours of messages back and forth from Jaelyn’s phone to Lash’s demanding Hartley be handed over, and watched the few videos we’ve been sent of Jaelyn being held in some basement for any sign of where she is. There isn’t a fucking thing for me to find. I’ve even pulled in Judge’s tech guy to help me comb through everything. He’s as lost as I am.

I can’t even track my ol’ lady’s phone. Either it’s being shut off when Bastard doesn’t communicate with Lash, or they have a jammer of some sort not allowing me to get a signal. The place Talon believed they were hiding out is also a bust. If Bastard’s club was there, they have moved on. We don’t honestly know how many times they’ve moved since getting their hands on our girl, doing God knows what to her. I’m beyond frustrated and feeling more rage than I’ve ever felt in my entire life up to this point. Hell, I have to replace everything minus my computer equipment in my bedroom at the clubhouse and half the furniture in the common room. It’s all been destroyed at my hands the few minutes I’ve been at the clubhouse for a shower and something to eat that’s not out of a vending machine.

Sabotage is still in the hospital where I’m currently sitting. He ended up getting an infection in his bullet wound and has been pretty out of it for most of the week. They’ve been pumping him full of antibiotics through his IV and other shit in their attempt to get his fever to break and the infection to leave. It’s honestly taking longer than what anyone believed it would. I’m worried about my best friend and there’s nothing I can do to help him. I can’t look up information and administer medicine or go in to remove the infection. It’s all in the hands of the doctors and nurses diligently working on him.

“You’re still here?” Sabotage asks, his hoarse voice startling me from the footage I’m once again looking through.

“Yeah. Where the fuck else would I be?” I return, leaning back in my chair to stretch my body out from this uncomfortable as hell plastic I’ve been sitting in.

“Nothin’ yet on our ol’ lady?”

“No. I’ve got Judge’s guy helpin’ me out too. He’s workin’ from their clubhouse and forwardin’ anythin’ he happens to spot that I miss. The guys are still out searchin’ for any sign of them on a daily basis too. Your brothers actually just left and they’ll be back soon. Boxer is comin’ up in a little bit too. He’s been here every day since you got the infection,” I inform him, happy to see him somewhat alert for the first time in a week.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance