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Without another word, the man leaves the room. My mother starts crying her fake as fuck tears while staring at me.

“This is all your fault. If you had just kept your mouth shut and not filled him in on details I couldn’t have possibly known, none of this would have happened,” she screams at me, landing a few of her own hits to my body.

Finally, she leaves the room and I lay in a pool of blood and tears. There’s no stopping them from falling as pain consumes me. It’s the worst I’ve ever felt in my life with no relief in sight unless I black out again. I try to focus on things that make me happy like Sabotage, Zeus, and my sister living her best life to no avail. Their images won’t even fill my hazy mind. Letting my eyes slide closed, I pray for the black hole to take me so I can get a few minutes of relief. There’s no way I can move or try to get slightly comfortable with the pain I’m in right now.

PAIN CONSUMES ME as my eyes try to remain glued shut. My brain is in a fog as I try to think of why I’d hurt so bad from sitting in my office working on paperwork. I didn’t have to break the girls up at Jaded Outlaw and other than trying to put a stop to the petty bullshit happening between the girls, I didn’t stand for very long. I know I’m tired as fuck from the run and then spending time buried deep in Jaelyn’s pussy, but I shouldn’t feel as if I was hit by a Mack truck. As I try to open my eyes, there’s a sudden flash of memory. The Jaded Outlaw was blown up. There were multiple small explosions and fires set in the club. I had to get Angel out of a hole in the stage where she was rehearsing. Then, the men came in and shot me. I don’t remember anything after that. What the fuck happened to me?

I finally manage to open my eyes only to be blinded by the bright lights over my bed and the sun streaming in the window. My brother is sitting next to me, sleeping in an uncomfortable looking chair as I turn my head toward the window. My vision clears the longer I keep my eyes open, though the pounding in my head wants me to do nothing more than slam them shut once more. Lash looks like shit as he sleeps, the deep worry lines filling his face. Turning my head toward the other side of the room, I find Zeus sitting in a chair while using the table that goes over my bed. Yeah, I’m definitely in a hospital. Judge is sitting next to him with his head down on his arms.

Why the fuck is Judge here? Are Talon or Death hurt in some way I don’t know about?

“Zeus,” I say, my voice hoarse and barely above a whisper as I try to clear my dry throat.

“Sab, you’re up,” he says, pushing his side of the table away from him while jarring Judge in the process.

My oldest brother from another mother jerks up in his chair while looking around the room for a threat. When his eyes land on me, a smile breaks out on his face.

“It’s about time you decided to grace us with your fuckin’ presence,” Judge jokes, his way of coping with shit that gets to him. “I was about ready to change your road name toSleepin’ Beauty.”

“Very funny. Get me some fuckin’ water, asshat,” I groan out, my throat hurting from the words I’m barely saying.

Zeus holds a cup of water up and tilts the straw down so I can take some water. It cools my dry, sore throat. Though as soon as I stop drinking the water, my throat is as dry as a desert again.

“What the fuck happened to me?” I ask as Lash bolts up in his chair, his eyes immediately searching my body until he meets my eyes.

“You’re awake,” he mumbles, rubbing his hands down his face. “How are you feelin’?”

“Like I’ve been hit by a fuckin’ truck with the worst cotton mouth ever. Again, what the fuck happened?”

“What do you remember?” Judge asks, pulling his seat up closer to the bed.

“I remember sittin’ in the office finishin’ up my paperwork for Bronwan. Someone out back caught my attention, but I thought it was Sasha takin’ out the trash from stockin’ the bar. Next thing I know, the entire place was shakin’ with an explosion. It happened a few times. Small explosions not set to completely bring the place down but to inflict damage and start the fires. I ran out to make sure everyone got out through the kitchen door. Angel was stuck in the stage. One of the explosions caused the floor to collapse beneath her. I worked to get everyone out when some men came in. I can’t tell you how many there were by that point. I’d already been suckin’ in lungfuls of smoke.

“Anyway, one of the fuckers stood above me and told me they had my girl and soon the entire club would be gone too. Did anyone else get hurt? Are the girls okay? Where the fuck is my baby girl?” I shoot out rapid fire questions as I look between the three men surrounding me.

The beeping of some monitor starts sounding faster as I feel my body hurt even more when I try to push myself up from the bed. My door is pushed open as three women race to my bed side.

“Sir, you have to calm down. We need you to remain as calm as possible, so you don’t pull your stitches or aggravate your wound more,” one of them says, clearly the nurse in charge based on the authority in her voice.

“I’m not calmin’ down until I know what the fuck is goin’ on,” I yell at her, not giving a fuck what’s going on with me as long as I know the rest of the guys in the club are okay and my baby girl is still at work where she should be. “Get the fuck out!”

Yes, I know I’m being an asshole right now. I need answers and these guys are going to give them to me. They won’t do that with these three in the room. The two younger nurses rush from the room while the older one remains at the foot of my bed.

“I know you’re a biker and don’t want to be in here. For now, you are. You will remain calm, or I’ll be talking to the doctor about sedating you until you can remain calm. Is that understood?” she asks me as I nod my head reluctantly. “You need to heal. You’re going to be in pain, groggy from the surgery and medicine we’ve been giving you over the last three days, and rest will be your friend. I will make these men leave as well if I have to.”

“He’ll be good,” Lash assures the nurse as she finally leaves the room.

“Now, do one of you wanna tell me what the hell is goin’ on? And where the fuck is our ol’ lady? Jae would be here if somethin’ wasn’t goin’ on.”

“While Jaded Outlaw was bein’ attacked and you got shot, Jaelyn was taken from the diner. Talon needed to switch the Prospects out who was watchin’ over her. Austin had to leave before Cole got there and it gave just enough of a window for that bitch to show up and take her. Forced her the fuck outta there by threatenin’ George and Kari. I don’t think the bitch realized we had a cook in the kitchen already. He called the club and a few of us were headin’ there when Zeus found out what was goin’ on with you. We were split up for a bit,” Lash informs me as Zeus remains quiet in his seat.

“Knowin’ what was goin’ on, why the fuck would Talon call Austin back without leavin’ someone with Jaelyn. He sure as fuck wouldn’t have done that shit with his own ol’ lady, so why was it okay to do it with ours?” I question, pissed as fuck at a man I’ve known my entire life.

Talon’s decision to pull Austin from the diner without Cole being there already may have cost Jaelyn her fucking life. There is no doubt in my mind after what we’ve already been told about Bastard and her bitch of a mother she’s going to come out of this experience unscathed. Damage has already been done to her; I can almost guarantee it.

“I don’t know. He’s out in the waitin’ room and will be in soon to see you. He feels horrible, Sab,” Judge tells me as if that’s going to help matters.

I honestly don’t expect Judge to do anything but defend one of his blood brothers though. I’d defend Boxer and Lash with every breath I have in my body and not fucking question it. Judge is only doing what any of us would.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance