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Pushing those depressing thoughts from my head, I let images of Zeus and Sabotage fill my mind. Of what we could have together given the chance. They’re taking a risk by making me their ol’ lady if you ask me. Yes, I’ve been around the club for a while now, but the three of us really haven’t spent much time together without everyone else around to chaperone us. I could be the worst person for them. Or they could annoy the hell out of me by bringing bike parts in the house and leaving them all over the place. Maybe we’ll find I’m not compatible when it comes to sex. Though, I did enjoy every single thing they did to me the one time we were together. What if they don’t like what I do to them? Or if I’m not adventurous enough to try things they want to do to me? So many things could go wrong, and we just jumped in head first without thinking things through all the way. That’s my usual MO, but I don’t see it being Zeus and Sabotage’s way of life.

I picture the pain on Zeus’ face as he told me about his sister. About what happened to her and then her subsequent fall into the depths of despair. If I know anything about him, it’s that he would have given his last breath to his sister without a second of hesitation. Just so she could know that peace she had before she was viciously violated. So she could live her life and grow up to have a loving husband with children of her own. Zeus is the kind of man who would gladly give his life up for those he deems worthy. Not that I’d ever want him to put his life on the line for me; it’s just who he is and what he does.

Sabotage is the same kind of man. While he may not have gone through something as traumatic as losing his baby sister like his best friend, I know he’s been there from the second Zeus let him in. He’ll shoulder the weight of the world for those around him. The men in the club, the girls no matter what their role is, and anyone else associated with the Knight’s Rebellion. Including Talon’s oldest brother Judge’s club. The three brothers are close, and I know they try to see one another on a regular basis. It’s just not easy for them to always get away from one town or the other with club business and everything going on. That’s one of the burdens Sab carries on his shoulders. Though, he always has a smile on his face and does what he can to help everyone around him.

Hartley is the next person I try to focus on. She’s such an amazing, strong woman who would do absolutely anything for those around her. I can’t wait for her center to be open so she can help the kids in town and families in need of assistance for whatever challenges they’re facing. My big sister has been a true mom to me in every sense of the word. She gave up her life in order to ensure I could have fun and be a kid. Something she never once got to do. I’ll never be able to repay her for the life she’s given me. Now, to see her so completely in love and a mom to her own child? That’s something I treasure getting to witness every single day. Nash is the luckiest baby in the world and her new son or daughter will also be lucky as hell. They’ll never know a day where they don’t feel the love my sister feels for them as she teaches them the way a man and woman should treat those around them. Lash is lucky too. My brother-in-law hit the jackpot when he met my sister. It’s not hard to see the love he feels for her either. The way he looks at Hartley is what I read about in my books. He looks at her as if she’s his universe and he’d go insane without her being the center of his world.

More than anything, I want to be there to see this next child born into our family and watch them as they grow up to become men and women who enhance the world around them instead of tearing it down. The kind of men who will protect those they love with every last ounce of strength they have. Women who will show true compassion and love for every single person they cross paths with. That’s the kind of people my sister will raise with her husband and club at her back. She doesn’t know how to be any different. I love her so much and I hope she knows how grateful I am for the life she gave me.

Slowly, I let my eyes slide shut. If I can just get a second of rest, maybe I’ll have the energy to once again search the room to find something to use. I didn’t check the mattress yet to see if there are any springs strong enough to use. I’m not looking forward to touching it, but I have to do something. To prove to myself I don’t need someone to ride in on their bike and save the day. Again.

I’m startled awake by the door slamming against the wall where my head is leaning. My vision is blurry as a figure steps into the dim room. There’s barely any light in here except for the lone light on the ceiling I’ve left on. The last thing I want to do is be left in the dark in here. I mean, my eyes would be adjusted to it easier than someone entering, but I fear the dark sometimes for various reasons. There’s always a light nearby so I can have it on if needed. On top of my vision taking forever to adjust to waking up, my head is still pounding, and my body is starting to hurt for some reason. I haven’t done anything since being here other than walk around the room.

“Are you comfortable in here, you little whore?” my mother’s voice grates on my nerves as she slaps me across the face. “I’m sure we could fix things up if it’s not up to your standards.”

A malicious laugh fills the room as my eyes finally zero in on the woman who carried me for nine months. The woman who is so fucking selfish.

“Get the fuck away from me you sick fuck,” I tell her, not caring if I push her buttons or not.

“I’ve told you more than once, you’re going to respect me. I’m your mom and deserve every single penny to your name and the respect for bringing you into this world instead of getting rid of you like I should have,” she states as if she has feelings at all.

“The only thing you want is my inheritance. The money your own mom didn’t want you to have. My sister, the only mom I’ve ever had besides my Gram, has only made our money grow by leaps and bounds. It must really grate to know you’ll never get your hands on a dime of it,” I taunt her as the man she was with in the diner walks in the room and closes the door behind him.

“Oh, we’re going to get the money you and your sister stole from me. There’s nothing you can do to stop me,” the bitch informs me as I start laughing hysterically.

“Are you sure about that? Hartley and Gram made sure to put steps in place so you can’t touch it. Not without spending the rest of your pathetic life in prison. You know, where you belong.”

“There’s no way they can stop me from taking what belongs to me.”

“Yeah there is. My money can’t be touched without Hartley approving the purchase. Other than the hundred dollars I have in my bank account, there is no way you can get anything else. Hartley has to go through steps as well to touch her money. So, no, there really is nothing you can do to get your greedy hands on money you never once deserved.”

“Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?” the man growls up, taking a step closer to my mother. “You told me you could get your hands on that money. Promised me. We’ve already made plans for it. On top of sellin’ these bitches off to the highest bidder, what I’ve demanded from that band of pussies, and that money, it’s the only way we can get the fuck outta here and start over. Now, there’s nothin’ you can do to get it?”

“S-S-She’s l-l-lying,” my mother stammers out, fear filling her face.

“No, I’m not. You’re seriously dumb enough to put your faith in the words of a fucking drug addict? A woman who has had nothing to do with her family in so long we hoped she had died somewhere along the way. I knew you were fucking pathetic, but this brings it to an entirely new level,” I state, not sure if I should be poking the bear of a man who is also an addict as his body vibrates with anger and he chokes the bitch in front of me.

Before I can blink or move a muscle, the asshole in front of me turns his attention toward me. His fists slam into my body, head, and there’s not much I can do to protect myself from the onslaught of this beating. I try to curl into a ball so I can protect as much of myself as possible, but it doesn’t work. He’s in a drug fueled rage and I’m taking the brunt of his aggression because he got played by the bitch standing behind him. Pain fills my body more than I was already feeling. I guess I shouldn’t have angered the beast.

Growls erupt from the asshole as spittle lands on various parts of my body. I can barely hear my mother’s shrill laughter over the ringing in my ears. When he finally tires of hitting and punching my body, he resorts to kicking me. My ribs and leg take the brunt of his punishment as I lay on the nasty, cold floor underneath me. I’m in so much pain there is no curling up into a ball or wrapping my arms around myself to prevent the bruising kicks from hitting their mark. It seems to last forever as this fucker continues to take out his rage on me.

“You’ll be sold right alongside your sister. She’s already been sold off and the buyer is waitin’ to get his hands on her. Now, I’m gonna sell your ass off too. Let someone else deal with your fuckin’ ass,” the fucker threatens me, though I’m sure it’s more a promise.

“S-S-She’ll n-n-never c-c-come to you guys,” I pant out through the pain, hoping I’m not going to suffer more at his hands and feet.

“Yeah she will if she ever wants to see you alive again,” he returns, his voice even more sinister than what I’ve heard so far.

“Nope. She’s surrounded by guys at all times. They won’t let her out of their sight. Not even for me. So, it looks like you’re going to have to repay that person his or her money on top of being lied to by the bitch behind you,” I state, knowing Lash won’t let anything happen to my sister.

“There’s always a way to get my hands on her. It was easy enough to get you that a stupid, lyin’, slut managed to get you away from work. I guess she does have her uses since her pussy is nothin’ to enjoy usin’.”

“Excuse me!” my mother scoffs as if she’s been offended.

“The truth hurt, bitch?” I ask her, knowing this is her fault. “The only reason I came with her is because I didn’t want innocent people hurt by her special brand of crazy. If I had been alone, she never would have gotten her hands on me. That’s what happens when you’re useless and dumb as a box of rocks.”

“Baby, you have to know she’s a lying little whore. Just like her sister. There isn’t any reason to believe a single word she says. Hartley will show up and you’ll get your payday from him. I’ll get my hands on the money that’s rightfully mine, and we can sell this skank off too. Hell, give her to your guys to use up if that’s what you want to do,” my mother says, offering me up on a silver platter.

“Never gonna happen. If I’m sellin’ her, she’ll be untouched by my men. They’d use her up and leave her a mess. I can’t let them touch the other bitch either. He’s demanded she be untouched by these guys. He’s met them and knows how they roll. You’re lucky you’ve been in my bed and not any of theirs. Though, I guess I can always arrange for you to spend time with them,” the man tells my mom as her face pales with every word he spews at her.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance