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“Not Jae Bird,” a man says, his voice filling my ear as I whip the phone away and put it on speaker.

“Who the fuck is this?” I bark out, drawing the attention of the men surrounding us.

Austin moves the bouncers and girls further away from us while the club members move in closer to hear what’s going on. Cole begins to see what’s going on with Sabotage so Talon can focus on what’s being said.

“Have you gotten my gift yet? I hope your friend made it out okay,” the man says, his voice fake as hell.

“Again, who the fuck is this?” I growl, my patience wearing thin.

“I believe we met the other day in the diner. You wanted to prove what a big man you are, but you’re nothin’ but a pussy. Not only have we taken out one of your men, but I’ve got your bitch too. She’ll bring us in a pretty penny when we find a buyer for her. It won’t take us long at all,” he tells me.

“Bastard. I see you’ve come out of your hole once again. You don’t have my girl. She’s at work right now. So, what do you really want? And how the fuck did you get her phone?” I question, knowing in my gut he’s not lying about having Jaelyn.

“She was at work. Her mother went in to pay her a visit and convinced her to leave so no one else would get hurt. Some old fuck was in there and he tried to stick up for the slut, but he was no match for my woman. So, I’ve got your girl, your man is dyin’ as we speak, and now you’re gonna listen to what I have to say before givin’ me what we want,” Bastard says, the cocky tone I heard in the diner making an appearance again.

“And what the fuck do you want?”

“You’re gonna make sure this bitch’s sister shows up to the location I send you. You’ll also be sendin’ a bag of five million dollars with her. I know you fuckin’ got it. If a single one of you fuckers are spotted with her, I’ll kill her on the spot. I’m the one in fuckin’ charge here and youwilldo as I demand,” Bastard promises us as my eyes flit up to Lash.

His face has gone pale with the knowledge this sick fuck wants Hartley. And money. None of us could give a shit about the money, it’s his wife we’re all worrying about. There is no way in hell we’re about to let her out of our sight so these fuckers can get their hands on her.

“You willneverget my fuckin’ wife. She doesn’t belong to you and never will. You will give us Jaelyn back. Unharmed and in the next fifteen minutes. If she’s not back in that time, we will hunt you down, torture you, and make sure you feel every ounce of pain she feels. You fucked up big time takin’ an ol’ lady of the Knight’s Rebellion,” Lash demands, his voice low and lethal.

“No, that’s not how this is gonna work. Jaelyn belongs to her mother, and she’s given her over to my club for any use we see fit. Not to mention, I’ve already sold her bitch of a sister and the buyer is waitin’ for his delivery. He’s not a patient man and has already been waitin’ for weeks now. So, again, you’ll be doin’ as I say, or I’ll send him after the club. He’s not a man you want comin’ after you. He doesn’t give a fuck about takin’ out women and kids. You might not have many kids in the club, but there’s at least one and he’ll be the first one taken out. I can guarantee that,” Bastard says before hanging up the phone.

“Fuck!” Lash roars up, standing from the ground and punching the closest wall to him. “I want them fuckin’ found. Now!”

None of us say another word as the sirens fill the air. Help is on the way as I turn my attention toward my best friend. He hasn’t woken up, moved a muscle, or anything else. The blood is still flowing from his body as Cole pushes a shirt from somewhere against my best friend in an attempt to stop it from leaving his body. I just stare on, completely frozen in place at the thought of losing my best friend. Of knowing some sadistic fucks have our ol’ lady and there’s nothing I can do to help either one of them right this second.

“Someone make sure the EMTs get their asses over here and find out what the fuck is goin’ on with Sabotage. Everyone else, clear the fuck out so the fire department can do their job. I want you all to help ensure there’s a perimeter established. Zeus go do your fuckin’ thing and see if you can find out where these fuckers are. I want you to do anythin’ you have to. Follow them from the diner and I want to know who was here and how many guys were involved in this shit. They’re all gonna fuckin’ pay and we’ll deal with them as soon as we know what the fuck is goin’ on with Sabotage,” Talon orders as Lash and I remain at Sabotage’s side.

Cole and Austin race toward the front of the strip club and direct the EMTs toward us. I take over holding the shirt on Sabotage’s body. Lash is holding his other hand with a look of fear completely taking over his features. Between his wife and brother, he’s so damn torn in pieces. I’m fucking torn in pieces. I need to be out there searching for Jaelyn and the fuckers who took her but I also need to be there for my best friend.

Everything happens faster than I thought it would. Lash, Sabotage, and I are surrounded by EMTs as they try to push us out of the way so they can get Sabotage loaded up on a gurney. We don’t keep them from doing their job because we know he needs to be taken care of and the best place for him is the hospital. Though, we don’t really step too far away either. Lash and I watch them like a hawk to ensure they don’t fuck with him.

“One of you can ride with him,” one of the paramedics tells us.

“I’m goin’,” Lash growls. “Make sure Hartley knows what happened but I don’t want her at the hospital. I’ll call and check in with her soon. Get more fuckin’ guys there on her too.”

“I’ll do it. I’m gonna swing by the clubhouse to grab my laptop. I’m not leavin’ the hospital once I get there. Sab is gonna need us all when he wakes up. And he will wake up, Lash,” I inform him, needing to be positive about this or I’m going to fucking lose my shit. “I’ll see you soon.”

With a nod of his head, Lash jumps in the ambulance with his brother as I race toward my bike to head for the clubhouse and then to the hospital. Talon lets me know he’ll stay at Jaded Outlaw until the fire’s been put out with a few guys so the rest can be with us. I make sure Austin and Cole know they need to go to the compound to stay with Hartley along with Death. He can’t stand being near hospitals, not that any of us can, so I know he won’t have a problem standing guard over Hartley and Nash. As we leave, I try to tamp down the pure fear and rage filling me. These stupid fuckers have not only fucked with my best friend, but they’ve also taken our ol’ lady. Sabotage doesn’t even know she’s missing yet. And I have more than a few fucking questions about why Austin left her at the diner alone to begin with. We’ll be having this out as soon as I know Sabotage is going to be okay.

Austin and Cole don’t stop at the clubhouse like I do. They immediately follow Death around the back so they can head straight for Lash and Hartley’s house. I pull out my phone to call her and give her a head’s up. There’s nothing she can do at the hospital right now and we don’t want her off the compound because it’s the safest place for her at the moment. I do not tell her about Jaelyn being taken. Lash can handle that situation as soon as he makes sure his brother is okay. She agrees to stay at the house with the guys as long as we keep her updated about Sabotage’s condition.

After grabbing my laptop, cord, and everything else I’ll need to get my work done, I head straight for my bike and load my saddle bags up with what I need. I can use the hospitals network along with my own security measures to ensure no one knows what I’m doing. The sooner I get there, the quicker I can find my girl and the fuckers who thought today was a good day to die by touching someone who’s not theirs to go anywhere near. My ol’ lady is eighteen and doesn’t belong to anyone except Sabotage and me. We sure as fuck would never treat her as a piece of fucking property though. She’s ours to love, take care of, and protect with everything in us. Most importantly, she’s a fucking human who has her own dreams, goals, and things she wants to accomplish. Things we’re not going to hold her back from doing.

Hang on, Jae Bird. I swear I’ll find you and bring you home. No one will ever hurt you again.I think to myself as I race toward the hospital so I can get to work while we wait.

I HAVE NO clue about how long I’ve been gone. Since my mom knocked me the fuck out in the parking lot of the diner and kidnapped me. Other than when I first woke up, I haven’t seen or heard from a single person. I can hear the music blaring in another room along with muffled conversation, moans as people fuck, and glass breaking every now and then. I’m not sure how I got in the room they dropped me, literally, in either. There are absolutely no windows for me to attempt to escape through or see if it’s light or dark out. This entire room has been searched by me from top to bottom looking for anything I can use as a weapon. There’s nothing. Either these guys haven’t been here that long, or they made sure to go over everything with a fine-tooth comb not to leave anything behind.

A dirty mattress lays on the floor with no blankets for me to cover up with. There’s a small, cracked bucket in the corner I assume I’m to use as a bathroom. One busted up dresser sits against the wall in front of the mattress, and the closet doesn’t have a door any longer. There’s nothing inside. If they had left a metal hanger, I could have used it as a weapon and stabbed the next person who walked through the door. Whenever that happens. I’m shit out of luck and there’s nothing to help me.

My head is pounding from where my bitch of a mother hit me with the gun. Running my hand down over my face, I feel the dried blood from where it ran down my skin. I still can’t see extremely clear from the pain throbbing in my temples either, and I continue to have bouts of nausea. There was a man in the room with me when I woke up for some reason. I immediately started to dry heave causing him to race from the room, so I couldn’t throw up on him. I’m starving, but I know I won’t eat any food a single person here brings me because I don’t trust it not to be drugged. It wouldn’t surprise me if they literally started drugging me to make into the same kind of worthless, pathetic person they all seem to be. Including the bitch who gave birth to me. She doesn’t even deserve to be called my mother since she never was one.

I want nothing more than to lay down on the mattress and close my eyes. To let the blackness pull me back under so I don’t have to feel the pain a second longer. There’s nothing that will make me lay down on that though. It’s covered in stains, there are holes in it, and I have no clue what’s been done on the damn thing. I’m not going to catch something just from laying on a disgusting mattress. If there was a blanket in here, I might lay on that, but there’s not. I’d rather take my chances on the cold, cement, grime covered floor than that mattress.

After wandering around the small room for an undetermined amount of time, I let myself slide down the wall as my ass hits the hard cement. A jolt is sent through my body at the hard landing. It’s taking every single ounce of strength I possess to keep the tears at bay and my anger at the situation I find myself in from streaking down my face. I can be strong enough to figure a way out of this mess and get back home with my family. The people who actually love me and want me there. Not because of what they can gain from my presence, but from me as a person. There’s really nothing I can give my mom. Every single penny of my inheritance has to be approved by Hartley until I’m twenty-one and I have nothing else of value to my name. Even my car is used and more than likely on it’s last leg. I’m sure they could get something from it, but not much.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance