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“No thank you.”

Bronwan doesn’t even look at me when she answers me. I honestly don’t know if it’s because of the kidnapping and being held by the men or if it’s because she doesn’t like me. Part of me actually wonders if she does like me and has no clue what to do about her feelings. What little I do know about the woman who consumes my every thought. Nodding my head despite her not seeing the motion, I head from my room and go down to the common room to find out what’s going on with dinner. Hartley might not cook for us because of how she’s feeling this late in her pregnancy.

Sabotage, Zeus, Boxer, Death, and Shank are sitting at the bar with a beer in hand. They all turn to look at me. Sab, Boxer, and Shank are all wearing smirks to see me downstairs without Bronwan. Death, my baby brother, is staring at me with something akin to worry and concern filling his face. As I go to bypass them, Sabotage has to start running his mouth to me. It’s nothing new though.

“Where’s the ol’ ball and chain?” he questions me, standing up to look around for Bronwan.

“I don’t have a ball and chain,” I growl as they all begin to laugh at me.

“Sure you don’t. What’s up with the woman upstairs in your room. Youneverhave a woman in your room for longer than it takes to get off. For you, not them. Now all of a sudden your barely out of your room unless she’s down here with you,” Death states as he stands up from his stool and makes his way toward me. “Hartley isn’t cookin’ dinner tonight. She’s not feelin’ too good. So, we’re thinkin’ of headin’ to Jaded Outlaw to get some dinner and catch a show or two.”

“Not sure where that would leave Bronwan. You guys know she won’t come down here unless someone is with her. Unless I’m with her.”

All the guys look at me as if I’ve gone crazy and lost my mind. Not a single one of them can believe I’m turning down a trip to the strip club, and I honestly can’t believe it either. There isn’t a single time any of the guys have headed to the strip club when I haven’t joined them. There are more than enough girls there for me to fuck and get off with after seeing them dance around topless with nothing more than a G string on that barely covers their pussy. Making a snap decision, I face the guys after pulling out my phone.

“I’ll go to the strip club with you tonight. It’s time for me to get back to bein’ who I am. Bronwan will be fine here at the clubhouse tonight while I go have fun with you guys.”

“That’s not what we’re sayin’ at all. I have no clue what’s goin’ on with you guys, but if there’s somethin’ there, don’t let your need for freedom ruin it before it even begins. Now, I’m happy as fuck if you want to come out with us, but not at the cost of hurtin’ that scared woman upstairs in your room. And she needs to eat since she has to finish her medicine. Just a few days left, right?” Death asks, looking at me and no one else.

Death can read me better than anyone else in our lives. We’re closer than most brothers because of growing up in the club. All of us boys grew up before we should have and became close. While I still keep things regarding my personal life from Lash and his brothers and my older brother Judge, there are two people in this world who I can never fool or keep things from. Death is the main person, and our grandfather George is the other one. George spent a lot of time with us when our parents had to go on a ride with the club, our dad was gone on a run, or for whatever other reason they just didn’t want us around that particular day. We all love our parents and had a good childhood for the most part. There were just times our parents were selfish and took off for a few days at a time. Judge did what he could for us, but we needed our grandfather too.

“I’m gonna order her some dinner from the diner. Austin knows who she is and what’s goin’ on. She also seems the most comfortable with him. I’ll order now and hopefully will still be here by the time Austin gets back with it so she’s not just randomly openin’ the door. That’s somethin’ I know she won’t do. While I’m waitin’ for her food, I’ll take a shower and get ready to go. We leave in an hour or so?”

“Perfect timin’,” Sabotage says.

I don’t say a damn thing about my brother’s comment of having something to ruin between Bronwan and me. There is no reason to give him more when I won’t ever give her more than a night in bed. That’s not what she deserves. Bronwan is shy, sweet, innocent, and I’ll only end up hurting her and corrupting her. She will never give me what I need in bed because she has little to no experience with men. Just a look in her eyes is all it takes for me to realize that about her. The Knight’s Rebellion clubhouse is no place for her, and I need to seriously consider remedying it right now. Or tomorrow so I can go out with the guys tonight and have some fucking fun.

After taking a shower, I let Bronwan know what’s going on for the night. Well, to a point. She doesn’t need to know where I’m going or anything like that. Red is not my ol’ lady and I will never be tied down, so I don’t have to do a damn thing for her, tell her what’s going on in my life, or anything else.

“I’ve got dinner ordered for you. Austin should be here any minute with it. Did one of the girls bring you over any new books? Do you still have some left over you haven’t read yet?” I ask her, making sure I have my wallet, keys, and everything else I’ll need for the night.

“I still have some. It’s a new genre for me and took some time to get in to the books. You didn’t have to get me dinner. I’ll be fine for tonight,” she tells me, as I slide my cut on once again before turning to look at the woman on my bed.

She’s wearing a short pair of shorts leaving her longer than I thought legs on display with a large shirt falling off one of her shoulders to reveal the fact she’s not wearing a bra. Her toes are painted a dark red as they wiggle back and forth. Red’s long curls, which are down to the very top of her ass, are up in a messy knot thing on the top of her head. The best part of her entire appearance besides her being absolutely beautiful is the fact she doesn’t have an ounce of makeup on her face. Everything about her is natural.

The last thing I do before leaving my room is spray some of my cologne on. This is the first time I’ve used it since bringing Bronwan here. Other than her scrunching up her nose and sliding her eyes closed for a second, there’s not a single reaction from her. I’m not sure what I thought she’d do, but not just sitting there with her eyes on the TV still. It’s as if she truly doesn’t give a shit about me and what I’m about to do. Something inside me breaks apart at the knowledge she hasn’t asked me any questions about tonight.

A knock on the door has me setting my cologne back down on the dresser where I keep it and heading to let whoever is on the opposite side in. Hopefully it’s Austin with Red’s food so I don’t have to have her open the door not knowing who’s on the other side.

“Got her food man. It’s all here and there’s even extra dessert for her. Do you need me to do anythin’ while your gone?”

“Nope. Unless she wants to go to the common room and hang out. Then I want you to keep an eye on her please.”

“Not gonna go down to the common room,” Bronwan adds in, her voice coming out soft and wavering with her shyness. “Thank you for getting my food for me. And thank you, Talon, for ordering me something when you didn’t have to. I’ll make sure you get all of your money back. I’m sure you both have things to do, and I’ve got a book to read tonight. Have a good time.”

She takes the bag from Austin’s outstretched hand and turns her back on us. It’s as if we’re not even in the room with her anymore as she moves from the end of the bed to the head where she can place the bag on the nightstand where her medicine bottle still rests. With one last look at her, I take it as my cue to leave when her entire attention is on the food I ordered her. Since I wasn’t sure what she was in the mood for I ended up getting her a BLT, fries, a piece of cake, and there’s plenty of water, beer, and soda in the refrigerator. I added the soda for her after she made an offhand comment one day.

“Don’t open the door for anyone. Austin won’t come up here to check on you at all since he’s behind the bar tonight. I’ll make sure it’s locked, and I’ve got my keys,” I tell Bronwan, needing to hear her voice one more time before leaving.

“I won’t open the door. I just plan on sitting here and reading until I fall asleep. I won’t even turn the channel on you. Again, have a great night.”

Heading downstairs, the guys are already waiting for me. We’re all wearing pretty much the same outfit of our standard jeans, boots, a tee-shirt, and our cut. Boxer has a hat sitting low on his head while my brother has his hat turned around backward. By the time we walk through the doors of the strip club, he’ll have it pulled low over his face. Death and I are similar when we want to hide, he pulls his hat down low and covers his eyes as much as possible while I pull the hood of my hoodie down over my face as low as I can.

Without stopping to talk, I head out past the small group of guys as some of the women sit in various places around the common room pouting their disappointment at us leaving. They all know when we head to the strip club, we usually get laid there and don’t come back for their entertainment. There’s a handful of guys left here drinking and playing pool. Lash won’t be here at all since his wife isn’t feeling good. The women will get bored, and I can just imagine the havoc they’ll create while we’re gone. As long as they leave my room alone, I won’t have a thing to say about it.

Straddling my bike, I pull my hood down before tying my bandana around my face to protect against the wind. We all pull out and make the quick trip to the club, parking in the back where we normally do. Shutting my bike off, I head for the back door where we enter so we don’t have to play games with the lines in front and all that bullshit that comes from out there. Passing by Silk on my way through the door, she wraps her arms around my waist and leans into my body. Her overwhelming perfume wafts over me, making me gag a little.

“I’ve missed you around here, Talon. How about you come in one of the private rooms with me and let me show you how much I’ve missed your big cock?” she pouts, running her long finger nails down my chest.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance