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“Yeah, we can do that,” I tell her, smiling down at her as a smile lights up her face. “I’ll catch you guys out there in a while.”

Death stares at me as he passes by. When he gets past and Silk can no longer see him, he begins shaking his head. My brother is disappointed in me for some reason. A reason I know has to do with the young woman sitting back in my room at the clubhouse. Instantly, my cock is hard as Silk rubs up against my body. She thinks it’s in response to her attention, but it’s not. My hard cock is all from a red headed woman who wants nothing to do with me.

Heading in the last room the girls use for their private dances, I pull Silk in behind me. She closes the door as a giggle escapes her. I’m not sure why the hell she’s giggling because I didn’t do a damn thing to her or say a word. Oh well. It’s not for me to figure out right now. All I need to know is my cock is about to get sucked before I slide it in her hot, wet pussy. Removing my cut, I lay it down over the back of the couch in the center of the room. Silk is already removing her panties and bra as I pull my hoodie and tee-shirt off at the same time. Before I can get my hands on my jeans, Silk makes her move by popping the button and starting to lower the zipper. The ends of my belt clang together when she finally realizes I have one on.

With her perfume washing over me again, my cock goes from hard as fuck to limp in seconds. My chest hurts directly over my nonexistent heart, and I know this is the wrong thing to be doing tonight. However, I don’t stop Silk from lowering her mouth to my cock. No matter how hard she sucks, strokes, or what moves she makes. All I can see is Bronwan. Her being upset about what I’m doing or just disappointed in me fucking with some woman I have no feelings for.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

“This isn’t gonna happen tonight. I’ve got too much shit on my mind. If things change, I’ll hit you up before headin’ out for the night,” I tell Silk with an angry look on my face as I tilt my head down at her.

“You’ve never had a problem in the past. Does this have to do with the skank staying in your room at the clubhouse?” Silk questions me, further pissing me off.

“What the fuck, Silk? First of all, you don’tevertalk about the woman who may or may not be in my room at the clubhouse. She’s not a fuckin’ skank and will never be talked about by you again. Secondly, how the hell did you even find out about anythin’ happenin’ at the clubhouse when it’s none of your business?” I question her, not sure who she’s been talking to.

“I, uh, I overheard the guys talking about it a few nights ago. You don’t have to be an ass to me, Talon. I’m not the one with a problem in my pants,” Silk says, her bitchy side coming out to play.

“I don’t have a problem with my cock. Maybe I’m just tired or your used up, loose pussy. Have you thought about that? Don’t you ever say another word about anythin’ goin’ on at the clubhouse. You fuckin’ dancers are a dime a dozen and I’ll fire your ass without a second thought if you don’t follow the rules. Rules that have been in place since you were hired. Is that fuckin’ understood?”

“Yeah, Talon.”

Getting dressed again, I make my way out to the table with the guys. I’m only going to stay here for a beer so I can ride home without having to call a prospect over to come get me. Honestly, it’s a nice enough night I don’t really have to make a call, but I’m a lazy fucker sometimes and don’t want to walk anywhere.

“You’re out here quicker than I thought you’d be,” Sabotage calls me out.

“Not feelin’ it tonight. Gonna have a drink, watch a dance or two and head back to the clubhouse. And you guys need to watch what the fuck you say in here. Just had Silk spewin’ some shit about Red bein’ in my room at the clubhouse. Said she overheard some of the guys talkin’ about her. My personal business is just that; personal and not up for fuckin’ discussion by any of you.”

“Fuck,” Death says, knowing how I hate being talked about. “What are you gonna do about her?”

“Told her if I heard about her talkin’ about shit happenin’ at the clubhouse again, I’d fire her ass and hire someone else to take her place.”

Ordering a beer, I sip it instead of chugging it like I want to. Even the dancers on the stage aren’t enticing me or making my cock even twitch in my jeans. Whatever the hell is going on with me needs to be fixed. Immediately. I need to figure out why my cock is broken before something major happens. If only I didn’t make a huge fucking mistake tonight by letting Silk get anywhere near me. When I fall into bed later on after drinking way more than I intended, I immediately pass out and don’t see the look from Bronwan.

LAST NIGHT WAS the first time I truly realized how far apart Talon and I are. He came in the room to let me know he had ordered dinner for me and would hopefully be here by the time Austin brought it back, so I didn’t have to worry about opening the door for him on my own. It’s not that I don’t like Austin; I don’t know him, and my shyness gets the better of me at the worst times. It’s why I barely talk to anyone including Talon when we’re in the room. I don’t know what to say even when asked a direct question. I’ve been hurt so many times in the past I second guess myself and every single thing that comes out of my mouth is chosen carefully.

Watching him get ready to go out with the guys was also an eye-opening experiencing. He not only took a shower, but he took the time to do his hair, shaved, dressed in a pair of jeans his boots, and a tee-shirt that was hanging up and not folded haphazardly in his dresser. Talon did wear a hoodie over his shirt, but it was also one out of his closet instead of the heap on the chair in the corner of his room. When he was finally ready to go and my dinner was here, I tried not to think of what he was going to do on his night out with the guys. We’re not together, but it doesn’t mean I want to think of him being with other women. Especially not with me in the same bed as him.

After Talon left for the night, I didn’t leave the room. I ate my dinner, had a can of soda, and spent the next few hours reading some of the books the women brought up for me. The entire time, my mind kept straying to what Talon was doing and then realizing how damn crazy I was being. I was acting like a jealous girlfriend instead of some woman he found on the side of the road and has been helping by keeping me safe ever since. Even if it’s because Lash, the president, demanded I stay here to keep my parents safe. There are no friends for me to keep safe or worry about being dragged into this mess with me.

When Talon finally managed to be brought in his room in the middle of the night, no he didn’t walk in himself. Two large men brought him in, tossed him on the bed, and removed his boots before once again disappearing through the door and leaving me in the bed with him. I rolled over to make sure he was fully on the bed and not hanging off the edge or something when the smell of cheap perfume washed over me. Taking a closer look at him with the help of the light in the bathroom I left on, I took in his disheveled appearance. Including the red lipstick covering his skin in several spots. Hurt fills me as I realize he went out tonight to be with another woman. Again, there is no rational reason for this.

Turning back over, I closed my eyes, let a few stray tears slide down my face, and tried to go to sleep. It took me forever as I listened to Talon snore and shift his position in bed. The move brought him closer to me instead of being on the very edge. I listened as he mumbled something incoherent in his sleep before releasing a deep sigh. With a deep breath in, I try to relax my body in order to get some sleep before a new day comes. I have so much to do and plans to put in place. The main thing is getting a call to my parents. When I tried before, they didn’t answer, and I wasn’t about to leave them a message. Once a day I try to call and haven’t gotten them to answer the phone yet.

Waking up, I’m once again alone in Talon’s bed. It’s the same thing every morning. He’s already gone for the day, and I won’t see him until much later when he decides to come back to the clubhouse. Each day, I clean up his room, make the bed, read the few books I have, and watch some TV. Very rarely do I head out to the rest of the clubhouse. Even during the day when there is very rarely anyone else here. With the exception of the younger men who are most often behind the bar and the women who wear barely any clothing around here. Those are not women I want to hang out with. The only reason for this is because they glare at me, have tried to push me away from the bar when I was standing there waiting for a drink one time, and a few other instances since I’ve been here.

Taking my medicine, with the bottle of water I have constantly on the nightstand with my medicine. After swallowing down one of my last pills, I head to the bathroom to take care of my morning routine. When I’m done washing my hands and brushing my teeth, I make my way toward the door so I can get something to eat for breakfast. There is absolutely no one down here as I walk through the common room and into the kitchen. Looking around the room, it’s a complete mess. There are dishes, pots and pans, and garbage all over the place. Including different food from several meals. It didn’t look like this yesterday when I was in here for an early lunch. I might have tried to wake up earlier than normal to see Talon before he left, and it didn’t happen.

Before I can get anything to eat, this kitchen needs to be cleaned up. Starting with the dishwasher, I load it up with dirty dishes, still with enough for probably two more loads left to wash. I’ll do those by hand after throwing out all the garbage and making sure the counters, tables, and other surfaces are cleaned off and disinfected. I have no clue what the hell was done on these surfaces and won’t take a chance of anyone here getting sick after this mess has been left here overnight.

It takes me all morning long to clean the kitchen up as men and women come and go. Not a single person says a word to me as I clean, eat, cook something for lunch for myself, and get demanded by a few of the women to make them something as well. Since I’m no one here, I make them sandwiches and place them on the table they’ve been sitting at while watching me clean and work as they do nothing.

I’m in such a groove now with the cleaning. Once I get done with the kitchen, I move on to the common room. Starting with the bar, I pull down every single bottle of alcohol on the shelfs, wipe them down, and then place them back exactly where they are. From there, I move on to the bar, the glasses and other items back here, and then start on the floor. It’s sticky as hell and hasn’t been cleaned since at least last night. I find an empty bucket behind the bar and take it back to the kitchen to fill with water and some soap I find under the sink with more cleaning supplies. I have everything I need as I make my way back to the bar and start cleaning the floor. The only thing I didn’t find is a mop to clean the floor with. It’s okay, I have no problem cleaning on my hands and knees.

I’ve just gotten to the end of the bar with the rag and soapy water when the main door opens. A young woman walks in, her eyes scanning the room until they land on me. She smiles in my direction and takes a few steps forward before the door opens once again. I’m still down on my hands and knees at the end of the bar, when Lash, Talon, and a few other men make their way inside and come to an immediate stop.

“The hell you doin’ on the floor?” Talon barks out, his voice harsh as I keep my eyes off his body.

“I’m cleaning. The kitchen is cleaned up with the exception of the dishes still in the dishwasher. It’s not done running yet. I’ve cleaned behind the bar and I’m about to start on the tables and floor out here. Um, I couldn’t find a mop, so I’ve got a rag that was in this bucket, and I’ve been cleaning the floor back here so no one keeps sticking to it,” I answer the man who makes me feel so damn much despite there not being anything on his end.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance