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“We got someone followin’ us. They’re in the fucked up truck two behind us. Been followin’ us since we pulled outta the compound,” he tells me making my gut churn with the intensity of the feeling I have right now.

“I’ve got a bad feeling, Talon. It started when we were leaving the house. I wasn’t sure if I should have told you or not,” I tell him, feeling like an ass because I didn’t speak up sooner.

Reaching over, Talon takes my hand and holds it on his thigh. No one knows we left the compound or where we’re going right now. Since they don’t know about the baby, we didn’t think to tell anyone about the appointment.

“Call Death. Tell him where we are and to get to us immediately. I want someone at our house to check on your mom too. Either get her to the clubhouse or with Hartley,” Talon orders me, handing over his phone as I unlock it with his code and pull up Death’s name.

“Talon, in the middle of somethin’ here,” Death answers his phone.

“It’s Bronwan, Death. We have an appointment with the doctor today and on our way there now. Someone’s following us. I’ve got a bad feeling. It’s only getting worse. Talon wants you to meet us and send someone to check on my mom at the house. He wants her at the clubhouse or with Hartley,” I inform Death, trying not to let the panic set in like it wants to.

“Okay, sis. On my way now,” he tells me, hanging up his phone.

Talon’s speed increases as the truck following us passes the car behind us and gets right on our ass. I’m so tense in my seat every single muscle and bone in my body hurts from holding my body so tight. I can’t think of anything but the babies I’m carrying and the man sitting next to me in this minute. If the truck behind us hits us, so many things could go wrong. We could be hurt, Talon could die, there are so many possibilities my head hurts and spins with them all.

Everything feels as if it’s happening in slow motion. No matter how fast Talon is driving through the crowded streets, I feel as if an eternity passes before he’s barely slowing enough to pull into the doctor’s office. Death cuts traffic off in his attempt to get in right behind us too. My heart stalls in my chest at the thought of something happening to him in his haste to get to us. This is not what I want. At all. I’d rather disappear again before letting anything happen to either of these men. Thankfully he’s not on his bike but in a truck like Talon’s. He at least has some sort of protection against any impact he may receive.

“Talon, do you think it’s possible they put a tracking device of some sort on me? They always seem to know where I am and what’s going on in my life,” I finally ask him, not sure what to do as he parks in a spot close to the door with Death right behind the truck.

“I’m not sure baby. We’ll figure it out. Are you okay?”

“I think so. I just hurt from holding my body so tight.”

Death flings my door open, his gaze roaming over my body to look for any sign of injuries.

“Help her out and let’s get her inside. I don’t want her outside any longer than necessary,” Talon orders his brother as he releases my hand and I unbuckle the belt.

Instead of turning in here, the truck went flying by as if it were just casually driving through town. They’re not going to do anything with so many witnesses around us. For the first time, they’re actually using their heads about the situation. Though it doesn’t mean they won’t come back to do something to the trucks while we’re inside.

“Austin should be here any second,” Death tells us. “Get her inside and registered and I’ll wait for him and move my truck. I’ll be right in.”

We continue inside while Death waits for the prospect to show up. The last place I want to be is here for an appointment, but I know how important it is to make sure everything is still okay with the babies. Plus, I know Talon would never let me reschedule the appointment unless it was his idea or something worse was going on. Maybe he would have if he had any clue we were going to be followed the way we were. I just don’t know. All I know is I want to go home, climb in bed, and take a nap. My head is pounding worse the longer we’re out of the compound.

Everything is good with the babies. My appointment was over quickly. Though the doctor is slightly concerned about the elevation of my blood pressure. So, we’ll be keeping an eye on things and if there are any changes, I’m to call her immediately. Or go to the hospital. Talon listened intently as she talked, never once letting go of my hand. He’s worried as hell now and I can’t say I blame him. I’m scared something is going to happen. This is the reason I don’t want anyone to know about the pregnancy still.

Now, we’re on our way home. Austin is in front of us, and Death is following behind. No one is going to be able to get close to Talon’s truck. Still, it doesn’t stop him from racing to the compound instead of driving the speed limit the way he normally does when I’m with him. My gut feeling still hasn’t gone away as we make our way through town and then to the compound. Again, the closer we get to our final destination, the feeling only intensifies. Especially when an ambulance flies by us. I have no clue what’s going on, but now I feel sick to my stomach and want to tell Talon to pull over so I can get sick. Instead, we continue on our trip, so we’re not left out in the open for too long.

Instead of heading for our home, Talon pulls up in front of the clubhouse and parks his truck. Shutting off the engine, he turns to me. I know what he’s about to tell me isn’t good news. He just doesn’t know how to tell me what’s going on.

“What’s wrong?” I ask him, not standing the silence filling the truck.

“I got a call when you got in the truck. The first thing you need to know is there are two women inside. They help us out sometimes. I haven’t fucked either one of them before you even think it. We have some shit goin’ on with the club and need them to deal with the women. Their names are Sweets and Leather. They’re rough around the edges, but good women who will have your back simply because you’re my ol’ lady,” he informs me, still letting me know there is more he has to tell me with the way his eyes aren’t fully looking me in the face.

“Okay. Is my mom in here? Are we not going home for a specific reason? I’m tired and my head hurts really bad.”

“We can’t go home right now,” he says, pulling me over the console so I’m in his lap. “We’re actually not goin’ to be here for more than a few minutes. I want Zeus to check you out before we leave again. Bronwan, somethin’ happened. The ambulance flyin’ by us on the way here? They were comin’ to get your mama. She was attacked in our home when Lash and Sabotage showed up to check on her. Lash was gonna stay at his house with the women. As soon as you get checked out, we’re headin’ for the hospital.”

“Why can’t we go now? I need to see my mom. She needs to know I’m there for her and she’s not alone. Talon, please, take me to the hospital now,” I beg and plead with him, tears falling down my face.

“You won’t be able to go in with her as soon as we get there. Let’s just get this done and then the guys will follow us back to the hospital, Red. Please, I need you to do this for me.”

Nodding my head against his chest, I know he’s right. They’ll be checking her over and trying to figure out what to do to help her for her injuries. The more time I’m there, I’m going to get upset and that’s not good when the doctor is already worried about my blood pressure. So, I take some deep, calming breaths in order to rein my emotions in before we step foot in the clubhouse. Not to mention, he wants more guys following us. Talon is not going to want to get in a situation like on our way to the doctor’s appointment. It feels as if it was days or weeks ago since we left the compound. Instead, it’s been less than two hours. This day needs to end, and I need to see my mom. To know she’s okay and not going to get hurt any more than she has been.

WHEN THOSE FUCKERS pulled up on us, I wanted to slam on my breaks, get out of my truck, and beat the fuck out of them. To torture whoever is in the truck following us. Instead, I pushed harder on the accelerator and sped to the doctor’s office while my ol’ lady called my brother for backup. Usually it would be Sabotage on me since Death is my brother. Today, it’s not because Sab doesn’t know about the baby and I’m not going to have him find out this way. No one will know until we’re ready for them to know.

Then, learning Bronwan’s blood pressure is high, made my worry and concern go even higher. The stress over what’s going on with Eric is getting to be too much for my woman. It’s the last shit she needs to think about, have nightmares about, or even worry. Unfortunately, the fuckers are playing mind games with us. Eric still hasn’t sent over any details about the meet we want to have so we have no clue what’s going on. Today was just another point in the game they’re playing. One that is going to cost them dearly when I get my hands on the fuckers. I will take every single one of them out one by one if I have to.

On our way out of the doctor’s office with Death walking behind us, my eyes continuously scanned the parking lot, so we weren’t surprised by anyone. Or anything. After putting her in the truck, my phone vibrated in my pocket. Pulling it out, Lash is calling me. Suddenly, the same gut feeling Bronwan’s been feeling is now burning a hole in mine. The news I’m about to get isn’t going to be good.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance