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With a nod of my head, I fill the plates with the cold food, salads, fruit, and things like that, before heading out to find Bronwan laughing at something one of my family members said. It’s a sight I’ll never tire of seeing. It’s just better today knowing my family are the ones making her so relaxed and comfortable enough to let go and really laugh.

“Judge, it’s good to see you. What are you doin’ here?” I ask him, handing Bronwan’s food over to her.

“It’s not every day one of my brother’s gets engaged. I had to be here for this shit,” he tells me. “One of these days you’ll have to bring her down to my club. Hang out with the boys for a few days. Once all this shit is over with. My boys will be here in a few days to help you take the trash out.”

“Appreciate it. Where are you stayin’?”

“In your room here. That good with you?”

“Yep. We’ll be headin’ home soon. Red, you need to eat. You really haven’t eaten anythin’ today. Is your stomach still upset?”

“It’s not too bad right now. It’s just been a long, big day,” she responds, eating some of her food while we talk.

Today turned out better than expected. The only dark spot on the day is Candy and her bullshit. Which I mention to Lash on our way out the door a few hours later. We’ll be spending tomorrow with my brothers and have dinner with our grandpa. I want Bronwan to get to know Judge like she’ll eventually know Death. It’s important to me. She’ll give it to me for that reason alone. It’s just one of the many reasons I love her. That night when we get home, I show her how much I love her three more times. We’re exhausted and a tangle of limbs as sleep finally claims us. A perfect day for her. And me.

CHRISTMAS DAY WAS a complete surprise for me. Not only did Talon show me he truly is going to be here for the long haul, but he claimed me as his ol’ lady in the eyes of the club and proposed to me. I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t doubt his feelings for me and what exactly was going on between us when that woman ran her mouth to me in the kitchen. If she knows about the baby, someone is running their mouth about Talon’s business. About me. He’s still so pissed about it, and there’s nothing I can do to calm him down. Especially if we’re at the clubhouse and he sees Candy. She’s doing the bare minimum to stay under the radar, but I know the guys are waiting for whoever is coming to get here. They were held back by something and should be here any day now.

It’s been three days since Christmas and things are going okay between Talon and me. If anything, he’s more attentive when he’s home and not working or on club business. There’s a tension to him I’m not used to seeing though. It has nothing to do with Candy though. All the guys are tense and waiting on something. I’m not sure what it is, and I don’t know if Hartley, Trina, or anyone else knows what it is either. This is something just for them I guess. Only time will tell, and I’ve been trying to do what I can to keep his mind occupied. Not only talking about the babies, but we’ve talked about the wedding to.

All of my dreams from when I was a little girl have fallen to the back of my mind. It’s no longer important to have a big wedding or something over the top like I used to dream of. Yeah, my mom is still here to celebrate with me, but my dad is gone. He won’t get to walk me down the aisle, see our children, or anything else anymore. The only thing I know is Talon has told me he’s giving me a month to figure everything out and then we’re getting married. When I told him I didn’t care if we just went to the courthouse to get married, he told me it wasn’t happening that way. He wants us to get married at the clubhouse in front of our friends and family. It’s really sweet of him to want to give me what I want for our day. He even told me he’d wear a tux if that’s what I want. I don’t. It’s not who Talon is and I’m not going to make him uncomfortable for any reason.

My mom is loving being here surrounded by so many people. When she’s not at Talon’s home, our home I guess, she’s at the clubhouse hanging out and talking to everyone. Every single day I see the pieces of her she lost when my dad died. She still goes to counselling, goes to support meetings once a week, and tries to find things to do on her own. Her favorite place is being surrounded by everyone though. My mom loves to take care of people and having so many men in the club who aren’t attached to a woman means she can spoil them. She cooks, helps clean despite it being Candy’s job, and does whatever else she can to make the day easier and better for everyone.

I make a trip with Austin or Cal once a week to each and every business to get their receipts, invoices, and all the other paperwork I need to collect in order to keep the ledgers up to date. Shank and I meet once a month to go over everything and he’s impressed with the new system I have in place. He would do the paperwork once a month and it took him forever. That’s why I’m not surprised he chose to hand over this aspect of his workload to me. Lash is also impressed. They’ve already fired an employee for taking some money they thought wouldn’t be noticed. One of the bar tenders at Jaded Outlaw thought by fucking Shank when he wanted her and her looks would get her out of trouble with them. Instead, they fired her quick as fuck when I found the discrepancies in the money.

Each bartender at the strip club has their own drawer, numbers related to them specifically, and they have to print the receipts every single night. It’s honestly the only thing I do more than once a week. After finding out someone was stealing money from the club, I go in every single morning now to count out the drawers which are locked in a safe with the money and receipts, gather a deposit to take to the bank or clubhouse, and then make sure the drawers are ready for the club to open a few hours after I’m there. I don’t mind being there because it’s close and none of the customers or other employees are there. Once in a while Sabotage will sit with me as I count through the money, make deposits, and all the other shit I handle there. Other times, it’s just the prospect who’s on me for the day.

Soon, I’m not going to be able to hide the fact I’m pregnant. Even the dresses my mom just got me are becoming snug around the middle of my body. Because I’m carrying twins, everything is going to be bigger when I start growing as they do. I’m going to have a bigger stomach sooner than someone pregnant with just one baby and I’m not sure how I feel about it. Candy was right when she said I was a big girl, I am. I’ve got an ass, hips, and boobs bigger than I’ve ever wanted. My stomach isn’t flat and never will be. I like food and I’m not going to make excuses for it. Talon doesn’t mind and his opinion is the only one I give a shit about. One of these days maybe I’ll go to the gym with Talon and get a workout in. I’m just tired and trying to find other ways to occupy myself with when I’m not working.

Today we have another doctor’s appointment. For now, I go once a month. So far, despite how I was when we found out about the pregnancy, everything looks good, and the heartbeats of our twins soothe something inside me when we hear them in the small exam rooms. Talon even recorded the sound on his phone at our last appointment. Whenever I’m having a bad day, he plays it for me while I soak in a warm bath.

There are days when I’m almost paralyzed with fear. Eric and those other guys are still on the loose and I’ve been having nightmares about them getting their hands on me again. It’s not something I can control Especially not when they seem to know where I am at all times. I’m tempted to ask Talon to make sure they didn’t put a damn tracker on me somehow. I could always go to Zeus, but I wouldn’t do anything without talking to Talon about it first. It would feel like a betrayal to go behind his back for something this big.

“Red, are you ready to head out?” Talon asks, walking in the bedroom where I’m finishing making our bed.

His arms are stretched above his head as he hangs on to the door frame. The muscles in his arms twitch and move with every slight movement he makes. Today he’s wearing a black tee-shirt that molds to his body. Since he’s stretched out, I get a glimpse of his toned stomach. I can’t concentrate on anything when I get glimpses of his body. He lets me explore it as much as I want and my mouth waters because the one thing I haven’t done is trace his tattoos with my tongue. Something I’ve fantasized about multiple times.

“See somethin’ you like, Red? Cause I’d love to know what’s goin’ on in your mind right now. Your skin is flushed with arousal, there’s a red tint to your cheeks, and I can feel you undressin’ me with your eyes,” Talon says, a smirk covering his face as he stalks toward me.

“Um, well, there’s one thing I haven’t done yet and I want to,” I tell him, my eyes staring at his stomach even though it’s covered by the thin material of his shirt. “I want to trace your tattoos with my tongue.”

“Fuck, Red. You sure know how to undo a man,” he says, reaching down to adjust his cock in his jeans. “Later tonight you can trace them all you want. I want you to do anythin’ to my body you want.”

“I have some work to do after my appointment. I’m not sure how long it’s going to take me to get it done,” I tell him, not sure if he took the entire day off from the garage, or if he has to go in after my appointment.

“I’ll be headin’ to get some work done myself once we’re done and I get you somethin’ to eat. What’s your mom doin’ today?”

“Um, I think she was going over to see Hartley and the baby. Jaelyn is doing schoolwork today. I think she has to go to the college or something today or tomorrow to take care of some paperwork.”

“Okay. Do you want anythin’ specific for lunch?”

“I don’t care. This nausea is still insane, and I never know if I’m going to be able to eat anything or not until it’s in front of me.”

“We’ll go to the diner. You’ll be able to find something there to eat.”

As we gather our things and head out of the house, I get an uneasy feeling. This feeling is in the pit of my stomach. It’s telling me something is going to happen and it’s not going to be good. I’m not sure if I should mention something to Talon about my feeling, but the further we get from the house and then away from the compound, the more intense the feeling in my gut becomes.

“Talon, I have to tell you something,” I tell him just as before he starts cursing. “What’s goin’ on?”

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance