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He lets me know my house looks like a fucking horror movie has been filmed in there. Things are knocked all around, there’s blood all over the place, a struggle definitely took place and it’s going to take a clean-up crew going in before I can take my woman back inside the walls. For now, we’ll have to stay in our room at the clubhouse. I will not taint Bronwan’s memories of her mom with the scene of our home. I’ll go check things out and see for myself, but that’s about it. I really don’t want the memories of what happened to a woman in my head, but I have to know. It’s just going to piss me off even more because of the damage it caused to a woman who is part of my family. The woman who will be my mother-in-law.

Getting in the truck, I want to pull Bronwan into my arms. However, her question about having a tracking device implanted in her somewhere is starting to make a lot of sense. I’m not saying we don’t have rats in the club, we do, but it would make a lot of sense with them showing up every single place my ol’ lady seems to be. Including her hometown. I have no clue how long they’ve been following her, but it does make me wonder what the fuck is going on.

Telling Bronwan about her mom after watching the ambulance pass us on our way to the compound absolutely gutted me. I needed her to know, and I understand her wanting to be there for her mom, but we have to get this taken care of first. I need to know one way or another if it’s the rats delivering information or if they’re tracking her movements after planting a device in her body. Getting out of my truck with Bronwan in my arms, I don’t hesitate to stride straight through the common room without stopping to talk to anyone. Death is on my heels as I ignore everyone around. They’re all waiting for us to head to the hospital.

Walking in Zeus’s room after Death once again opens the door for me, I finally put my ol’ lady down to stand in front of me. She’s wrapped up in my arms as Zeus makes his way over with some sort of device in his hand. He runs it all around her body, making me let go of her and take a few steps back as she stands completely still to let him do his thing.

“She’s clean, Talon. It makes sense and I’m glad she voiced her concern to you about this. You can never be too careful. Now, let’s get to the hospital to find out what’s goin’ on with Coraline,” he states, setting his device back down before I pick Bronwan up again.

“Talon, we’re going too,” Sweets says as Leather and her step in front of us. “Know we don’t know your ol’ lady yet, but you guys are family to us and we’re here for you. When we get back, we’ll take care of business. Until then, let’s hit the road.”

Nodding my head, I appreciate the offer from the women who most would look straight through. They don’t dress the way polite society does, don’t give a shit about the rules, and they live their lives the way they choose to. Sweets is the only one of the group who can blend in with most other groups and she has a soft side. A side not many people get to see. It’s also one of the reasons why she’s the president of the club while Leather is her enforcer. Leather is a hard woman who dresses in all leather, her dark hair always sleeked back in some sort of way, with nails painted black as fuck. Completely opposite to her best friend and president.

Setting Bronwan in the passenger side of the truck, I buckle her seatbelt for her as she stares straight ahead. My ol’ lady is in shock or something and there’s nothing I can do to help her. Not until she hears about her mom and knows she’s going to be okay. Her mom has to be okay. There is no other outcome for this. Bronwan isn’t strong enough right now to lose her mom when it was only a few months ago she lost her dad.

We’ve been at the hospital for hours. Coraline was taken into surgery in an attempt to repair the damage done to her beaten and battered body. The doctors working on her are not optimistic she’ll make it through the surgery or recovery period. It seems when she was attacked, Coraline had a heart attack. She laid on the floor in our home for longer than she should have before Lash and Sabotage got to her. Then, they had to wait on the ambulance to arrive. That’s how bad her injuries were. Usually, they would have simply loaded her up in a truck or SUV and drover her there themselves. Not this time. She wasn’t conscious and they had no clue where all the blood was coming from based on the numerous injuries covering her.

Bronwan hasn’t said a word. She’s curled up in my lap in an almost a catatonic state. The men and women have tried to draw her into a conversation to get her mind off her mom, but nothing seems to work. Red sits on my lap with her arms wrapped around my neck, her face buried in my chest, as she cries. She’s taking this on her shoulders and blames herself for her mom being hurt. It’s not her fault, but she won’t listen to me when I tried to tell her that. My heart is breaking for the pain she’s in and not being able to help her navigate her way through it. I’m worried she’ll end up back in the hospital because of this and our babies. None of it’s good. Still, I’ll stand by her side no matter what happens, and we’ll deal with the aftermath.

While we’re sitting in the hospital, Eric finally messages Lash to give him a time and location of where we’re supposed to meet up. He’s also changed his mind and decided he doesn’t want us to bring Bronwan with us. Now, I’m really ready to fuck him up. Not just for what he’s done to the women in our lives, but because he’s still trying to play fucking mind games. Unfortunately, I might not be able to attend this meeting because he wants to meet in a few hours. I have no doubt in my mind he knows exactly where we are right now. That’s why he suddenly messaged Lash.

“Family of Coraline Smith,” a man calls out as he steps in the waiting room we’ve overtaken.

I immediately stand with Bronwan still in my arms. Stepping up to him, she doesn’t even lift her head to look at him as I motion for him to let us know how my future mother-in-law is doing. Even though I know it’s not good news. There’s a grim set to his face as he stands there for a minute with eyes filled with sympathy while staring at the woman in my arms.

“I’m sorry to inform you, Mrs. Smith didn’t make it through the surgery. On top of the heart attack, the injuries she sustained were too much for her body to handle. We did everything we could to save her, but we couldn’t bring her back. I’m so sorry for your loss,” he informs us before leaving us to digest the information he just handed over.

“Those fuckers are mine,” I growl out as an anguished sob leaves Bronwan and she tries to force herself deeper into my body. “I’m takin’ her to our room in the clubhouse and then I’ll meet you in church. Someone needs to stay with her.”

“I’ll stay with her,” Austin automatically steps up.

He’s got a soft spot for my ol’ lady and I know he’ll have her back and make sure she’s taken care of while we’re gone. With a nod of my head, we all begin to file out of the waiting room. I’m surrounded on all sides by my family as we make our way outside to the waiting trucks. Not once does Bronwan say a word as she screams and cries out her grief and pain. Instead of driving my truck back, Death opens the back door for me to get in before walking around to climb in the driver’s seat. Austin is bringing my brother’s truck back to the clubhouse.

Leaning down, I whisper to my woman as she burrows into me. We’ll have to keep a close eye on her and make sure she doesn’t need to go to the hospital to get checked out. This time, she will not be skipping meals or any of the other bullshit. I’ll be making sure she’s taken care of along with everyone else here in the clubhouse. They all have a soft spot for her as she gets to know them and comes slowly out of her shell.

While my mind if left back at the clubhouse with my ol’ lady, I walk into the warehouse surrounded by the men of my club and Sal and his guys. This warehouse is once again something the Rossi family owns and he’s getting sick of these fucks using his property. I can’t say I blame him, but they understand my need for vengeance with this. Everyone on our side knows the loss Bronwan is suffering through right now. I’d much rather be with her, but I need to tell her these fuckers are gone once and for all.

See, we’re not playing games anymore. Eric will have all his guys here believing we can’t get to him. He has no clue we have Sal and his guys with us. Or that most of them will be stationed outside surrounding the building so no one gets out of this shit alive. The only one we plan on taking to the clubhouse is Eric so we can fuck him up over a longer period of time. Not only do I get to fuck him up, but Lash wants his pound of flesh as well. This all started with Hartley so it makes sense.

“Right on time,” Eric says as his men laugh at his words. “If there’s one thing you can always count on with the Knight’s it’s them bein’ fuckin’ punctual. Kind of makes the game easy as fuck and borin’ if I’m bein’ honest.”

“So you think we’re borin’ and not about to take every single one of you bitches out? You have plans in place and more mind games to play?” I question him, pulling my gun from my back and aiming at the closes asshole to me. “Game over.”

Pulling the trigger, the large man goes down in a heap as chaos erupts. Much as we expected, Eric and the rest of his men begin to fucking scatter and try to escape only to find each and every exit blocked as they’re led back into the warehouse. Eric’s eyes are darting around, looking for any escape he can think of. It just proves what a little bitch he truly is.

“You’re not gettin’ away this time. See, you’re not the only ones who can play mind games. Did you really think we wouldn’t call our connections when you sent us the location? You were warned the last time and lost plenty of your men for usin’ property that doesn’t belong to you. Sal and the Rossi family aren’t guys to fuck with. Now, you’re goin’ to watch as we take all these men from you and then spend hours, days, and weeks, torturin’ your fuckin’ pathetic ass,” Lash informs him as we all aim our weapons at the scum surrounding us.

“I still have information you want,” Eric pleads as our guns all go off taking out the fuckers standing before us.

There’s a large heap of bodies surrounding the warehouse floor, their blood covering the floor as if someone were painting it. My chest is heaving as adrenaline courses through my veins. This is what we’ve been working for months on completing. Taking out Eric’s assholes and then getting him. We want to take our time with him and make sure he feels every single ounce of pain the women they’ve taken has felt. Getting shot is too good for the fuckers we just killed. They deserve to feel the same pain Eric and the girls and women have felt at their hands. Instead, we want to put all of our focus on Eric. He’ll pay for everyone’s sins.

“What information could you possibly have that we want?” I question him, staring a hole through his fucking head.

“I know exactly who your rats are. There are two of them. Didn’t know my little brother was prospectin’ for you club, did you? Evan is my brother. Hartley never had the pleasure of meetin’ him because he was always gone doin’ one thing or another for me. Especially once he started prospectin’ with your club,” Eric says as if that’s going to get him out of feeling the pain we’re going to inflict on him. “Candy is the other one. She wants to be your ol’ lady somethin’ fierce. I’m not sure why cause her pussy is loose as fuck and used up beyond belief. Yeah, I sampled that shit on more than occasion. They’ve been givin’ us all the information we wanted on Bronwan and where she is at all times. Evan’s the one who beat that old bitch and from what I hear, he beat her to death.”

“Yeah, he did. Took my ol’ lady’s mom from her. Her last remainin’ family member. He’ll pay for not only betrayin’ the club, but hurtin’ my ol’ lady. Candy will pay too.”

“You don’t hurt women. Everyone knows it,” Eric stammers, taken aback that we’d do anything to hurt a woman.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance