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“Are you okay, Talon?” Bronwan asks, stepping up to me as my body vibrates with anger at them being here.

“I’ll be okay once we get back to the compound and I know you’re safe. Safer than bein’ here out in the open where anyone can get to you. Despite Cal and me bein’ here. We’re two men and I know I can fight, but Cal is still young and there’s at least four of them. I don’t know if there are more waitin’ outside to ambush us or if it’s just the four assholes I just saw in here,” I tell her, wrapping my arms around her and placing a kiss on the top of her head.

“Okay. I’m still tired and need to rest more apparently. The doctor isn’t putting me on bedrest, but pretty close to it. I’m not to get stressed out, do anything too strenuous, or much of anything else,” Bronwan pouts while looking up at me. “That’s going to be hard for me. I’m not used to not doing too much during the day and night.”

“You’ll get through this, Red. We’ll get through it together. I have to work and things, but I’ll spend as much time with you as possible. We still have things to work out, Christmas is comin’ up, and we need to spend time together. I want you and your mom to spend the holidays with us regardless of what’s goin’ on with those men. This isn’t goin’ to last forever, and I’ve been thinkin’ of somethin’ I have to bring to the club before I can talk to you about it. We’ll have church today and I’ll come to see you after everythin’ is figured out. Is that okay with you?” I ask her, not sure what she’s going to say about anything I have going on in my mind.

A knock sounds on the door before she can answer. One of her nurses walks in with paperwork in hand. It’s finally time to get the hell out of here. On her heels is Sabotage and a few other guys from the club. They got here quick as hell and I know we’re gonna be having a conversation about this as soon as I get the women in the truck. Some of the guys need to stay here to find out if Eric’s bitches are still here or if they just made a showing of being here while I get them to the compound and the safety of being behind our gates.

“Are you ready to get out of here?” the nurses asks Bronwan before turning to look at all the men of the club surrounding her.

“Yeah. Do I have to go down in the wheelchair?” Bronwan questions her looking at the offending object that was brought in earlier.

“Yes, you do. It’s hospital policy and you need to get in it.”

Bronwan takes a seat, and we all surround her and Coraline as she’s wheeled from the room. Cal is already at the elevator holding it while making sure no one else can get on. He’s a lot like Austin and I know he’ll patch in sooner or later. We all ride down in silence with tension filling the steel box we’re in. In a way we’re trapped, and I hate the feeling of any surprises being on the opposite side of the door when it slides open.

“Lash and some more guys are down in front of the elevator waitin’ on us,” Sabotage quietly lets me know, sensing my unease with the situation.

Nodding my head, I place my hand on Bronwan’s shoulder despite the nurse still holding the handlebars of the chair to push her out as soon as the door opens. I need the comfort of knowing she’s safe and no one is going to hurt her on the trip from this elevator, to the truck, and then off to the clubhouse. This shit is fucking with me more than I ever thought it would. Not to mention this is a big reason why I never wanted an ol’ lady of my own. I have no problem protecting the woman of one of my brothers. It’s completely different when it’s your own ol’ lady or a woman you care about. I’m slowly going insane with feeling like I want to wrap her up in a bubble wrap, always keep her with me, and never once let her out of my sight. These are things I never wanted to feel. Now, I have no choice in the matter because Bronwan is under my skin, and I can’t get her out no matter what I do.

When the doors open, Lash, Death, my Pops, Zeus, and Austin are standing there waiting for us. They may look relaxed, but I can see the truth. Anyone who knows them knows they’re on high alert and looking around for any type of threat. The nurse looks around at the new members of our party in order to find a way out of being surrounded by all of us. She’s not a normal woman who would be preening and trying to get the attention of any of us instead of worrying about her patient. She gets a point of respect in my book because her eyes are only for Bronwan. And her concern as she leans down to whisper in my girl’s ear.

“Are you going to be okay with all these men?” she whispers just loud enough for me to hear her.

“Yes, we’ll be safe with these men, and nothing is going to happen to us,” Bronwan assures her, looking at me as she speaks. “These are the good men here to make sure nothing happens to me. They may look rough around the edges and like they’re ready for a fight, but if I had to choose one person to have my back, it would be any single one of these men.”

“Oh,” the nurse says with doubt filling her features.

The looks on the men’s faces closest to Bronwan show something completely different. They are looking down at her with respect, tenderness, and an unspoken promise of having her back for the rest of her life without hesitation or whatever happens between the two of us. Sabotage, Zeus, and Death are the ones who I know will never walk away from this woman even if we go our separate ways. Not because of what she just said to the nurse, but because she has come to mean something to each of these men for her own reasons. My brother is the only one I can speak for and it’s because he has a soft spot for most women. Not in a sexual way, but because he wants to protect those who can’t always protect themselves. Bronwan has her shyness and just something about her that pulls everyone in as soon as they see her. My baby brother is no exception to the rule.

After getting Bronwan into the truck with Coraline in the backseat, I turn to face the men around me.

“We need church. This is goin’ too fuckin’ far and there are things no one knows I’m not sharin’ just yet. Bronwan needs protection and she’s scared to death of somethin’ happenin’ to her. Or her mom. I want these fuckers eliminated. Now,” I tell everyone, my eyes never leaving Lash’s face.

“Let’s get back then. We’ll have church as soon as we all get inside. No laggin’ behind,” Lash orders.

“Some guys need to stay here and look for these fucks. I want to make sure we know where they’re hidin’ out if they’re still here,” I demand, not giving a shit what Lash thinks of it.

“I agree. Death, I want you to choose three guys to stay here with you. And a prospect. You guys look for any signs of the fuckers while we get back to the clubhouse. Let me know when you’re on your way back and we’ll get ready for church. Give Talon some time to get his woman in the apartment or clubhouse and make sure she has what she needs,” Lash says and for the first time I don’t correct him about Bronwan being mine.

With a nod, I walk around the front of the truck and get in while the rest of the guys head for their bikes parked either in front or behind my truck. Once we get on the road, we’ll be surrounded as much as possible. No one will get to my truck in an attempt to shoot at us or run us off the road. No, I wouldn’t put it past the fuckers to try something without caring about my passengers or anyone else on the road. They only worry about themselves.

I’ve got Bronwan settled in the common room of the clubhouse. She wanted to go back to the apartment, but I managed to talk her into coming in. Hartley, Jaelyn, Trina, and Iris are cooking dinner for everyone tonight and they want to visit with Bronwan. It really didn’t take much to make her relent. Especially when her mom spoke up and told her she needs to get out of the apartment and spend some time with us all. So, she’s sitting on one of the couches with a blanket wrapped around her, a book in her hands, and Cal waiting on her hand and foot. I’ve been at the bar watching her as I sip a beer while keeping an eye on Evan. He’s staring at my girl hardcore and I don’t like it. Cal and Austin will be with her when we’re in church since I can’t keep an eye on her then.

Speaking of, Death and the rest of the guys make their way back through the doors and we all stand up to head into church. Leaving our phones and weapons with Cal, we all take our seats and wait for Lash to slam the gavel on the table to start our meeting.

“Church in session. Talon wanted this meetin’ and he’s gonna fill you all in on shit you don’t know about,” Lash says, turning the floor over to me.

“When I was in Farnsworth, I saw some of Eric’s guys at a bar not too far from Bronwan’s house. After callin’ Lash to let him know, and talkin’ to her and her mom about comin’ back here, we left and haven’t seen them since. Eric and his pussy bitches have gone to ground and are hidin’ from us. I have no doubt in my mind they’re still doin’ the same shit they’ve been doin’, but they’re tryin’ to stay off our radar. Well, most of them are,” I tell everyone looking around the table. “One of the same men from the bar in Farnsworth showed up at the hospital today while Cal and I were outside Bronwan’s room as she was dressin’. Stared right the fuck at me and gave me a smirk. He knew my girl was there somehow.

“First, I want to know how the fuck they knew she was there. Second, I want my hands on them. Every single one of them will go to ground. Not just for bein’ pieces of shit, but for playin’ some sort of mind game with Bronwan. This is the last thing she fuckin’ needs and I’m not gonna put up with it,” I tell the room, ending with slamming my hand on the table in front of me.

“I know you’re pissed as fuck about what’s goin’ on with Bronwan. There’s more to it,” Death says, absolutely reading me only the way he can. “What else, brother?”

“Evan is starin’ his ass of at her. She’s not a random piece of strange or a fuckin’ Rebel. I’m gonna beat his ass and not a single one of you are gonna stop me if he doesn’t fuckin’ stop,” I answer, lighting up a cigarette.

“Death, did you guys find any sign of them?” Lash questions as I sit back and try to compose myself.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance