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“So, um, is there a reason you didn’t mention the baby to anyone while they were here?” I question him, not sure why I’m so insecure about this suddenly.

“I wasn’t sure what you wanted to do. You’re still in your first trimester and I’m not sure if you want to let anyone know just yet. Though, I’m goin’ to be completely honest here and tell you Death, Judge, and my Pops do already know. When I went out for some air, they came with me. Not Judge since he’s not here, but I’m sure it won’t be long before we hear from him. Death filled him in on what happened and about the babies. Death and Pops don’t know we’re havin’ twins though. We’re the only ones, along with your mom, who know that part,” he answers me just before placing a kiss against my forehead.

“I think I’d like to keep it between us for now. Thank you for telling me your brothers and grandpa know. I understand why you’d talk to them about things. This is big news. Huge. Twins are even bigger. Do they run in your family?”

“I don’t think so. No one has ever told me they did. How about your side of the family?”

“I think my mom’s side might have twins somewhere along the family line. We can ask her tomorrow. Do you know when we’ll be able to go home?”

Talon doesn’t say a word to me about leaving Braedon. For several minutes he just sits there and stares at something on the wall above my bed. I know I’ve hurt him, but there’s nothing I can do. So much is up in the air still and we need to make plans. I’m not sure living together or spending every second of every day together is the way to go right from the start. Though, I have no experience with relationships so what do I know? Talon has no experience either so it’s like we’re just trying to figure out the rules as we go.

The last thing I want to do is upset him, but these are the things we need to talk about and figure out. If we don’t do it now, I’m not sure we’ll ever figure things out. I’m scrambling to find a way to explain my reasoning to Talon when he finally begins speaking.

“Bronwan, I know you don’t think much will come of us bein’ together. However, I’m all in. I want to take you out on dates, get to know everythin’ there is to know about you, and let you in. No one ever truly gets to know the real me. They only catch glimpses of the man I want them to see. I don’t want to do that with you though. I want to share my secrets with you, as long as they aren’t club business. If you’re in Farnsworth, how do you see this workin’ between us? Me comin’ down there every so often to spend a few hours with you? You comin’ up here to see me every other weekend or whenever you can get time off work? I don’t know where the men who took you once before are. Now, you’re carryin’ our children and I don’t know how to protect you when anywhere near me is the last place you want to be.”

“I’m not trying to be difficult, Talon. Everything is so up in the air and confusing right now. What happens to me if this doesn’t work? I’m stuck here in a town where I know very few people. Those same people who I wouldn’t talk to or hang out with if we did go our separate ways. Then, I’m left alone in a town with no friends and my only companions are the children I carry. How is that fair to me? Especially when you have friends and family here. You have your life here and grew up in this town. You still get your club, your family, and our children while I get our children and nothing more. My mom isn’t even here, and I’d never ask her to leave the home she made with my dad. It’s not right or fair to her. She’s already lost so much,” I tell him, my voice breaking as tears slide down my face.

“Red, you’re killin’ me right now. Neither one of us know how things are gonna work out between us. We could end up fallin’ in love and growin’ old together. Watchin’ our children grow up and have kids of their own. Or, we go our separate ways now and I’m a part time dad who doesn’t get to see all of his kids firsts. I’ll miss out on the first time they sleep through the night, their first steps, crawlin’, when they get sick, and everythin’ else. I don’t want to be that guy, Red. And I know askin’ you to stay here is so selfish for so many reasons. The reasons you just said among them. I don’t know what to do in this situation. And I’d never ask you to have your mom move here just to be close to us. We can go see her whenever we want. What else is goin’ on in that head of yours, Bronwan?”

“So much. I’m pregnant and I have no real house because we can’t go home. I don’t have a job despite me having my degree. Other than a few months being an intern, I have no experience which means it’s going to be hard to find a job in accounting somewhere. Babies are expensive and we have two coming. I’m not going to let you take care of everything on your own. It’s not fair. I’m twenty-one and have never lived on my own. The only bills I’ve ever paid belonged to my parents when I helped them out. This is all happening so fast and backwards to what I used to dream of as a little girl. As I grew up, those dreams faded away. Honestly, how many twenty-one-year-olds do you know who are virgins and have never had a boyfriend before. Every single one of my firsts have been with you and I’m scared to death I’m not going to measure up to the women you’ve had in the past,” I answer him honestly, spewing so much shit at him it’s not funny.

“I love that I’ve had all your firsts. It does somethin’ to me knowin’ not a single other man has ever tasted you, touched your body, or listened to what you sound like filled with pleasure. Pleasure I gave you. I wish I could take away the women I’ve been with, but I can’t. And truly, there is no comparison between you and them,” he tells me, breaking my heart with his words.

Tipping my head down, I don’t look Talon in the face. I can’t. Not knowing I will never measure up to the women he’s been with. Especially the women who are still at the clubhouse. Women who want to be back in his bed and will more than likely do anything to get there. We can be vicious as women and it’s no joke.

“Red, you’re not understandin’ what I mean. There is no comparison because not a single one of them will ever measure up to you. You’re real and have no hidden agenda the way they do. You aren’t after me because I’m the vice president of a motorcycle club or ride a bike instead of a cage. Well, when I can help it. Bronwan, you’re the first woman who has ever left me wantin’ more. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you. I’ll teach you what I like and help you discover what you like. If you don’t want to have sex again right away, that’s fine too. We’ll take this at your pace. I’m not goin’ to go anywhere else to get laid or find a quick release. Bronwan, you twist me up inside and I’m scared to death,” he admits. “Now, close your eyes and get some sleep. We’ll pick this conversation up again tomorrow. I don’t want you to get stressed out about this. We’ll take it a day at a time and figure things out as we go. There is no right or wrong when it comes to our relationship, and no one can judge us for what we do or don’t do.”

With a nod of my head, I raise our hands to pull Talon closer. He gets out of his chair and leans over me. His face is softer than I’ve ever seen before since meeting him. I’m getting a raw, honest, and open version of the man standing above me. Talon presses his lips against mine without deepening the kiss. He’s showing me without words that I do mean something to him, and I fall a little more in love with him. For me, it’s the little things he can show me instead of some big grand gesture he doesn’t really mean.

“Sleep Red. I’ve got you and our little ones,” Talon whispers as I press one more kiss against his neck.

With our fingers still entwined, he takes his seat as I close my eyes and let sleep pull me under. Tonight, there are no nightmares or demons for him to chase away. I’m at peace knowing he’s by my side and will help me slay them as they come after me.

BRONWAN IS GETTING out of the hospital today. The rest of last night there were no problems, and she slept all night long. There were no nightmares, no waking up every few minutes, or taking forever to fall asleep. At least for Red. I was up for hours after she went back to sleep just watching her and thinking about everything that’s happened since meeting her. My life is in a complete tailspin, and I have no clue what the hell I’m going to do about it. I don’t want to leave her or have her move back to Farnsworth. When she asked me how long it would be before they could return home, I wanted to lose my shit on her. The thought of her being so far away makes my chest tight and it’s hard to breathe.

When I finally fell asleep, I had nightmares of her leaving and Eric getting his hands on her again. Needless to say, she didn’t survive and was hurt so damn bad. In one minute I lost a woman I truly care about and our unborn children. The reality of the situation is, Eric and his assholes would have no problem taking their lives. Not just because they’re sadistic fucks, but because it would hurt the club. Hurt me. We would all do everything in our power to get her back before anything could happen, but for some reason I have a gut feeling they want Bronwan back for a reason we know nothing about.

Now, I’m standing in the hallway waiting for Coraline to help her get dressed so we can get the hell out of here. As I lean against the wall just outside her door with Cal on the opposite side, a group of men exit of the elevator at the end of the hall. My eyes narrow on them as I take in the dirty jeans, disgusting cuts, and overall nasty appearance of the four men walking casually as if they belong on the same floor Bronwan has been on for over twelve hours now. No one other than the club members, Austin, and Cal know where she is. Or that she’s even back in Braedon. Yet, the same man from the bar who stepped up and tried to get me to pull over is the front one walking down the hall.

These pricks are so intimidating, nurses, patients, and even a doctor make themselves as small as possible in their attempt to get out of the way of them. As they walk past us, the man in front smirks at me while I take him in. He’s over six foot tall with a bald head. His dark beard is unkempt and so many stains cover his clothing. The smell emanating from each man is enough to make a person with the strongest stomach gag in response. They clearly don’t know what a shower is or how to use such a modern invention as soap. Each man smells worse than anyone I’ve ever come across with their stained clothing, stringy hair, and the flask one man is currently drinking from. We have to get the fuck out of here. Now.

Stepping in the room, I close the door behind me to find Coraline helping pull a shirt down over Bronwan’s head. She’s not wearing a bra, leaving her tits to gently swing with every move of her body. Bronwan gasps in shock at my sudden appearance.

“What’s going on, Talon?” she asks, her voice sweet and quiet.

“The men I just took you away from in your hometown are here. They just walked by me in the hallway. Not sure what they’re doin’ here, but we need to get the hell out of here and I need to call Lash to make sure we have extra people with us when we leave. Give me a minute to call him and then I’ll find out where your paperwork and shit are,” I tell her, not wanting to scare her, but not willing to lie to her about this situation either.

Pulling out my phone, I call Lash. He doesn’t answer the first time I call him. Either he’s busy with club business or buried deep in his wife’s body. I don’t give a fuck what I’m interrupting right now because we need some men here to ensure nothing happens on our way out of the hospital and then back to the clubhouse. I’m not about to risk Bronwan and our children for any reason. So, I call back.

“What the fuck?” Lash growls out as he answers his phone, panting and out of breath.

“Not tryin’ to interrupt your fuck, but four of Eric’s guys are here at the hospital. I’ve only got Cal here with me. Need some bodies here because we’re about to leave. Not riskin’ her and Coraline because you wanna be balls deep in your wife. Send people, I don’t give a fuck, but you need to know what’s goin’ on,” I tell him, one of the few who can demand shit from Lash.

“On our way. And don’t ever talk about me bein’ balls deep in my wife again fuckface,” Lash states before hanging up the phone on me.

I can’t help but laugh as Bronwan and Coraline look on in shock at me. They’re not used to people talking the way we do, but they’ll get there. We usually try to tone it down in front of them, but I don’t give a fuck in this moment about anything other than making sure they’re protected. If the situation weren’t so dire, I would have called Sabotage to come meet us with some guys, but Lash needs to be here too. Not only so I can have protection surrounding my truck on the way to the compound, but for a few guys to hang out here and see where the hell they go after leaving. There isn’t a doubt in my mind, they’re playing some sort of mind game. Showing up wherever Bronwan is. They’ll leave as soon as she does to plan out their next move.

When we first started looking into these fuckers, I thought they were stupid as hell. Especially once we found out Eric was leading them all. He’s into drugs and gambling. Those are his addictions, and he puts it above all else. Including the men blindly following him. However, they’re smarter than we gave them credit for. If they’re able to hide out and move around town without too many people seeing them, they have a larger agenda at play, and we need to figure it out. Now.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance