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THE LAST THING I expected to hear was that I was pregnant when I woke up in the exam room with my mom. After explaining Talon needed to step outside for some fresh air, she told me what the doctor said. I knew immediately why he needed some fresh air. Even though I’m not allowed to get out of this bed since I’m hooked up to so many things and they’re worried about me passing out again, I could really use some fresh air of my own. Unfortunately, I can’t get any. And, I get lost in my head wondering if he’s mad at me for getting pregnant. That was never my plan. I want to have children. A lot of them. I just don’t want Talon feeling as if I’m trapping him by getting pregnant the first time we have sex. Worry and guilt fill me as he quickly enters the room I’m in just before the woman who will be performing the ultrasound.

Now, hearing we’re going to have twins, I’m so shocked I can’t seem to find my voice to ask Talon if he’s okay. His face is pale, sweat is covering his forehead and hand that’s still holding mine, and I can see the rapid beating of his pulse in the vein on his neck. I’m not so sure he’s not going to pass out and end up in the bed right next to me. Thankfully my mom was quick on her feet and moved a chair to him so he could sit down.

With the picture in my hand of our little blobs, because that’s what they look like to me, I can’t stop staring at it. These two little lives are going to depend on Talon and me for every single thing they need. Their food, bathing them, changing their diapers, and making sure no harm comes to them. It’s all on Talon and me to make sure we do the very best to take care of them and show them all the love we have to give. These thoughts only lead to more thoughts.

I have no clue about how Talon grew up. Did he have a mom and dad who loved him and treated him good? Does he have any brothers or sister? Are there any grandparents he has? We know nothing about one another, and these are important things we need to learn before our children are born.

“Are you okay, Red?” Talon finally asks me after what feels like forever.

“I don’t know,” I tell him honestly. “Are you?”

“It’s a lot to take in. I think I’m still processin’ the information. What I do know is we can get through this and raise these little ones. We’ve got your mom, my Pops, the club, we’ll be okay,” he tells me, trying to make himself believe the words as much as he wants me to believe him.

“We don’t know very much about one another, Talon. How do we even know we like one another? Now, we’re bringing two new lives into the equation. How is this all going to work?” I ask him, needing to know his thoughts on the matter.

My mom has left the room to give us a few minutes to ourselves as we digest the new information and try to process what this means for us. I have no clue what it means or where we go from here. I’m not sure Talon does either. He went from not wanting to be with a single person longer than the time it took him to have sex to taking me out and spending some time with me to now learning we’re about to become parents. Well, in several months we’ll become parents.

“I know we don’t know one another very well, Bronwan. We have time to figure things out, talk, spend time together, and get to know one another. We’re not goin’ to become parents tomorrow. I know I like spendin’ time with you and that you’re an amazin’ woman. Someone I want to have in my life. We’ll figure out how to make this work between us. If not in a relationship than as co-parents. At the end of the day, these little ones have to come first in our every decision, thought, and day. What do you want to do with the babies?” he questions, and I know it’s valid, but part of me is hurt he’d think I’d get rid of them.

“They’re our babies. I’m not having an abortion or giving them up for adoption. I know that. I’m not that woman, Talon.”

“I didn’t think you were, Red. That’s not why I asked. I asked because at the end of the day, it’s ultimately your choice. You’re the one who has to carry them. That’s why I told you I’ve stand by you and support you no matter what decision you make.”

“They’re’ our children. You don’t have to have anything to do with them if you don’t want to, Talon. I heard you loud and clear when you said you never wanted kids. Now, we’re about to have two at one time. It’s a lot and I know it is.”

“Things change, Bronwan. People change. Just because I never wanted children before doesn’t mean I don’t want them now. Maybe it was just because I was only fuckin’ around with the Rebels and random women. I didn’t have someone like you in my life who I know is goin’ to make an amazin’ mother. You’re so full of life, love, and strength I’m not even sure you see in yourself. We can do this. Because I’m not about to let you raise our children on your own. I’m not just goin’ to hand over money for things they need and give you financial support. I’ll be all in. Just like I plan on bein’ with you. I told you that. Is that somethin’ you can get onboard with?” he questions me, uncertainty at my answer filling his eyes.

“I can get onboard with that, Talon. If you say you’re all in then I believe you. I’m all in too. We’ll take things slow if we have to and talk about the things we need to in order to get to know one another,” I tell him, just as the door opens and the doctor and two other women enter my room.

“We’re going to take you up to your room now. There will be a dinner tray arriving in a little bit. You need to eat. If you don’t start eating soon then we might have to talk about alternatives to getting you the nutrition you desperately need now that you’re pregnant. And I hear you just found out it’s twins. That means you have to take in even more calories as your pregnancy progresses. They’re going to take a lot of what you eat from your body. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask them. I’ll be up later on to check on you. Tomorrow morning, we’ll run some more blood work and see how things are looking. If it’s good, I’ll release you to go home. We’ll also be making sure you have an appointment with an obstetrician,” the doctor informs me as the nurses begin to unhook the machines from me so they can move me to a different room.

“Can she have visitors? I’m sure you saw our family out in the waitin’ room,” Talon asks just before the doctor leaves the room.

“She can. It needs to be kept down though. Bronwan does need to get her rest as much as possible,” the doctor warns.

“I’ll make sure they know before they come in to see her.”

I’m in my room for the night and everyone has come in to see me. As Talon said, Jaelyn and Hartley yelled at me. They’re going to start making sure I’m resting, eating, and drinking enough throughout the day. I’m never going to have a minute alone. Oddly, I’m okay with this. These two women have been here for me when they didn’t need to, and I don’t think they know how much it means to me. Certainly more than I’ll ever be able to express to them. My mom sits on one side of my bed with Talon on the opposite the entire time the club is here visiting with me.

I meet Death, who I already knew, and George. Talon’s brother and grandpa. I’m sure I knew or heard somewhere Death was his brother, but I have no clue he had a grandpa who was still alive. George is a good man even if he is gruff and grumpy. He barely said two words to anyone in the room and when he did speak, it came out harsh as hell. Still, there was a softness in his face as he looked at his grandsons or any of the women in the room. I can’t wait to spend time with the man as Talon and I figure out what the hell we’re doing and what needs to happen now.

When everyone begins to leave, Death and George are the last two to leave. Even my mom left before them. I’m getting tired, but I don’t want to be rude and fall asleep while these men are still here. Talon, I have no doubt in my mind will be going anywhere. Not until I’m released from here. Then, he’ll take me back to the clubhouse and there is no doubt in my mind we’ll have a fight about where I’m going to be staying. I’m not going back to his room at the clubhouse. There are way too many people in there and I actually like the apartments. They’re cozy and small. I don’t need much room and neither does my mom.

“We’re goin’ to head out. If either one of you need anythin’ give me a call and I’ll come right back. Brownie, do you need me to bring you some clothes tomorrow mornin’ so you can get dressed?” Death asks me, making me smile at the nickname he’s called me all night long.

“Um, I’m not sure if your brother wants you digging through my underwear and bras. Maybe I can call my mom and have her pack me a bag to bring in the morning,” I suggest gently.

“Yeah, you’re not goin’ through her shit. If I find out you did, I’ll beat your ass,” Talon threatens his brother.

With a laugh, Death helps his grandpa from the room and Talon and I are left alone for the first time in hours. All I want to do is close my eyes and go to sleep, but I can’t help but think we have more to talk about.

“So, I like your brother and grandpa. He’s a little rough around the edges, but sweet,” I tell Talon as he laces our fingers together.

“Pops is just set in his ways. He likes you. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have been here for as long as he was. He’s not subtle at all when he doesn’t like someone. Since you’re a girl, you already have somethin’ most others don’t. My Pops doesn’t normally have a soft spot for anyone other than the ladies. If you thought I was bad before I met you, I’ve got nothin’ on him. Death and Judge, my older brother, don’t have shit on him either. Judge is worse than me and Death combined, and he still can’t touch Pops,” he tells me, laughter and happiness filling his voice.

“So you come from a long line of man whores. Is that what you’re telling me?” I ask him though I’m laughing more than I should be.

“I guess I am telling you just that. Never thought of it that way though.”

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance