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There is nothing more for me to do in here other than grabbing everything from the pockets of my dirty jeans to fill my pockets for today. I didn’t even think to charge my phone last night, so I’ll have to take my charger with me to have at the garage. With everything going on, I can’t afford to have my phone die in the middle of the day. I don’t plan on coming back here until I’m done with work and it’s time for church. The less time I have to spend with Bronwan here, the better I’ll be.

Leaving my room without a backward glance, I head into the common room to find the prospects already behind the bar to restock, someone in the kitchen cooking, and the strong smell of coffee filling the air. Walking up to the bar, I stop Austin.

“Got a woman named Bronwan in my room. You’re here for the day?” I question him.

“Yeah. It’s my week to be here. Do you need me to take her somewhere? Get her anythin’?”

“No. Just make sure she knows she can get whatever she needs from the kitchen to eat or drink. If she wants to use a phone, get her one please. I’m headin’ to work and not sure when I’ll be back. Not a single Rebel is to go near her. Is that understood?” I demand from the young kid.

“I’ll make sure she knows she can help herself to what she needs in the kitchen and has access to a phone if there’s someone she wants to call. When she’s out here, I’ll make sure I don’t let her out of my sight,” Austin promises me.

Nodding my head in response to him, I leave the clubhouse and head straight for my bike. Even though it’s cold as fuck, I still ride my bike. It will eventually warm up and be hot as hell by the time I leave the garage to come back here. Tying my bandana around my face and pulling my hood up, I start my engine and take off from the clubhouse as Cal opens the gate for me. We tend to keep it closed at night but open it up later in the day when it’s time for us to start coming back from work.

Stopping at the general store just past the garage, I head in to get a donut and cup of coffee. Not the best breakfast to have, but with the need to get away from the clubhouse and Bronwan, it’s the best I can do for now without having to go to the diner. I’ll head there for lunch today instead of going somewhere else or just not eating. Hopefully I can get this van I’m working on done today. It’s got so much wrong with it, I would normally suggest getting rid of it. However, the owner is a single mother of three and I’m trying to help her out here. So, I’ll fix everything I find wrong with it and get it back to her as soon as possible. For now, I’ve leant her one of the club’s SUVs to use. Not a single man here is going to bitch about me doing this to help out anyone in our town.

Now if I can just get Red out of my head, I’ll be doing great. Unfortunately, she’s on my mind and I don’t see her leaving it any time soon. Maybe I can fuck her out of my system. Even if it’s the last thing she needs at this point in her life. I’m the last person she needs to be involved with because she’ll never be mine. I will never be able to give her what she truly deserves; love, a partner, children, and the man of her dreams who is truly worthy of her.

WAKING UP ALONE in a strange bed, it takes me several seconds to figure out where I am and what’s going on. I’m in a clubhouse after a man named Talon found me on the side of the road in the pouring rain. I was so cold, in pain, and scared to death it was someone from the same club who kidnapped me from the club I went to. Opening my eyes, I find myself in the middle of the bed completely naked. I slept in bed all night long with a man and didn’t have any clothes on. I’ve never had sex with anyone, and I sleep naked in a bed with a man I have only known for a matter of hours. What the hell is going on with me?

After taking a shower and being looked over by the doctor, Talon left me alone in the room. I managed to take one of the pills that was left for me without any water since I didn’t see anything in his room to drink and I wasn’t about to just look through his belongings. That’s why, even after he left, I didn’t snoop through his dresser in order to find something to wear. Sometime in the night, I managed to lose the towel and I’m pretty sure I was right up close to Talon as he slept in bed with me.

When he came back in, I was half asleep and watched him through hooded eyes as he moved about the room. The only light filling his space was coming from the bathroom. It was more than enough to show off his body to me though as he stripped out of his clothes. Talon has tattoos covering both of his arms. I couldn’t see them in detail with the muted light, but it was more than enough to see the markings on his body. I also notice the top of one on his leg and a large one covering his back. Again, I couldn’t tell a single detail about them, but it’s enough for me to want to take in every detail about them and see if I can figure out something about the man who more than likely saved my life.

As he got dressed in a pair of sweatpants, I want to cry out in dismay at him covering up his body. The only time I closed my eyes was once I realized his dick was hanging out. Again, I’ve never seen one in person before and wasn’t prepared for the man not to have underwear covering his body. From there I could only hear him rustling around, the drawers of his dresser opening and closing again, and then him on my side of the bed.

When Talon slid into bed with me, I wasn’t prepared for the feelings running through me. I became damp between my legs, my breasts felt heavy, and I wanted to do nothing short of explore every single inch of his body. Especially his tattoos and his dick. Instead, I remained still as he slowly fell asleep. After being held against my will, I learned how to keep my body completely still and control my breathing to appear as if I’m asleep. It was the only way we could ensure we were left alone. Even that didn’t work all the time either. No, if the men wanted to beat us, they’d wake our asses up in the worst way. Usually by punching or kicking us, dragging us by our hair, or dragging us across the cement floor and the bars of the cage. That’s where some of my cuts have come from because of being dragged along the sharp edges of the cage.

Now fully awake, I take a look at the stand on the side of the bed I originally went to sleep on. There are a pair of sweat pants, a shirt, and my bottle of medicine. There’s also a bottle of water for me to take the pill with. Sitting up, I take my pill and wash it down with a generous sip of water. Then, I stand up and dress in the clothes Talon left me. They’re huge on me, and I have to roll the waist down in order for them to stay up on me. That’s also with tying the strings on them. The shirt he left me hangs almost to my knees since he’s so much taller than me. I could honestly get away with not wearing the pants if I really needed to. It’s just not an option for me though. Not here at a clubhouse where I don’t know a single person.

I have no clue what I’m supposed to do now. Talon told me I could call my family and let them know I was okay. It’s also time for me to go home. There are things I have to do there to help my parents out and make sure they’re doing okay. See, I’m essentially a miracle baby. My parents met when they were in their teens and fell deep in love while still in high school. Then, before going to college, they got married in a small ceremony with no fanfare at all. Neither one had the money for a big wedding and their parents didn’t approve of what they were doing despite being the legal age to get married. They did it all on their own. Including going to college and both of them graduating.

For years, my parents tried to have children. When it didn’t happen naturally for them, they tried to adopt children, but never got approved for various reasons. I have a massive feeling my dad’s parents put a stop to it for them. His family had money and disowned my dad when he went ahead and married my mom. My parents didn’t care about the money and made their own way in life without having a ton of extra. So, in the end my parents were perfectly happy without having children in their lives. Until I came along when they were in their thirties. I am the most loved child I’ve ever met because my parents tried so hard for me. Despite the odds being against them, they never gave up hope they’d be blessed with a child of their own.

Sitting on the end of the bed, I debate turning on the TV, but feel as if it would be the same as snooping through Talon’s things. He could have porn or something playing, and I don’t want to lose whatever channel he has it on. So, I fold my hands in my lap and just sit there for the longest time while trying not to think of everything that’s happened to me over the last two weeks. It feels so much longer than two weeks since I was taken, but it’s only been that long. My parents must be worried out of their mind about me not having gotten in touch with them.

When I don’t have anything to do and can’t stop my mind from going down roads I’d rather not travel, I stand up and begin cleaning Talon’s room. It’s not extremely dirty, but there are clothes on the floor by the basket. I also make the bed and then sit carefully back on the end of it. This sucks; not knowing what to do, if I’m allowed to leave the room, or anything else when it comes to this club and the men who belong to it. I don’t want to anger anyone or do the wrong thing here.

It’s been hours, more like half a day, since I woke up alone in this bedroom and have done nothing but pick up some dirty laundry, make a bed, and sit here doing absolutely nothing. I’m starving, feel sick to my stomach since I didn’t eat when I took my antibiotics, and I really need to call my parents. Instead, I feel trapped in here with nothing to do. Well, that’s not going to fly with me. Not when it means I’m going to be sick, and my parents are still going to be worried as hell about my disappearance. Taking a deep breath, I stand from the bed and slowly make my way toward the door. I should probably lock the door behind me since Talon seems to keep it locked at all times. If I do that though, I won’t be allowed to get back in if Talon’s still not here.

Opening the door up, I step out into the hallway. No one is there as I look both ways. To the left is one more door at the end of the hallway. Across from Talon’s room, there are several doors. When I glance right, not only do I see more doors, but the top of a set of stairs. Carefully, I make my way toward the staircase and look down over to see a large room with several tables and chairs, some couches, a few recliners, TVs mounted on the wall opposite from a bar, and a pool table. Some rock song is playing from somewhere down below, filling the room with a song I’ve never heard before. There are several people standing or sitting around along with a young man standing behind the bar serving up drinks. Making my way down the stairs, I try to keep my focus on him so I can ask him about a diner or anything around where I can get something to eat.

When I hit the bottom step, my eyes drift over the people gathered in the room. They’re all talking and laughing with one another as if they’ve known each other for years. More than likely they have. Sitting on one of the couches is Talon. A woman with no shirt on is in his lap with her chest in his face. He’s wearing a smile as his hands rest at her hips. They’re talking about something as she leans in close enough to press her lips against his. His eyelids are lowered as he takes in her topless appearance as her short skirt rides up over her butt. I quickly avert my eyes from the scene as a pain fills my chest. I have not ever wanted to hurt another person before in my life. When it comes to seeing this woman on Talon’s lap, rubbing her body all over his, I want to pull her by her hair to the floor before beating on her.

Walking over to the bar, everything stops around me. There is no more conversation between everyone, the music has been turned down to almost not playing at all, and I can feel the eyes boring into my back as the young man behind the bar stops doing what he’s doing and stares at me. I’m sure I look a mess. My hair hasn’t been brushed, I used my finger to brush my teeth, and the clothes I’m wearing are several sizes too big. Not to mention all of the bruising and cuts covering any skin not covered by the clothing. Hell, I still don’t even have shoes on my feet.

“Can I help you?” the young man asks, a small smile on his face.

“Um, yes. Please. Is there a diner close by or anything? I haven’t eaten anything today and I’m feeling pretty sick to my stomach with the medicine I’m taking,” I ask him as someone behind me growls.

“There’s a diner in town. Have you been upstairs all day long without comin’ out?” he questions me, his face turning a few shades of red.

“I have. I didn’t know what I could and couldn’t do here. So, I stayed in someone’s room all day until just now. How far away is this diner?”

I don’t even have money to pay for a meal. My thoughts are honestly all over the place at this moment in time.

“Talon, where the hell do you think you’re going?” a woman asks as my back straightens and I stand at full height which still isn’t much to speak of.

“Red, you mean to tell me you haven’t eaten a damn thing all day long? This is the first time you’ve come out of my room at all today?” Talon asks me, turning me around so I’m looking at him. “Why didn’t you come down here earlier?”

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance