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RAGE AND ANGER fill me like I’ve never felt before. Leaving this woman in my room alone goes against everything I want to do. I want to stay in there with her and slide in my bed right next to her; giving her my body heat while she sleeps. The need to protect her and watch over Red consumes me. I’ve never had such a need for any woman in my life. They get me long enough to fuck and then they’re out of my bed. Or I walk away from them wherever we are. I’m not picky about where I fuck anyone. That’s not the case with Bronwan though. The only time I’ll ever have sex with her is in the privacy of a bedroom. She’s not someone anyone else will ever get to see.

Walking to the common room, I know it’s not the best night to have this meeting, but it needs to happen. Based on where I found Bronwan, less than a few miles from the clubhouse, Eric and his band of bitches are not only still in town, but they’re close. These fuckers are staying close to us for some reason and we’re going to need to dig for the information to find out why. It can’t just be a coincidence they’re still in town. This has to have more to do with Hartley. Finding Lash sitting at the bar with Boxer, Sabotage, Zeus, and Death. I don’t pause to talk to anyone as I make my way toward them.

“Lash, we need to talk. Now,” I inform him, as they all turn to look at me.

“Need privacy?” he questions me, getting off his bar stool.

“Yeah. You guys need to come with us too. This is bigger than I imagined it would be,” I tell them before turning and heading toward church.

With my keys in hand, I unlock the door and make my way inside the room. Instead of taking my seat as I normally would, I pace the room. The need to beat the shit out of someone is filling me with each passing minute. I want to find these fuckers and end them. I’ve always wanted to since they started fucking with Hartley and the club, but now with Bronwan involved, I’m consumed with the need to take every single one of them out. Starting with Eric. I want to make his death slow and filled with torture. More pain than he’s ever felt in his life.

“What’s goin’ on? Never seen this look on your face, Talon,” Death says, as he takes his normal seat.

Every single guy in this room knows me better than anyone else in the club. We all grew up together and have shared every single experience in our lives. Death knows me better than anyone else in the room considering he’s my blood brother.

“This shit needs to stop. We all know Eric and his bitches are up to no good. They’re sellin’ and traffickin’ kids to the highest bidder. When I was talkin’ to Red, she told me what the fuck happened to her and I know without a doubt it’s Eric and the pussies helpin’ him,” I answer, not sure what I need to do to calm down before I go back to my room.

“Stop pacin’ and sit down, Talon. We need to know what she told you and the pacin’ isn’t workin’ for the discussion we need to have,” Lash says with a smirk on his face. “Gotta say, I’ve never seen you so completely worked up the way you are right now. This girl is under your skin already, isn’t she?”

“No, she’s not,” I deny, pulling out my seat harder than I need to.

Pulling out my cigarettes from my cut, I light one up and take a deep inhale before holding it in for a minute. I need to get myself under control and figure out what the hell is going on with me. This shit is insane and not like me at all.

“So, what did she tell you?” Boxer asks, his voice almost a whisper as if he doesn’t want to aggravate me anymore than I already am.

“She just finished school with her degree in accountin’. One of her friends talked her into goin’ out to celebrate. I’m not sure how long they were there, she didn’t tell me. What she did say is she went to the bathroom alone and was taken from the club out the back door. After bein’ punched in the face, they tied a black hood over her head and tossed her into a vehicle with a cold metal floor. Gonna guess it was a van since nothin’ else would have that for the most part. She was moved every few days with about ten other kids and women. They all got beat on a daily basis and taunted with bein’ sold and tortured further with the knowledge of what their new owners would do to them. I know this shit is Eric,” I fill them in on what she told me.

“How is she doin’? What did Doc say?” Death asks, knowing when to push and when to leave me alone about something.

“I told her to get some sleep. She’s in my bed right now to continue warmin’ up. Doc said everythin’ is superficial. Other than puttin’ her on antibiotics for the cuts and shit on her body, nothin’ else needed to be done. She’s gonna be sore as fuck for a few days, but she’ll eventually be okay. I told her she could call her family or someone tomorrow to go home,” I answer, not looking at anyone at the table surrounding me as my thoughts turn to the woman in my bed.

She’s so short and I tower over her by just over a foot. Her body is full and curvy, the towel barely covering her when she stood in my room after her shower. Other than knowing her hair is red, I don’t know anything else about it. I want to know how long it is, how soft as I run my fingers through it or wrap it around my fist when I fuck her. Her tits are larger than a handful for me as they tried to escape the towel she clutched tightly to her body. The need to know what she tastes like, how she sounds when she has an orgasm, and what her skin feels like under my hands. For the first time in my life, I want to know every single thing about a woman.

I’m not that guy. I don’t want an ol’ lady of my own, kids aren’t anything I want, and I’m happy with my life the way it is now. I fuck who I want and have at least one woman a day without going back for seconds. Sometimes, I have more than one woman in my bed at a time. It just depends on how I’m feeling and what’s going on in my life. When I’m stressed, I’m not always satisfied with just one woman. This is why I know I don’t ever want an ol’ lady. There is no way I’m ever going to cheat on someone and that’s what would happen to any woman I chose to make mine. Plus, no woman is going to dictate what I can and can’t do. If I want to hang out with the guys, I’m going to. They all want to go to the strip club, that’s where we’re gonna go.

“How did she manage to get away?” Lash asks, sitting back in his chair as if we’re talking about the weather and not a woman who is fighting for her life against a group of men intent on fucking her over.

“She was put in a van when they were gettin’ ready to transport them to a new location. They believed she was too weak to get away from them and Red used their lack of chainin’ her up to get away. Red got out of the van when they went in to get more women and kids before she ran to the woods and hid. Said they looked for her for a few minutes before havin’ to give up. Another woman tried to get away and they went after her. Once she heard the van leave, Red started walkin’ along the side of the road where I found her,” I inform them, not sure if she’s left anything out or hasn’t remembered even the smallest detail.

“We’ll have church tomorrow when everyone gets back from work. It will give Zeus time to pull everythin’ we have on Eric and his assholes. When you’re out in town, see if you hear anythin’ about anyone else goin’ missin’. We need to learn more about Bronwan so we can find the missin’ girls in the town she was taken from too. For now, get some rest and we’ll get this figured out,” Lash states, his voice almost echoing in our meeting room.

Without another word, I make my way to the doors and leave heading straight for my room. With my keys in hand, I open my door to find Bronwan sleeping in the same spot I left her. She’s curled up with the blankets pulled up tight to her chin. My cock instantly comes to attention as I take in the fact she’s naked under those blankets. When Red took a shower, I never thought to get clothes for her. They might be big as hell on her, but I could have given her a pair of sweats and one of my tee-shirts. Not ever having had to deal with helping a woman before, I have no clue what’s going on or what to do.

Sighing, I take off my cut and hang it up on the hook on the back of my door. I remove my tee-shirt and toss it toward the basket I have in the corner of my room, not giving a shit if I make it or not. Removing my boots, jeans, and socks I reach in the drawer to pull out a pair of sweats for myself. I hate wearing clothes to bed and prefer to be naked. With Red in my bed, I’m not about to sleep naked and scare her even more than she already is. Before sliding into bed with her, I pull out a pair of sweats and tee-shirt for Bronwan to wear when she wakes up. Quietly walking to her side of the bed, I place them on the stand with a bottle of water next to the medicine Doc left with me for her. I have a small refrigerator in my room where bottled water and beer take up the space, so I don’t have to leave my room when I’m not in the mood to socialize with anyone.

Finally, with nothing more to do, I climb into bed and stay as far away from Bronwan as I can. With my cock still hard, I’m not about to get anywhere close to her. Not until I have some sort of control over it. Closing my eyes, I try to force the thoughts I’m having of the small woman next to me away so I can sleep. I have to be up early as hell to get to the garage so I can finish working on this piece of shit car I’ve had in my bay for almost a week now.

Waking up, something heavy is laying on most of me. There’s a leg between my own, with a knee almost hitting my hard cock. Large tits are pressed against my side and chest with an arm wrapped around my stomach. Hair is covering part of my face making it hard to breathe. Finally, I can see she has really long, curly red hair covering me, the bed, and her as she sleeps. The silky skin pressing against my body is causing my dick to be even harder than it already was. I knew Red’s skin would be soft and smooth, but this is more than I ever imagined in the few hours since finding her on the side of the road. This is a completely new experience for me because no one ever stays in bed with me for an entire night.

Carefully, I slide out of bed without disturbing Bronwan. As soon as I’m standing, I turn to look down at her. The blankets no longer conceal her body from my gaze as one of her legs, part of her ass, and her entire side are bare for my viewing pleasure. Her skin is not only silky smooth, but it’s creamy and pale with freckles covering what I can see of her arm, side, and her face. I want to trace a path with my tongue from one to another.

Tearing my gaze from the woman in my bed, I head for the bathroom to take a quick shower. The sooner I’m out of the here, the better it will be for everyone. Bronwan has consumed my thoughts for the last several hours, even filling my dreams, and I don’t like it. I don’t want to think of her the way I have been; imagining her staying in my bed, every single position I can fuck her in, the way she’ll sound when I’m buried deep inside her, and learning every single piece of information I can about the woman.

With the water heated up, my morning business taken care of, and my teeth already brushed, I step under the water and let it wash down over me. My muscles are to tense and tight from holding myself completely still all night long. Even in sleep, I know I held myself rigid based on the how my body feels this morning. The heat and water sliding over my body slowly eases the tension from me. After several minutes, I finally pick up my shampoo to wash my hair before moving on to my body. Honestly, I want nothing more than to deal with my hard cock by getting back in bed with Bronwan. Instead, I ignore it and rinse off before getting out and drying off.

“Fuck!” I mutter to myself.

I didn’t grab clothes to bring in here with me. Wrapping the towel around my hips, I make my way back in to my room, purposely keeping my gaze off the bed where Red is still sleeping. Soft little snores fill the room. I quietly pull out a pair of jeans and tee-shirt from my drawers before finally turning to make sure her face is not turned in my direction. With the towel still wrapped around me, I slide my jeans up my legs, not worrying about putting on underwear. Once I have them up my legs and buttoned, I pull my shirt on over my head. Tossing the towel in the direction of the basket, I head to grab a hoodie from my closet. It’s a little cooler in the mornings and within a few hours, I’ll be taking it off.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance