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“Yeah, they’re both doin’ fuckin’ great,” Shank answers me. “She’s feedin’ the little guy. Lash kicked us all out because we’re not allowed to see her tit while she feeds him. Not that we want to see her tits.”

“Speak for yourself,” Zeus says as he makes his way up to us. “Talon, got a minute?”

“Yeah. Did you find anythin’ on her?”

“No. Other than gettin’ on the bus, she’s disappeared off the face of the Earth. It’s as if she doesn’t exist. I mean, I could find out more if I actually knew her last name. Does anyone know it? One of the women around the club maybe?”

“I highly doubt a single one of them talked to her. You know how territorial the Rebels are.”

“I meant Jaelyn or Hartley,” Zeus says, his voice fading away as he turns his back on me.

“I’m not sure if she said a whole lot to either one of them. I know the first time she got ahold of her mom, it was on Jaelyn’s phone. Maybe she still has her number, and you can run it? Find out where she is and if they’ve heard from her.”

“I’ll get with Jae and find out what she knows. It’s the only thing I can think of at this point. I can as soon as we can get back in the room. Jae is in there with Lash and Hartley,” Zeus informs me, giving me the slightest bit of hope.

We head back to the room to find the door open with the guys no longer in sight. Heading inside, I find Jaelyn sitting in one of the chairs with a blanket covering her legs, Hartley is in bed looking radiant and a bit exhausted, Lash is standing in front of the window with his bundle of joy in his arms. I make my way over to him despite wanting to talk to Jaelyn about what’s going on with Bronwan and if she has any information about her.

Before I can think too much of it, Jae’s phone rings and she stares down at it in confusion for a few minutes before answering.

“Hello?” she questions as she raises from the chair.

A smile breaks out on her face as she leaves the room. I want to follow her and find out who it is, but Lash turns to face me with a proud, excited smile on his face. Without a word, he hands his son over to me and I’m lost. I have no clue how to hold a baby; have never been around them in my entire life.

“I’m gonna fuckin’ break him, man. Take him back,” I practically plead as everyone starts laughing their asses off at me.

“You’re not gonna break Nash,” Hartley says from her spot in the bed. “Hold his neck to give him the support he needs and cradle him to your body, Talon. Babies are stronger than you realize. You’re okay to move around, sit down, stand up, do what you gotta do.”

“No, I’m pretty sure I’m gonna break him,” I tell her as he starts to wiggle around in my arms more than I thought he’d be moving around at this stage in his young life.

Nash is only a few hours old, not even a full day, and he’s moving around against my body. It’s not what I anticipated at all. My arms tighten automatically on his little body. He grunts out in protest as everyone begins laughing at me once again. This about the same time Jaelyn enters the room again and her eyes soften as she takes in me holding her nephew. Taking her seat again, my eyes are locked on her and not the baby in my arms. A baby who looks exactly like his daddy already. Poor kid!

“Jae, do you think we can talk for a few minutes?” I ask her, turning to face Lash so he can take his son back in his arms.

“Um, sure. What do you want to talk about?”

“Not in here. Step out in the hall with me?”

Jaelyn gets out of her seat and heads for the hall with me following her. Death is staring at me; his eyes are boring into my back as I follow Hartley’s sister. There is no way in hell I want the young woman; she’s still a fucking minor. However, I have a feeling the call she got was from the one person I need to talk to.

“What’s going on, Talon? Is something wrong?” she asks, her hands folded in front of her.

“Nothin’ is wrong like you’re thinkin’. Do you know where Bronwan is? She took off from the clubhouse when everyone left to come here with Lash and your sister. I need to find her. To talk to her and make sure she’s okay,” I tell her, my voice pleading and begging, and I don’t give a single shit about it.

“Well, that was her that called. She wanted me to let you guys know she’ll be paying back the money she’s gotten in full as soon as she can. I won’t tell you where she is, Talon. She’s been through enough and doesn’t need any more shit thrown her way. Not from you,” Jae says, her voice full of confidence.

“Why not? I’m not gonna hurt her, Jaelyn. If I were plannin’ on it, things never would have happened the way they did. I need to tell her what happened and why I did what I did.”

“Not gonna happen. She’s not coming back, Talon and has asked me to promise I wouldn’t tell anyone where she is. I’m not going to betray her trust by telling you now where she is less than twenty minutes after I gave her the promise. That’s not who I am.”

“I appreciate you keepin’ her secrets, but there could still be a threat against her,” I try another tactic to get her to give me anything to go on.

“She understands this. No one is gonna find her for many reasons. The main one being she wasn’t taken from the town she lives in, no one knows her name or anything else about her, and everyone still believes she’s here in Braedon with the club. Right now, all you need to know is she’s safe and has things she has to do. Please, Talon, let this go. Bronwan is okay and there’s nothing you can do to change her mind,” Jaelyn informs me, her voice soft and gentle as if she’s speaking to a child instead of a grown ass man.

Without another word, I leave the hospital. If she’s not going to help me find Jaelyn, I’m going to find her on my own. Right now, I should still be in that hospital room with my family as they welcome Nash into our family. Instead, I’m going to be heading out on my bike to scour every single town I can until I find Bronwan. Eventually, I’ll find her and when I do, I’m gonna take her over my knee and paddle her ass for taking off the way she did. Fear fills me like nothing I’ve ever know before at the thought of her being on her own.

Riding out of town, I head for the closest small towns first, stopping at every single motel I can find. I’m not sure if she’s even close to Braedon still, but I will find her. I need to find her and make sure she knows what the money was left for, how much she means to me, and what I want to happen. It’s not going to be easy in the least considering I have no clue what the hell I want from her. I’m still so damn confused, but I know it’s a matter of time before things come to light. Including the feelings I have for her. Feelings I’ve never had for another person in my life.

When I say I have never had feelings for anyone else before, I mean it. Even in high school when I was playing football, baseball, and fucking any girl I could, I never went out on a single date. There were no parties with a girl. We all showed up together, found our piece of ass for the night, and then left to have our own fun. I don’t know how to date a woman, what it means to only have one woman in my life, or if I could resist the women throwing themselves at me no matter where we go. I’d try. For Bronwan, I’d try anything to keep her in my life. Even if we just remain friends. Something I know she won’t go for without a doubt in my mind. It’s going to be all I can do just to get her to talk to me again for any length of time. That’s what I’m thinking about as I ride through towns, stopping at every single motel, diner, any store I can think of to find her or anyone who has seen her.

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance