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Since I’ve been here, I’ve spent my time packing up my belongings and making sure the room I stayed in is completely cleaned. It’s kept me busy, and I know there is nothing left behind by me. I even turned in all of my books I knew I’d never use again and got some money back from them. It’s more than I expected yet still not even close to being enough to paying the club back for the money I used to get out of Braedon, the few outfits I took with me, and for giving me a safe place to stay. They’ve given me more than anyone else, with the exception of my parents.

Despite remaining as busy as I can, Talon is never far from my mind. I wonder if he’s back with his family yet. If he’s happy I’m no longer taking up his space, if he’s back to living his life the way he was before I crashed into it. Then I get upset with the thought of him with another woman. I want him to miss me as much as I miss him. Realistically, I know it’s never going to happen. For Talon, I was just another woman who took up some time in his bed. Granted we only had sex once, but I was in his bed far longer than any other woman has ever been. I overheard some of the women complaining about him not even looking in their direction and not being able to wait much longer until I was gone, and they get another piece of him. Well, they have him back and don’t have to worry about me taking up his space. Or any amount of his time.

When I’m not missing Talon and wondering what’s going on with Hartley and hoping the baby and her are doing good, I’m missing my parents. Yes, like I said, we talk on the phone daily, but it’s not the same as being with them in person. I miss being home with them as we talk, laugh, and just spend time watching TV together. Of helping my mom in the kitchen as she teaches me all of her tips and secrets to cooking, baking, and the life lessons she shared with me over the years of growing up. I miss spending time with my dad in the garage as he tinkered with our family car, the lawn mower, or whatever other project he was working on. He would also teach me life lessons while I listened to him teach me how to work on our car or we would just sit there and talk. I’ve learned so many things from my parents and it hurts to know they’re hiding something from me now. Especially in regard to my dad and his health.

I need to leave here with my belongings and head home. Thankfully, I don’t have to worry about how I’ll make the trip home. Even though I live close to campus, maybe an hour drive, I chose to stay here in order to get the full college experience. Plus, my car is still parked here in the parking lot and my keys were left in my room. I had two separate key rings before I was taken and held hostage. One for my car, home, and dorm room and the second with the key for my dorm room only. It’s nice getting two different keys to my room so I didn’t have to carry a bunch of keys around with me if I ever did manage to go out somewhere. Including class. So, when I went out that night, I only had the keyring with my dorm room key on it.

The dorm rooms are going to be closing soon. They need to be cleaned and everything else the college does before more students who are playing sports and things begin arriving for the new year. I have a matter of days before I have to be out of here with everything. If anything is left behind, the school removes it from the room and does something with it. I’m not sure if they hold onto it somewhere, throw it out, or if they donate it. Either way, I really don’t have all that much here because I didn’t have friends here, or before coming here, and there aren’t a ton of personal items in my room. Mainly a few pictures of my family, my clothing, and any toiletries I’ve brought with me. I also have my school bag, the books I’m keeping, some paperbacks I got while being here, and my computer and printer. Other than that, I’ve tossed away almost everything else in this room because I don’t need to carry it home with me.

As I pack everything in bags and boxes, I take them all out to my car. When everything is finally loaded up and I double check to make sure nothing has been forgotten, I head to the office in order to turn in my key and let them know what happened to me as the reason for me not having the second key I was given when I moved in. The young girl I talk to is very nice about the situation and assures me nothing is going to happen; they’ll just change out the doorhandle and not worry about the rest. With nothing more to do at the campus, I head to my car and get in the driver’s seat taking a few deep breaths. Ready or not, it’s time for me to head home. My parents don’t know I’m coming and I kind of want it that way. They can’t prepare to keep me out of the loop about what’s going on if they’re not expecting me to show up.

Just before I was kidnapped, I filled my car up with gas. I was getting ready to head home after packing up my room and knew I’d need gas. Living on campus, I really didn’t have to worry about driving around unless I wanted to go to the store for food to cook in my room in the microwave I had, for cleaning supplies, or just to get off campus for a little while. On top of regular trips home to spend a weekend or vacations with my parents. So, essentially my car has just sat here and now I’m glad I have a full tank to get home with. Then, I remember the need to stop at my bank to cancel my card and find out how much damage has been done to my bank account since I haven’t had my purse since the night I was taken. It’s really not something I ever thought about being at the clubhouse. Plus, I don’t really have enough money to worry about in my savings or checking accounts. Not with school and trying to help my parents out.

Turning on my car, I roll down the windows and turn on the radio. Before pulling out of my parking spot on campus, I connect my phone so I can listen to one of my playlists without having to listen to the radio. I hate all the commercials and advertisements played between songs. I’d rather just listen to music without interruption and the songs I want to hear. First up isYou Broke Me Firstby Conor Maynard. In a way, regardless of what the status of Talon and I were, he broke me. Realizing he saw me as nothing more than a whore he had to pay for sex when a man like him never has to pay for anything regarding sex from anyone. Women are lining up for time with him and yet I’m the one who feels horrible about my time spent in his bed.

With tears in my eyes, I begin my drive home. I try to push my thoughts of Talon, the club members I did interact with, and my parents out of my mind so I can concentrate on the road in front of me. While I’ve been driving since I turned sixteen, I hate it. Too many people on the road make me anxious and unfortunately, I have to take an interstate to get home. One song after another plays as I sing along with the windows open and don’t care who hears me singing off key as I travel. It’s not like I’m going to see anyone passing me on the road ever again in my life. Another reason I’m dressed in such comfortable clothes; leggings and one of Talon’s shirts I found in the bag I brought with me from the clubhouse. My parents and the doctors and nurses are the only ones who will see me and that’s okay by me.

WAKING UP THE day after showing up at the cabin, I get a call from Lash. Death, Boxer, Sabotage, and him have been trying to call and message me for hours. Even Judge has called me multiple times. My oldest brother barely calls me. He has a lot going on at his clubhouse and seeing over everything they’ve been trying to implement and put into place. Judge is making his club more legit. That’s not to say they’re going full on legal and the right side of the law because they never will. They’ve all just decided to put some of the riskier businesses they’ve been dealing in off to some of their allies who have wanted to get their hands on what my brother’s club has been involved in. Everything else will remain the same. It’s nothing we haven’t done ourselves in Braedon.

As I go to call Lash back since I’m sure the other guys have been calling because of him, my phone rings once more. It’s Lash as I hit the accept button and put the phone on speaker.

“Told you I’d check in when I could, and I’ve gotten so many damn calls and messages in the hours I’ve been gone. What the hell is up with that, Lash?” I question my president and very close friend.

“Yeah well shit’s changed since you walked out the door without a backward glance fucker. Are you fuckin’ drunk at eight in the fuckin’ mornin’?”

“If I am it’s that I’m still drunk from last night. Had a liquid dinner if you must know, Dad,” I sarcastically answer him.

“Bronwan’s really done a number on you. Well, you’ve done a number on one another if I’m bein’ honest. She’s actually one of the reasons I’m callin’ you. First, my son is here. Just after you left, Pixie showed up at the clubhouse and went into labor. Bronwan had to yell at me in the office because Hartley’s water broke right outside my door, and she was too busy holdin’ up my woman to open the door. As of two hours ago, Nash Alexander is the newest member of our club. Of our family and you’re not here to celebrate with me,” Lash says, several different emotions filling his voice.

He’s excited to have his son born, scared, upset I’m not there to celebrate with them, and mad too. I’m not sure what the hell he has to be mad about on the day he became a father for the first time. Pride fills him at the knowledge of him taking such huge leaps and bounds in his life. He’s the first one of us to get an ol’ lady, get married, and have a baby. The next generation of the Knight’s Rebellion MC.

“So happy for you, man. Truly I am. I’ll shower and sober up and be on the road back. I’ll head straight for the hospital so I can meet Nash. Now, what did you want to tell me about Bronwan? Is she okay?”

“I honestly have no clue. She didn’t come to the hospital with us, and Austin let me know she wasn’t at the clubhouse. He went to check on her when he got back for a few minutes. She’s not in your room, there’s money left on your nightstand he put in the top drawer of your dresser, and the clubhouse was completely empty with the exception of Evan and the Rebels,” Lash tells me as I feel my heartrate spike. Again.

“Fuck!” I yell out to no one in particular.

I know exactly where the money came from. It’s the money I left on the stand for her to get what she needed while I was gone. Thinking about the situation now, I realize how things might have looked to her. She thinks I paid her for the sex and not left the money for her to use.

“What’s wrong, Talon?” Lash questions as I hear the cries of his new son in the background.

“I left her money to use while I was gone. I know Bronwan isn’t goin’ to ask anyone for a damn thing. The night before, we had sex. I was her fuckin’ first and it fucked with my head. That’s why I had to get out of there the way I did. She thinks I paid her for fuckin’ her, Lash. No one has any clue where the fuck she went?”

“No. Evan was on the gate when he left since Austin was with us. Cal wasn’t even at the clubhouse. We have no clue where she is. Zeus has been runnin’ her name and tryin’ to catch any sight of her on the cameras throughout town. Other than watchin’ her walk to the one bus that comes through, there’s no sight of her. That bus makes several stops so there’s no tellin’ where she went,” Lash informs me, his voice going gentle as if he’s talking to his woman instead of me.

“I’m on my way back. I’ll be on the fuckin’ road in less than an hour.”

Hanging up the phone, I rush into the bathroom and through a shower to hopefully wake my ass the hell up. My only thought is getting back to Braedon so I can meet Nash, find out if there’s any new information about where Bronwan went, and then to start looking for her myself. I’m not sure if she would contact anyone in the club once she gets where she’s going. Especially with her not having a phone. Though I suppose she could have gotten a new one since leaving. Even if it’s a burner phone to use for emergencies. By now, she could be with her parents at home and other than a town name, we have no clue about her last name or anything. At least I don’t. I’d remember if she gave me a piece of information like that. I remember every single thing about her I’ve learned.

Getting out of the shower, I quickly dress in clean clothes, shove my dirty ones back in my bag, and race from the cabin. It’s colder out today than it was yesterday as I quickly dig out one of the hoodies I keep in my saddle bags and put it on under my cut. Once I’m ready to go, I tear away from the cabin and make my way back down the mountain road full of corners, twists, and turns. The hours it’s going to take to get back home is not going to work in my favor. If anything, my mind is filled with more turmoil now that I know she’s gone than it was on my trip here. I should never have left the way I did. Not without first talking to Bronwan about what was going through my mind and how confused I am about the situation with her.

Pulling up at the hospital, I make sure my kickstand is fully down before rushing inside the main door. I have no clue where I’m going as I slide to a stop in front of the sign telling me where all the different departments are. Finally I find out labor and delivery is up on the third floor of the hospital. Bypassing the elevators, I shove open the door to the stairs so hard it slams into the wall behind it, the loud thump crashing echoing through the narrow place made of concrete.

I trip over my feet multiple times before I manage to make it to the right floor. My head is spinning right now, and I have no clue what I want to do first; ask about the new baby and spend some time with him or get the information about Bronwan so I can go out and find her. This horrible feeling is in my gut, sitting like a lead weight making it hard to breathe. Unfortunately for me, I need to meet Nash and play nice with Lash’s little family before I can leave here and find her.

It’s not hard to find the room I need once I’m on the labor and delivery floor. Death, Shank, and a few other guys are standing outside the room. Making my way over to them, Death is the first one to notice me. He stands up taller than ever before and stares at me as I rush down the hallway with them.

“What are you all doin’ out here?” I ask them, not sure what’s going on as fear fills me for a different reason. “Is everythin’ okay with Nash and Hartley?”

Tags: Erin Osborne Knight's Rebellion MC: Braedon Romance