Page 54 of Our Way Back

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Most of my classes are with Fallon, and a few with both her and Bex.

By lunch, I am ready for the first day to end. It seems to drag on, and all I want to do is to get home so I can tell Dean all about my first day of high school. I haven’t seen him yet, at least not until I enter the lunchroom.

It isn’t until I sit down with Fallon and Bex at an empty table with my lunch tray that I spot Dean across the cafeteria.

I knew it was possible I'd see him at lunch initially for the first few days since first-year students and seniors have the same lunch period in the beginning. The principal thought it would be helpful for the seniors to be around to welcome the freshman and answer questions we might have.

Afterward, the seniors would leave us and have a later lunch period.

It is the first day, and I have already heard whispers in the hallway about Dean and how hot he is. I can’t disagree, but I am not too fond of hearing other girls talk about him.

I'm aware Dean has a reputation; I've heard about it plenty over the years, but that doesn't mean I am ready or prepared to hear about it.

From across the cafeteria, I sit at my table, watching him sit at a lunch table crowded with people. Spence and Dallas sit with him, which makes sense, considering they are in the popular group.

This year, Spencer is the captain of the cheerleading team, having taken the position from Sadie and bumping her down to co-captain, and Dallas is the basketball team's star player.

They are a perfect match. No doubt they'll end up married with five kids. They're perfect together, and everyone swears they'll be together forever. There's no doubt about it, especially when Spence looks at him with hearts in her eyes and like he's the reason for the stars in the sky.

My sister is madly in love.

Dean plays football. Well, played. This year he isn’t playing because he wants to focus on researching colleges and spend as much at home as he can since this is his final year before going away to college. I'll miss going to his games, but selfishly I'm glad he's not playing. It'll allow us more time together.

“Why don’t you walk over to him instead of sitting here and staring?” Fallon snaps me out of my thoughts, stealing some fries from my plate.

“Who? Who are we watching?” Bex asks, as oblivious as ever.

“Dean Jameson.” Fallon points, and I reach out and pull her hand down.

“Don’t point. You’ll make it obvious. I’m just curious about what Dean’s like at school. I haven’t seen him at all today.” They both giggle.

“We’re at school, duh. He’s probably busy with first-day stuff. You can’t expect to see him every day, all day. Things will be different than they are during summer.” I roll my eyes at Fallon.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know this. I guess I just hoped he’d have more time for me.”

“You’re acting like a possessive girlfriend.” Fallon rolls her eyes. “You’re a freshman, and he’s a senior. He probably won’t pay any attention to you during school.” She steals another fry from my plate. "We're at school, so stop being ridiculous. He can't focus on you."

“Ugh, you’re right! You’re totally right.” I shove some fries into my mouth. After our trip over the summer to Cancun and kissing Dean every day and slipping into his bed to sleep at night, I’ve gotten comfortable with our routine, and I love it. And I love him.

I’m in love with Dean.

Since we've been back home, we haven't spent a night apart. I've gotten great at sneaking out, and he's gotten great at sneaking me in. I sleep in his bed and sneak out before the sun comes up and our parents wake up.

“I’ll just go say hi, then come back and let it go.” They both give me a reluctant nod, and like a girl obsessed, I walk across the lunchroom toward Dean and his group of friends.

We haven't put a label on whatever we are. We sleep together, make out, and say we love each other, and to me, that sounds like a relationship.

Are we in a relationship? I believe we are, even if my parents don't want me dating until I'm sixteen.

I’m halfway toward Dean’s table when I suddenly feel like I’m walking into the lion's den. I’ve never been nervous about approaching him before, but now I am. I think about turning around and going back to my table, but Spencer spots me before I can.

“Hey, sis.” She smiles, biting into an apple. I make a face at her tray of food—an apple, water, and a salad. She eats insanely healthy, always keeping in shape and rarely eating junk. Whereas I never turn down a pizza and hate exercise, she loves it and prefers salad over pizza.

I wave at Spence and Dallas just as Dean’s head turns toward me, and a smile spreads across his lips, lighting up his handsome face.

“Hey, Cam.” He shifts, facing me. “How's your first day going?”

Stupid Sadie opens her stupid paper-cut mouth before I can respond. “Who let the child near our table?”

Tags: Kyla Faye Erotic