Page 34 of Lie with Me

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I laughed at the diagnosis. “Let’s do that in the water.”

“I’ll race you. Let’s see who gets waist-deep first.”

Like kids, we laughed and turned to face our invisible finish line. A large part of me wondered if this was some kind of dream. Another part of me wondered if I had completely snapped and lost my bloody mind.

We counted down to three and the both of us shot off, water splashing in the air.

It was liberating. I had been nervous, won’t lie about that, but running with my cock flopping around, water up to my thighs, Oliver splashing in my direction to try and slow me down, it was all so… so damn freeing. The hotel up the beach from us was closed for renovations, so we felt extra secluded, but even then, in that moment, that little slice of time, I didn’t have a care in the entire world. There could be a stadium-sized audience and I wouldn’t have noticed. It was only about Oliver and me, the two of us coming together under a star-dotted sky, naked and baring all our truths while the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean surrounded us.

“I won! I did it,” Oliver shouted, falling back the last few feet he needed to cross. I wasn’t going to call him out on the cheating. I clapped and swam over to him and gave him a congratulatory kiss.

The ocean around us was calm, the waves barely even registering as we stood.

We kissed again, the heat still potent between us. The flames were fanned, and my body was rigid with need. I rocked my hips forward through the water, feeling a dose of ecstasy flood through me. He was as hard as I was.

“Fuck, Oliver.” I held his head in my hands. Water dripped down his cheeks, off his chin. He looked up into my eyes, and I swear I’d never seen a more beautiful sight. I kissed him again before I could say the words “you’re absolutely perfect” out loud.

Oliver’s hands traced down my hips, squeezed my thighs. His tongue swirled around mine the moment his grip tightened around the base of my cock. He tugged, the water adding a new element to the sensation of pure pleasure.

His hands traveled up and down my length, slowly. It was as though he were savoring every last inch.

He broke our kiss and let out a small gasp, one that made my full balls ache.

“Jesus, Mother, and Holy Katy Perry, you’ve gotsucha big dick.”

I looked at him for a brief moment before I cracked, laughing out loud. “You’ve got such a way with words, Olly.”

He cocked his head and offered me the most innocent of smiles, all while he slowly jerked me off under the calm water. “Don’t I?”

“Come here,” I growled, unable to keep my hands off him, my lips off his. He squealed in delight, letting go of my dick as I claimed him again, taking his mouth with mine, holding him up so that he wrapped his legs around my waist. Our hard cocks rubbed together, building up an undeniable pressure inside my core.

Oliver reached down through the water and grabbed me in his hand again, his lips still pressed against mine.

“Oh fuck,” I hissed, feeling a new kind of pressure consume me when Oliver pushed my cock down between his legs so that my head slipped between his ass. He started to grind on me, rubbing himself on my chest while the head of my cock parted his cheeks.

“That feels so damn good,” Oliver said into my ear as he worked his hips. My hands moved downward, grabbing his ass and opening him up further. He gasped in a way that made me wish I could sink into him right now. All I wanted was to become one with Oliver. Unite our bodies in an explosive display of pure passion and heat.

“So good,” he said again, breathy and low. He nipped at my earlobe, sucked on my neck. I started to thrust, rubbing myself against him. All thoughts of dangerous marine life slipped my mind. I could only focus on Oliver and the way his hard body felt against mine, the way my cock felt passing between his cheeks, rubbing on his ass.

“That’s it, Beck, oh God, I could almost feel you inside me.”

His words pushed me closer and closer to the edge. To what felt like the edge of the world, here in the dark ocean, only feeling his body on mine, the water lazily lapping on our skin. My fingers dug into him. Water started to splash as our movements became bigger, faster. Oliver dropped his head back, exposing his sensitive throat, his bobbing Adam’s apple. I licked him from neck to chin, tasting the salt water and skin, my entire body being driven crazy by desire.

“I want to be in you.” The words crashed out of me like a tidal wave. “I want you, so fuckin’ bad, Oliver.”

His grinding intensified, his eyes rolling back. I could feel his nails scratching at my shoulders as he lost himself.

“I’m gonna come,” he said, voice husky, eyes shut tight, lips formed into an O. He pushed forward, his hard length pressed against my belly. I could feel his orgasm hit. I could feel him trembling on me, his nails digging deeper into my back, his body twitching and convulsing as he came, spilling his seed into the ocean.

“Oh fuck, Oliver.Fuuuuck.” I let go. My balls erupted, my cock shooting into the water as the climax ripped me to shreds. If I weren’t standing in the ocean, I was sure I would have collapsed on the ground, that’s how weak my knees felt after it was all over.

We kissed as the full moon washed her light over us. The stretch of beach we were on was still empty (thankfully), our clothes neatly piled on the shore. I held him for a little longer, planting delicate kisses on him, a glowing smile on both our faces.

“Wow,” Oliver said after a few moments. “That was…”

“Jesus, Mother, and Kitty Perry hot?”

Oliver laughed at that. His eyes were glowing as he looked up at me. “Kitty Perry? I think I know a porn star by that name.”

Tags: Max Walker Romance