Page 33 of Lie with Me

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I had to ask it. The words had formed on the tip of my tongue and fell out before I could even think twice.

“No, no it doesn’t.” The break of waves filled the air.

“Good,” I said, confident. “Me either.”

“You sure about that one?”

I had to look up at Beckham, only to make sure he wasn’t joking. “Yes, of course I’m sure. I mean, your salt-and-pepper look doesn’t exactly scream ‘I’m in my early twenties.’ I figured you were older than I was the second I laid eyes on you. Which also happened to be when I realized how badly I wanted you.” I leaned up and kissed him. He tasted as sweet and sensual as I remembered. “Coincidence? I think not.”

Beckham was smiling. I could see it under the moonlight. “I don’t think so, either. And side note: I’ve had this hair color since I was in my teens. I started getting silver strands really early.”

“Well, I love it.” I couldn’t help but put a hand in his hair and feel it, feel the thick strands. We kissed, my lips taking his for a moment.

“Come on,” I said, pushing off him. A flame of adventure lit up inside me. I hadn’t felt this alive in a very,verylong time. “Let’s go in.” I grabbed Beckham’s hand and started walking toward where the ocean lapped at the sand. Beckham was protesting, but I wasn’t having any of it. I stopped inches away from where the sand was dark and smooth. Holding myself with one hand on Beckham, I started taking off my shoes.

“Into that? The dark water? I don’t know, Oliver. Today’s been adventurous, but I think I might have to put my Dora bookbag down on this one.”

“Ohpuh-lease. Is big ol’ Beckham scared of a little water?”

“Not at all. What I am scared of is the sharks and jellyfish and stingrays and—”

“Okay, okay, I got your point.” I smiled his way. “We can come back when the sun’s up.” The moonlight was reflected in his glittering green eyes, making me wonder how safe his waters were, considering how badly I wanted to jump in.

I started to put my socks back on. The darkness hid my look of disappointment.

But Beckham was more intuitive than that. He didn’t need light to see that I was let down. “All right, all right.” I heard azziiiippand realized it was Beckham already pulling down his pants.

13Beckham Noble

Icouldn’t believe Oliver was talking me into this. My paint-covered pants were already down at my ankles, and my shirt was coming off next. The warm ocean breeze ran over my bare chest. For what felt like miles, we were the only ones on the stretch of beach. There was no one else, just Oliver and me, getting down to our briefs, looking at each other with mischievous smiles and eyes glittering under bright moonlight.

“Let’s go all in tonight.” He gave a pointed look to my briefs.

“All in?”

“Alllllin, honey.” Oliver’s smirk was wicked. I was already getting hard.

“This is mad.”

Oliver tsked. “Live a little, Beck.” He looked me up and down as I started to take off my (tightening) briefs. “Besides, I think the paint’s already seeping into your skin. If we don’t wash this off fully, I’m not sure how much living we’ve got left.”

I chuckled. “I like that about you.”

“What? My deep concern for skin care as well as being alive?”

“How you turn every moment into a memorable one.”

He seemed a little taken by that. His face cracked into a wide smile. “Well, let’s make sure tonight is really burned into our memories, then.” He crossed the distance between us, the sand parting as his toes sunk onto mine. His lips were on mine in seconds. My hands moved to his bare hips, feeling the soft skin underneath my touch. It sent a bolt of need straight to my cock, which was pulsing against Oliver’s hard length.

We kissed and the entirety of Miami Beach faded away. Never had I felt something so powerful. It took my breath away. Fully. I had to pull back, suck in a breath of air. Oliver’s eyes were pinned to mine, his lips parted, his hands on my ass.

“Let’s get in the water,” I said.

“Oh, now someone wants to dive right in, huh?”

“Better that than get arrested for public indecency.”

“Okay, Beck, we’ve gotta work on your worst-case-scenario syndrome.”

Tags: Max Walker Romance