Page 5 of More than Tempted

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She rather welcomed the change of scenery, and it would present the perfect opportunity to steal Sebastian’s attention and discuss her trip to Egypt.

Sebastian nodded. “Nicholas received an invitation and is travelling with us. It’s a five-hour journey. There’s no point taking two carriages.”

Nicholas was coming to Grayswood?

Her pulse thumped hard in her throat.

Nicholas would be squashed in a carriage with her for five hours? She would have his company for five full days? Spend five nights knowing he slept a short distance away?

Merciful Lord!

It would not be a relaxing respite from town life.

It would be pure torture.


Nicholas instructed his coachman to park the carriage in Grosvenor Square, a mere stone’s throw from his ten o’clock appointment in the adjacent street. He pulled his gold watch from his pocket and inspected the time.


He had five minutes to decide whether to join his friend on a jaunt to Surrey or find a reasonable excuse to avoid the trip. Having mastered the art of avoidance these last two years, he sat wondering why the hell he was dressed and contemplating the impossible.

One good reason entered his head.

He would likely murder his blackmailer if he remained in town. Indeed, shooting the rogue seemed like the only solution to his pressing problem.

A man with similar troubles might have spent a restless night plotting the evil deed, yet he thought only of Miss Langley sailing halfway across the world to the ancient Port of Alexandria.

Bloody hell!

Perhaps he should use his powers of persuasion and convince Sebastian to let her visit Egypt. Then he might regain his sanity. Maybe each night he would dream about something other than making love to the golden-haired beauty who treated him like kin. Yet the thought of placing three thousand miles between them brought a boulder-sized lump to his throat.


He scrubbed his hand down his face.

The seconds ticked, but his heart and head were at war.

Seneca said fate dragged along the reluctant. Was that why he’d had to haul himself into the carriage this morning? Was destiny guiding him, forcing him to confront the issue?

Like a seasoned gambler, he left the decision to chance.

Reaching into his coat pocket, he withdrew a sovereign and flipped the coin in the air. “The head of George IV and I remain in London. The crowned shield and I don a suit of armour and visit Grayswood Folly.”

Having caught the gold coin, he slapped it down onto the back of his hand and dared take a peek. The shield shone beneath his palm, taunting him, sending his heart slamming against his ribcage with the force of a battering ram.

Mother of all saints!

So, he was to visit Grayswood. The earthly equivalent of five days in hell, where temptation would be but an arm’s reach away. A man would need the strength of the gods to maintain his indifference.

A simple plan of action was needed. He would be Sebastian’s shadow. Stalk him night and day so he need never be alone with Miss Langley again.

Being anything but a coward, Nicholas gathered his wits, rapped on the roof, and told Tanner to proceed to their destination. While giving a few timely yawns, he would explain he’d been awake half the night, then close his eyes and feign sleep for the entire five-hour journey. It wasn’t a lie. Like a bedlamite, he had stared at the ceiling for hours, consumed by a morose mood.

But his plan went awry when he arrived in Grosvenor Street to find Sebastian hovering next to his marked carriage like the best-trained footman.

“Nicholas! Thank God you’re here.” Sebastian did not welcome him into the house but led him further along the street, his countenance growing more agitated with each stride. “Someone saw Parbrook at White’s last night. The bastard must take me for a coward.”

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