Page 6 of More than Tempted

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“Parbrook? Are you sure?”

Sebastian snatched a crumpled note from his pocket and thrust it into Nicholas’ hand. “This arrived an hour ago.”

Nicholas peeled back the folds and read the missive. “The sender hasn’t signed their name.” It was likely a gossip out to cause trouble. “Parbrook knows you’ll call him out if he’s seen in town so soon after theincident. He would be a fool to return.”

The incident.

That’s how Nicholas referred to the night he had left the solitude of Lord Hampton’s library to find Parbrook molesting Miss Langley in the corridor. Like a statue to disbelief, he had stood frozen in the doorway, trying to establish if she welcomed the rogue’s attention.

Then she thumped the blackguard.

And a fire ignited in his chest, a rage to match Satan’s fury, and he recalled nothing but the cries, the blood, smashing his fist into Parbrook’s arrogant face again and again. The fool fled before Sebastian could call him out. And though there had been no other witnesses to the event, the tale had appeared in theScandal Sheetdays later.

Viscount Denton’s sister came unstuck last week while sneaking through the corridors at the Hamptons’ soiree. Had the lady taken a wrong turn, one wonders, or perhaps arranged a secret assignation? Having witnessed a certain gentleman’s bloody nose, one might think it the latter.

“The man is desperate for funds,” Sebastian growled. “And he lost two teeth the night you beat him near senseless. Maybe he has a vendetta against Helen and means to make her pay.”

Nicholas gritted his teeth. He would kill Parbrook if he laid a hand on Helen again. “Have you told her?”

“Hell, no! She’s looking forward to visiting Grayswood and will only worry.” He hardened his jaw. “Besides, I mean to find Parbrook this morning and chase him out of town.” His tone turned sinister. “That, or I shall put a lead ball between his brows.”

An idea formed. One that would prevent his friend from taking drastic action and might save Nicholas five days of torture.

“You take Helen to Grayswood, and I shall deal with Parbrook.” The muscles in his shoulders relaxed. He would rather risk his life in a duel than suffer the constant tug on his heartstrings.

Sebastian gripped Nicholas’ shoulder as a man did his closest confidant. “I know you’re like a brother to her, Nicholas, but Helen is my responsibility.” He gazed at Nicholas with a level of trust he did not deserve. “When we lost Michael, I didn’t think I would see her smile again. And while you cannot replace him, we both think of you as kin.” His lengthy pause proved worrying. “Which is why I know you will agree to my plan and help me save her from that fiend.”

Nicholas swallowed deeply. “Plan?”

Sebastian glanced behind before whispering, “You will escort Helen as far as Cobham while I hunt Parbrook. Take my carriage and wait for me at the Saddlers Inn. Send the groom for refreshment and remain in the vehicle. When people see my crest, they’ll assume I’m inside.”

Hell’s teeth!

The man was out of his mind!

Panic twisted in his gut. In the history of harebrained schemes, this was the worst.Cursed saints!He could not spend hours alone in a closed carriage with Helen Langley.

“Invent a story about me being ill if you must,” Sebastian said, blind to the flaws in his plan. “You’ll be my alibi should Parbrook hurl accusations. I’ll arrive in time for us to proceed to Grayswood as planned.”

“Have you taken leave of your senses? What if someone should see us alone together? I shall have no choice but to marry her.”

While the thought of waking beside Helen each morning had his blood pumping wildly through his veins, he could not make love to a woman who saw him as a relative.

Tell him! For Christ’s sake, tell him!

Nicholas opened his mouth to speak, but snapped it shut.

There were many reasons for keeping his secret. If Helen knew of his affection, she would no longer see him as a brother, no longer welcome him to family events.

He would be excluded.

He would be alone.

Sebastian’s snort dragged Nicholas from his reverie. “Marry her? She would rather face ruin than marry family. Besides, you don’t want children, and she wants a brood. And after your parents’ disastrous marriage, do you think I would let either of you suffer a similar fate? No. Trust me. Stay in the carriage, and I shall have everyone believe I’m my sister’s chaperone.”

“How?” Nicholas fought to maintain his composure. “Lady Wallace is your neighbour and theton’s most notorious gossip. She has her nose pressed to the window most days.”

Sebastian patted him on the back and laughed. “I shall ride in the carriage and alight once we reach the square. I’ll make my way to the mews on foot. Come, you’re worrying unnecessarily. There is no man I trust more to take care of my sister. Just wait for me at the Saddlers Inn, and all will be well.”

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