Page 5 of Loving Summer

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Fuck, this is the best first kiss I’ve had in my life. Pulling away from her mouth, I kiss down her neck to the swell of her breasts, and she moans, pushing them against my mouth. Her soft hands trail up my stomach, then around my back. Her little fingers slip under my waistband and knead at my ass, pulling me toward her center. I was trying to be a gentleman, but my woman isn’t having any of it. When her hands come around to my front, and she tugs at my belt, I step back. The lust starts to fade, and I’m left looking at the most beautiful woman in the world all tussled up from our kiss. The look in her eyes about kills me, but I know this is for the best.

“Go to sleep, baby. As much as I want this, I know you need a good night’s rest, especially if you’re working tonight. I’ll talk to you in a little while.”

She bites that damn lip again and using my thumb. I tug it from her teeth and soothe the bite away with the pad of my thumb. “You drive me wild when you do that. Now go inside and dream about everything I’m going to be doing to this sexy body real soon.”

“Good night, Drake.”

“Sweet dreams, Summer.”

She unlocks her door and walks in. I wait until I hear the lock slide closed and the chain against the door. I don’t know if I’ll be able to leave her again. It goes against my instincts to have her anywhere other than beside me where I can keep her safe.



I slip out of my four-inch heels, kicking them into my closet and wiggle out of my dress, all the while wondering why Drake didn’t accept my invitation to come in. Did I do something wrong? When I go to the bathroom, I take my makeup off and then braid my hair, so it’s not a mess when I wake up. I stare at myself in the mirror and smile. My lips are bruised, and he left red marks against my neck and chest. I can still feel his lips on me, the scruff of his facial hair against my skin, and the way his fingers dug into my hair and moved me where he wanted me. As far as first kisses go, we nailed it. I’ll be thinking about that kiss for a long time.

I sigh, turning the light out in the bathroom and walk back to my bedroom. I take my bra off and throw it toward my closet and collapse in bed. I lie awake, staring at the ceiling, thinking over everything that happened today. It’s so crazy that we ran into each other at the beach, but what’s even crazier is that he asked me out. I guess the crush I’ve been harboring for him hasn’t been one-sided. God, what was I even thinking inviting him in? I wouldn’t know what to do. I have no experience with men, he was my first kiss after all. Drake was right about slowing us down, but that kiss he left me with and the pole digging into my belly while he devoured me lets me know he’s definitely interested. Once I close my eyes, it doesn’t take long for me to fall asleep to dreams of sexy kisses.

“Tell me everything!” Tori pleads while we’re taking our lunch break. We’re sitting outside at one of the picnic benches near the garden. This is one of my favorite places to escape to whenever I need a moment to myself or get a chance to take my lunch. Usually, we’re so busy I’m eating on the go, but today there were a couple more people on the schedule.

“I already told you everything that happened. You do remember calling me and waking me up, right?” I laugh at Tori’s hopeful expression.

She waves me off. “I can’t believe he kissed you like that and then he just left. There’s more to the story, there has to be more.”

I laugh and throw a grape at her face. “Sorry to let you down Tor, but that’s it. He said he would talk to me later today.”

“And?” She asks, drawing it out impatiently.

“And nothing you goof. I haven’t heard from him.”

“Maybe he’s busy,” Tori suggests, telling me the very thing I’ve been telling myself since I haven’t heard from him all day.

I shrug. “Maybe.”

“Don’t do that, Summer. Don’t be that girl who lets a guy get away because of a misunderstanding. You have a phone, you could text him you know, take the bull by the horns and-”

My eyes get big, and I start coughing, choking on the grape that’s in my mouth. Tori jumps up and comes around the table. “Oh shit, Summer. Don’t choke.” She starts slapping my back but stops when she realizes I’m fine and what has shocked me in the first place. Drake is walking up with one of his friends, wearing his Hilton Head EMT uniform and carrying a bouquet of pink roses in his hand.

Tags: M.K. Moore Romance