Page 10 of Loving Summer

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“Woman, you are fucking killing me,” I groan.

“What did I do?” she asks, running her fingers over the cross tattooed on my shoulder.

“You’ve fucking ruined me, Summer.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” she giggles.

“It definitely isn’t,” I reply.

“I’m pretty sure I love you, Drake.”

“Pretty sure?” I ask. I need her to be one hundred percent certain.

“Yeah, I don’t want you to think that I’m like a psycho or something. One date? Does that even happen?” she asks, looking over at me. I could get lost in those eyes. Her long lashes almost touch her eyebrows. I am mesmerized by them. My cock begins to harden again, but I will it away. I am sure she is exhausted, and I don’t want to overwork her sweet pussy.

“You better fucking believe it, baby girl. That works out in my favor because I love you. I don’t give a fuck that it might be crazy.”

“So, what do we do now?”

“Let’s start with tonight and then all the rest of the days.”

“I like the sound of that. So much.”

“Me too, baby girl. Me too.”

A few weeks later, I wake up in her bed again. We have been going back and forth between her apartment and my house. Every night she is in my arms where she belongs, and fuck if each day isn’t better than the last. We still haven’t discussed the fact that I fill her unprotected pussy up with my seed every chance I get, but I know we need too. The ring I have been carrying around in my pocket since our first date is always on my mind. The time hasn’t been right for me to propose, but today is the day. My ring on her finger is the only thing that matters. I am off today, and I was looking forward to sleeping in, but Summer is on call, and someone didn’t show up this morning. I usually work four ten-hour shifts, and so does she but with an additional on-call day. I watch her put her purple scrubs on and then sit on the edge of the bed to put her shoes on.

“I should be off around six,” she says cheerily, pulling her hair up in a tight ponytail that gives me ideas that I don’t need right now, but I file it away for a later time. I love that she loves her job so much. She needs to help people, and this is her way of doing that. I do the same thing. It’s just another way that I know we are meant to be. I was meant to walk into that hospital and find her.

“Meet me at my house for dinner?” I ask.

“Sounds good,” she leans over and kisses me, and I can’t help pulling on that enticing ponytail. She’s out the door before I have a chance to say anything else. I amble out of bed and take a hot shower before leaving her apartment, locking the door behind me.

I head out to the Bay Pointe Beach, where my house is. I hit the grocery store on the way to grab some things for dinner. Shortly after six, I get a text from Summer.

Summer: I’m going to be late. Tori is having a crisis. Going to her place. I’ll call you when I’m on my way. Sorry, and I love you.

Me: I love you too. See you later.

When she still isn’t here at nine-thirty, I do something I swore I’d never do. I track her fucking phone like the psycho I am feeling like and find her at Cirque, the same night club I was going to take her to the night we went out the first time.

I don’t know what comes over me, I grab my keys and head over to the club. I am not exactly sure what I am expecting to find, but all I know is that she fucking lied to me and that doesn’t sit well with me at all.



When I got to work today I could tell something was off with Tori. Usually, my best friend is happy and ready to laugh. Not today. Today she was in a pissed off mood from the minute I saw her clocking in. I thought it was just that we hadn’t been spending enough time together lately. I finally cornered her and made her tell me what was up. I still don’t think she told me everything, but she told me she was having a shitty week and what she really needed was a girl’s night.

Now that I’ve been watching her on the dance floor and the amount of liquor she’s been downing tonight, I’m starting to wonder what has been making things hard for her. She all but begged me to go out tonight. There was something about the way she asked that told me I shouldn’t say no. I told myself there was nothing wrong, going dancing with my best friend. It’s not like I would do anything with another guy or let it happen. Yet as I talked myself into going, the lie felt bitter. A lie is a lie after all, even if it’s one by omission. I knew that if I told Drake what we were doing though he would have either asked me not to go or offered to come with us, neither of those were options for me. Tori needed a night just me and her, but now there’s a pit in the middle of my stomach put there by my own doing. This feels so wrong. I shouldn’t be here. I’ve thought of calling Drake a hundred times or even texting him. I know the minute I tell him where I’ve been, he’ll be pissed. I’m more worried about hurting him than taking the brunt of his anger. The man is everything to me. How could I have been so stupid to mess up like this?

Tags: M.K. Moore Romance