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The sexual tension between Mitch and me has reached an all-time high. Working for him has been heady and exciting and frustrating all at the same time. I fantasize a lot about us, and what makes it worse is when I see him face-to-face because my brain always decides to play my fantasies, and I end up becoming a blushing mess.

Mitch doesn't help matters either. Every time we have to talk, I find his eyes lingering on certain parts of my body. And when I wear my favorite stilettos, he always has a hard time tearing his eyes away from my legs. I desperately need someone to talk to, someone to share these things with, which is why I find myself calling Ashley, who picks up on the first ring.

“Tired of Latimer already?” Ashley's voice is a much needed balm to my nerves.

I laugh. “Not yet. But there are, however, certain humans I've missed.”

Ashley is my roommate on campus, and we had sort of become friends. But after the break up with Smith, she had kept her distance a little.

“Oh my God, Beth. I’ve missed you too. I’m sorry I haven’t called to check on you. School work’s been so hectic. How have you been?”

“Great. Living back home with my parents in Latimer is everything I hoped it would be.” I say sarcastically.

“I can only imagine, my friend.” There’s a quiet shuffling on the other end as if Ashley is making herself comfortable. I smile at that; Ashley had always been so caring and thoughtful and had always constantly looked out for me.

“Oh, Ashley,” I moan. “So much has happened.”

“Lay it on me girl,” Ashley says, and that’s all I need to pour my heart out.



My eyes hurt from staring at the screen for hours, but I don't look away from it. I slip my glasses off to rub at my temples. The fact that I’m making a lot of progress in testing the numerous features the app offers gives me the immeasurable boost to continue. By incorporating an option for video chat within the app, the chances of being cat-fished decrease significantly. Also the foundation of connecting people on their values and beliefs increases their chances of finding lasting love. It’s a brilliant concept.

I send my two co-workers home the moment the clock shows it’s time for the work day to end. Mateo is a bit reluctant to leave, but my near frown does the trick. Even though I am flattered that Mateo seems to find me attractive, I am really not interested. He isn't my type. He is a bit young, more outgoing than Mitch, who mostly keeps to himself, locked in the office, working the hours away like I most often do.

Mateo does not command a room like Mitch. He doesn't fill out his shirt as Mitch does, and neither does my stomach do back flips when he walks the doorway of my office.

As I am lost in thought, the sound of shoes clicking against hardwood alerts me that I am not alone. The office, so far, has been very safe, and I know there is security downstairs, but I cannot resist glancing at my bag at the corner of the table where my pepper spray is nestled.

When Mitch's frame fills the doorway, I breathe a sigh of relief and relax against my super comfy executive chair, which is one of the reasons I never go home early.

Mitch and I have managed to stay professional despite the heat that constantly sizzles between us. There are days I have struggled to stay professional, which is why I stopped carpooling with him. During the conversations on the commute to work, he asked me about the reason I got into the field of technology. I asked him why he moved back to Latimer and if there was nothing left to talk about, we resorted to bashing my ex.

Having him standing in front of me now is exhilarating. I constantly find myself fighting against the need to rip his clothes off when we’re alone together.

“I'm assuming you aren't staying later than nine?” His baritone voice, deepened further from stress, cuts into my thoughts.

I shake my head, feeling a bit self-conscious and a little tongue-tied when I remember my state of undress. I had popped the first two buttons of my blouse an hour ago solely for comfort, and my heels are no longer strapped around my ankles but laid haphazardly beneath the desk. I am aware that I look less put together than I did this morning and try not to squirm in my seat when Mitch makes his way further into the room.

“Still hard at work, I see,” he says when he rounds my desk, bringing with him the woodsy scent of his cologne that fills my core and causes my heart to pound. My voice is momentarily lost as I struggle to breathe in something other than Mitch's alluring aroma.

I sit upright and blink rapidly, looking into Mitch's eyes, which run across my body, taking in all of me, including the thigh-high stockings I'd purchased as a last resort because the store had been out of regular ones. His gleaming eyes cause me to thank the store manager who'd somewhat convinced me to go for it in my head.

Mitch rests against the edge of my desk, his strong thighs distractingly close to mine. I gulp at how unnervingly close he is and how it would be so easy to slide to my knees between his legs or simply kneel—

No. No. I can't think of Mitch in that way. He is my boss now.

“How are you finding the workload for the app so far?” Mitch’s question once again interrupting my thoughts. And in my current state, I wonder if it isn't the oddest question I've ever heard.

“It's challenging but in a fun way,” I tell him, struggling to maintain eye contact.

His eyes travel over my body like he's an artist looking over a piece of art he would love to replicate. My fingers itch to cover my exposed chest where there's a teasing amount of cleavage displayed. It doesn't help that my pulse thuds harder when Mitch's eyes linger there or trail to my legs.

“That's good,” he says, voice sounding a bit far away. “There’s paperwork I'd like you to fill; contractual forms you are required to sign,” he adds, his gaze finally meeting mine.

Tags: Misty Ellis Billionaire Romance