Page 76 of Wild Earl Chase

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When her eyes rolled back in her head and she stopped breathing, his cock recognized its moment of glory had arrived. He shuddered as his balls drew up and catapulted his seed to its destination. His semen erupted inside her warm sheath. “Susan,” he shouted, shaken to his core by the sheer beauty of their joining.

“Griff,” she sighed a while later when his breathing had steadied.

He ought not to have collapsed on top of her after his climax, but the delicate touch of her fingertips tracing patterns on his back had him hypnotized. “What?”

“You’re mine at last.”

“Forever,” he replied, not caring that he was drooling into the pillow.


Ten months later

“I’m excited,” Susanadmitted as Thicketford Manor came into view at the end of the avenue.

“Not nearly as excited as Patsy, I’ll warrant,” Griff replied. “Gabriel told me she was driving her mother mad with questions before our son was even born.”

Susan gazed down at the babe asleep in her arms. “Let’s hope he wakes soon, or she’ll be disappointed.”

“The poodles will probably make sure he does,” Griff remarked.

As they expected, a large welcoming committee awaited. Servants applauded as Emma took Bryn from Susan’s arms and nestled him atop her baby bump. Even Frame cracked a smile. Gabriel grinned, shaking Griff’s hand. “Well done. I know the wondrous feeling of becoming a father for the first time.”

“And you’ve another on the way,” Griff replied.

“I want to hold Bryn,” Patsy whined, trailing after her mother as everyone trooped into the house.

“We talked about this, young lady,” Emma replied, rolling her eyes. “He’s only a week old. When we get settled in the drawing room, you can hold him on your lap. Remember how careful we had to be with Rafe?”

The toddler in question tugged at his mother’s skirts. “I hold him too?”

“Me first,” Patsy insisted, making a beeline to sit next to her mother when they reached the drawing room. “Why did you call him Bryn?”

“It was my Welsh grandfather’s name,” Griff replied.

Susan wedged herself into a loveseat next to Griff. Her family had gathered to meet her son for the first time. She was safe among people who loved her, but Griff and Bryn were her family now. She could never be far away from her loving husband. Just looking at him kindled reminders of the erotic delights they shared.

The pleasant afternoon unfolded predictably. Patsy was eventually allowed to hold the still sleeping Bryn on her lap for a few minutes. Rafe touched a careful finger to the babe’s forehead then lost interest and hurried off to chase one of the poodles. Wellington and Princess wandered about aimlessly, more docile than Susan remembered.

Gabriel asked about Orion and the new Pendlebury Stables which was the only cue Griff needed to talk at length about the phenomenal success of the enterprise he’d worked so diligently to get off the ground. Orion’s heroic role in Griff’s rescue had also enhanced the reputation of Pendlebury Stables. The horse was a legend in his own right.

Susan inquired after Emma’s health now that she was expecting again.

Rebecca asked about the progress of renovations at Clifton Heights, expressing her understanding when Susan admitted she hadn’t done much while she was pregnant.

Susan was curious and saw nothing amiss with asking about Baron Whiteside. Emma’s correspondence had hinted at a continuing friendship. Susan was glad of it since Rebecca now lived alone at the dower house. She wished the question unasked when the color drained from Rebecca’s face and she glanced nervously at Emma.

“We weren’t sure whether to tell you or not,” Gabriel said after clearing his throat. “But you’ll probably hear of it soon enough.”

Susan was confused. Surely she would have heard if the baron had died?

“A short while ago,” Rebecca said softly, “my son’s friend, Dr. Henry, attended a woman in labor.”

Susan glanced at Griff, who looked as confused as she felt.

“The woman gave birth to a son,” Rebecca continued. “But she died soon after.”

Susan shivered. She’d been lucky to breeze through the birthing process with almost indecent ease. “I still don’t understand…”

Tags: Anna Markland Historical