Page 51 of Wild Earl Chase

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Whimpers became full-throated moans when he inserted a finger inside her pulsing sheath. In and out, with his tongue all the while suckling.

She wasn’t sure at what point she began playing with her own nipples, frustrated by the gown.

He growled his delight when he noticed what she was doing. She realized she was in the hands of an expert when her breasts were quickly and efficiently bared to his view and he suckled a nipple.

The urge to whine that she wanted his mouth on her womanhood and her nipples at the same time melted away when he simplified things. “Squeeze your nipples,” he commanded before returning his fingers and tongue to their task.

She complied, wailing when a wave of rapture swamped her from the tips of her toes to the top of her head.

Griff’s grunt of satisfaction penetrated the haze of euphoria. “Beautiful,” he rasped.

As she returned to earth, it came to her she’d always believed it was a good idea to learn new things from an expert.


Lying on hisstomach in the wide meadow between the copse at the edge of the Whiteside estate and Farnworth lands, Arthur was confident the long grass hid him from view.

He’d spent most of the afternoon in the uncomfortable position, his father’s telescope trained on the stables behind Thicketford Manor. Well, that wasn’t strictly true. He’d taken a couple of breaks to let off steam with Tillie, but she’d since fallen asleep.

The sex at least made up for a complete failure to spot the thoroughbred. If it wasn’t in the stables, where was the animal?

He was about to shake Tillie awake and pack his telescope away when he saw two people approaching the stables—with a horse trailing behind.

Excitement bubbled when he put the telescope to his eye again and focused on the magnificent chestnut stallion he’d watched the earl buy in Chester. “Soon, you’ll be mine,” he muttered, furious when he made out the identity of the man and woman, “What have we here? Lady Susan Muck and her fancy man.”

Tillie sat up beside him and stretched. “Who?” she asked with a yawn.

“Stay low,” he hissed, clamping his free hand on her thrusting breasts and giving her a shove.

He snarled at the sight of Susan staring up at her companion like a lovesick puppy. They were holding hands, for God’s sake. Both Crompton women sickened him. First, Emma had spurned him when he did the gentlemanly thing by suggesting a liaison after her first husband’s death. Then, she’d had the nerve to marry a soldier. Now, Susan had latched on to some earl. A baron’s son clearly wasn’t good enough. Even when they were children living on neighboring estates, she’d considered herself superior.

“Can we go soon?” Tillie whined. “I ’ave to get back before they lock the doors.”

He collapsed the telescope, tucked it in the waistband of his trousers and got to his knees. “You go first, on all fours until we reach the trees. Like a dog.”

She took up the position, smiling at him over her shoulder. “You just want to see my bottom wiggle.”

“I do,” he replied with a grin. “And when we’re safely in the copse, I’ll conduct a closer inspection.”

“To make sure it’s still red?” she asked with a giggle.

“Exactly,” he growled, his cock already anticipating seeing the imprint of his hand on her backside. The folly in the grounds of Withins Hall would be the ideal place. It was on the way back to the house. He could enjoy one last fucking then send Tillie off across country to the main road.

Cold dread replaced the anticipation in his gut when they entered the folly. Two of the Watchman’s henchmen stood in the shadows, arms folded across burly chests.

Tillie shrank behind him, clinging to his arm. “Who are they?” she whispered.

Not wanting to reveal his promise to consign her back to the brothel, he eased himself out of her manic grip. “Off you go. I’ll send for you when the time is right.”

He breathed again when she obeyed.

“Enjoy yer afternoon, did ye?” one of the toughs taunted.

Arthur gritted his teeth. These men would think nothing of snapping his neck like a twig, but the notion they’d watched him and Tillie made his blood boil. “She’s a passable lay,” he replied with a forced grin. “What are you chaps doing here?”

“The Watchman sent us to keep an eye on ye and his coin. He wants the horse put to stud right quick.”

“I have a plan,” Arthur lied, hoping they couldn’t detect the tremor in his voice. “So, it’s good you are here to assist. But you will ruin everything if you are seen. You must lie low until I need you.”

Tags: Anna Markland Historical