Page 26 of Marooned

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“Maybe they are still stranded in the cave, wondering what became of theJuana.”

“At least they knew where they were. I still have no idea of our location. If I had Gatito’s telescope...”

“Do you care if we are rescued or not?” she whispered, her fingertips tracing the line of hair from his chest to his belly.

It was a question he’d often asked himself, but she was edging close enough to his cock to make him lose his concentration.

* * *

By the end of the second month, Heidi was concerned. She hadn’t had her monthly flow since arriving on the island and feared she had fallen ill, especially when the retching began.

Living at close quarters, it was impossible to hide her malady from Maximiliano. One morning, after a week of scurrying off to the rocks, she returned to the beach and sat beside him, still feeling too queasy to eat the guava he’d sliced up to break their fast. “It must be something in our diet that doesn’t agree with me,” she told him. “It will pass by this afternoon.”

He eyed her curiously. “I notice you’re only sick in the morning.”


“Forgive me for asking,” he said, “but since we’ve been together, you’ve never begged off reasons.”

She was hesitant to tell him she thought she had contracted a terrible tropical disease. “I believe the shock of being marooned has interrupted...” She frowned when he laughed. “Don’t mock me,” she cried. “I think I am dying.”

He put a hand on her belly. “You’re not dying,querida, just pregnant.”

She shook her head vehemently. “It’s impossible. I’m barren. Torsten and I...”

He smiled. “Perhaps he was the problem.”

She blinked away unbidden tears. Was it possible she was carrying a child? For years, she had longed for a family, but she’d assured Maximiliano she was barren and, as a result, they’d taken no precautions. She squealed when he pulled her onto his lap and kissed her.

“I have always wanted a son,” he declared, his voice cracking with emotion. “And you will be a wonderful mother. But this changes everything.”

Grief and uncertainty tightened her throat, until he grinned. “No child of mine will be born a bastard. Will you wed with me, Heidi Jakobsen?”

All That I Am

Getting his boots on was more difficult than Maximiliano anticipated. “My feet must have grown,” he complained to Heidi as he lay on the mattress with one foot in the air, pulling on the stubborn leather.

“It’s more likely the boots have shrunk,” she replied, “and we can get married without footwear.”

“Absolutely not,” he insisted. “We are going to do this properly.”

“I look silly with my short skirt and sensible Danish shoes,” she complained.

He winked. “But the button-up blouse is perfect for a bride.”

He stood, walked out of the cave then back inside. “Not too bad,” he said, reluctant to admit the boots pinched this toes. “Do I look presentable?”

She laughed. “I like you better naked, but I suppose on his wedding day, a man wants to look his best.”

He cupped her face in his hands. “I was married before, but this is the most important day of my life, so,sí, I’d prefer to be clothed.”

Tears welled in her eyes. “But it’s only for the babe.”

He shook his head. “You cannot believe that. You are my life, Heidi. I don’t know why I didn’t ask you to be my wife before.”

He took her hand and led her to their pool. He looked into her eyes as they stood face to face in the warm sunshine.

“I, Maximiliano de Aguero y de Monzón, promise to cherish, protect and honor you as my wife all the days of my life. You have given me hope and joy, and made me a better man. Without you, I am nothing. I want to be your husband, lover, friend and confidant. You are my breath, my every heartbeat. I have no ring to give, only my love.Te amo, querida.”

Tags: Anna Markland Historical