Page 24 of Marooned

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He’d promised a memorable experience, but her lecherous smile when she set eyes on his arousal roused the beast again.

He knelt between her legs. “As you see,querida, I want you badly.”

She pulled up her skirt, opened her legs wider and curled her hand around his cock. “Come inside me,” she whispered, her eyes full of trust.

The beast egged him on.

The world’s greatest lover wanted more. He curled his arms around her thighs and lifted her woman’s place to his mouth.

Her moans of delight didn’t ease the need to take possession. Her skin heated as he lapped her salty-sweet juices. Sensing she was nearing release, he slipped one finger in and out, then two.

A long, throaty wail emerged as she clenched on his fingers. The climax rippled through her body.

The beast could wait no longer. He positioned his rampant cock at her opening and thrust.

* * *

Heidi had been falling, but now she soared, lifted up to the heavens by intense pleasure. Her soul watched her body convulse with a joy she’d never known.

If only, a little voice said. She searched, not understanding, until Maximiliano filled her.

She’d expected pain, but the muscles of her sheathe wept with elation and held him fast.

She clamped her legs around his hips as he thrust, brushing her thumbs over his male nipples.

She matched his rhythm stroke for stroke, admiring the muscles of his chiseled chest, the strong lines of his neck, the sinews in his arms.

He opened his eyes and looked into hers. His body went rigid as his seed flooded her womb. “Dios,” he cried before collapsing on top of her.

Her soul returned to her body and assured her she’d never been as happy as she was at that moment.

* * *

Maximiliano wanted to stay inside Heidi forever, though he’d intended to spill his seed outside her body. “I meant to withdraw,” he confessed as she traced circles on his back.


“We can’t risk a child,” he replied, though his heart warmed at the thought of Heidi round with hisniño.

“I’m barren,” she whispered. “My husband and I tried for a child for a long time, but...”

He lifted up on his elbows, saddened by the bleakness in her eyes. If ever a woman was born to be a mother...

“I’m sorry,” he said. “But it’s just as well in the circumstances.”

She nodded, pulling him back to lie atop her.

“I’m too heavy,” he protested.

“No, you’re not.”

They lay together, listening to the crackling fire. Maximiliano couldn’t recall the last time he’d felt so utterly content.

He’d almost fallen asleep when smoke drifted into the cave. Heidi coughed. Predictably, his happy cock curled up at her opening. “I’ll put on more wood,” he said, getting to his feet. “We should keep it going all night.”

“I feel like I’ve known you forever,” she said as he hunkered down to tend the fire.

He understood what she meant, but their situation was precarious. They’d be living from day to day. Satisfied he’d banked the remaining wood sufficiently for it to last most of the night, he returned to her side, smiling at the sight of his woman propped on her elbows—hair disheveled, skirts up around her waist, the firelight flickering on pouting breasts.

Tags: Anna Markland Historical