Page 84 of Radiant Rites

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“Ryker’s landing party is away,” Kye’s voice comes over the comm system, echoing around us. “Approaching the planet.”

“Why do I have a bad feeling about this?” Fiona groans.

“Nerves are perfectly normal for an attack of this magnitude,” I say. “Breathe. Your serenity will only help Ryker.”

“I can feel him,” she whispers. “He’s not afraid.”

“Then you shouldn’t be either.” I rest my hand on her knee, glancing over at her. “Ryker has confidence in our plan, as do I. And you saw what he was able to do on Borealis.”

“I don’t want you to have to kill for me anymore,” she whispers. “Notany of you.”

I shrug. “After this, none of us will have to—I hope,” I say. “Unless, of course, you need someone assassinated. But you can use me for that; I don’t mind.”

She snorts despite herself, shaking her head. “You’re psychotic.”

“I just know what I’m good at,” I say.

Kye’s voice comes over the comms again, crackling slightly as they get further away. The Wrath has vanished into the planet’s atmosphere now, somewhere in the blue glow that circles Homeworld. “Entering atmo,” he says. “Going dark.”

That’s our cue.

“Are you ready?” I ask, looking at Fiona.

She swallows hard. “No, but I don’t think I ever will be.”

“We’re going to slay the monster that lurks in those depths together,” I say. “Remember: you are the hunter.Sheis the prey.”

“Right,” Fiona nods, though I’m not sure if she believes me. “Well, then…let’s do this.”

I pilot the Spectre toward Homeworld.



The landing shuttle plummets out of space and through the atmosphere, then into the vast oceans. Through the single port window, I see deep blue bubbles as we descend, our coordinates input for the city of Atarys.

In any other circumstances, this would be a suicide mission. But with the chaos of an attack from multiple ships in the ocean, we should be able to wreak havoc in the city streets. And I’mreadyfor this, stronger than I’ve ever been with my mate’s presence calming my mind.

I can already feel the rush of adrenaline as we near the city, the power of the ancients coursing through my veins. This time, I’ll have control; this time, I’ll have Fiona anchoring me to myself. If I focus, I can feel her fear, her anxiety, her boldness, and I let her scent wash over me as doom draws closer and closer…

Not doom. Life.

I think about the future, instead.

Of making love to my mate—lying in bed with myfamily—in the early morning hours, golden dawn light filtering through the waves. Quarters in the highest tower of the Atarys palace, rather than at the bottom of the Abyss. Flying through space together, Fiona coming into her own as queen of the planet she was destined to rule…

A different kind of fervor comes over me. Not one based in fear or rage, but inlove. Deep, abiding love that sweeps me into its embrace and cleanses me of the toxic anger that endangers my very existence.

I will do this. I will wreak havoc against our foes, and rally our allies to the cause. I’ll do this all forher.

The pod jolts as the docking clamps lock into place, and my heart pounds in my chest. Oxygen floods the chamber, and I breathe it in deeply, preparing myself for the battle ahead. The hatch opens slowly—tooslowly, my blood pulsing in my veins. I grip the handle of my axe and stare across the pod to Aramis, who has their hands wrapped around the hilts of their dual blades.

“To victory,” they grin, their blue eyes blazing.

“To victory,” I repeat, and match their smile.

The hatch opens, and the laser fire begins.

Tags: Clarissa Bright Paranormal