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The blue of his eyes burns as he watches me, as though I’m all that matters in this world, as though I’m suddenly his entire life—his food, his water, his everything. He beholds me with a hunger that tickles my belly and curls my toes.

Biting my bottom lip, I ache to tear my gaze from his, if only to protect the swell of my heart.

Jasper never looked at me this way.

Daein pauses mid-sheathed. His eyes suddenly light up with a blaze as he thrusts into me, hard enough to jut a squeaking sound from my parting lips.

His pace picks up into a frenzy, and he’s fucking me fast and hard.

Each thrust has my body jerking on the bed, pinned in place by his grip on my hips. I reach down for him, clutching onto his wrists and arching my back.

His breaths are coming out more erratic now, harsh and heavy, and I suspect he’s lost in the sensations.

The prince’s strokes deepen. Deep growly sounds rumble up his chest as he slams in and out of me, his nails digging into my flesh. He drives himself home—I am home.

He comes with a roaring shout.

Warmth spills all over my walls, the girth of his cock swelling and jerking against me. I can’t help the faint smile that turns my mouth crooked as I watch him. His hands fumble away from my hips, landing on the mattress, and he slumps over with a faint moan.

Slowly, he eases his pace in and out of me until a final shudder seizes him and he gently slips out of my core.

Smirking, I watch him roll onto the sheets beside me. My cheeks are ablaze, but he wears no shame in his speed.

In answer, he just gives me an exhausted grin, facing me. He drapes his heavy arm over my waist, then draws me to him.

“It has been too long,” he finally says.

I burrow into him.


At the break of the Warmth, the prince doesn’t dismiss me right away. He dallies with his early meal—brought by Terry—and we share it. I get to drink a whole cup of coffee to myself.

But then, he finally does let me leave, so I bundle up my dress in my arms and rush to my bedroom. There, I change into a plain slip, stuff the note between the sole of my sandal and my foot, then head out to find Terry.

I’m not allowed in the kitchens, so when I spot Sira down a corridor washing the floors, I ask her to get her for me.

Sira hasn’t spoken to me since I became the prince’s lover. I know she doesn’t approve, and why should she? Especially since what a dark fae guard has done to her.

She just doesn't understand that I was left without a choice, really. That’s what it came down to.

Still, she tells Terry to meet me on the shore by the clearwater lake.

I wait there, slumped on the shore for the better part of an hour before she finally comes stomping down the sloped path.

With a huff—that tells me how much I’m inconveniencing her during her duty times—she plonks down beside me and folds her arms around her raised knees.

“I know you’re busy today,” I say and draw my foot up to my bottom. Carefully, I slip out the parchment from my sandal. “But this couldn’t wait.”

I pass her the note.

“Tell me you can read,” I whisper.

Her eyes swing to me and, with a twist of her mouth, I read pity in her gaze. “Who gave this to you?”

I consider her for a beat. “I think it might be better you don’t know.”

Her eyebrows raise. Then she unfolds the note and reads it in silence for a moment. She looks up at me, her mouth twisted into a grim line, then says, “Meet in the lower valley gardens at the hot springs. The second Quiet from now.”

Tags: Quinn Blackbird Dark Fae: Black World Fantasy