Page 18 of The Renegade

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“Is he out there alone?”

Rhys shook his head. “Rogue sent one of the hands with him. The new one. I think his name is Jacob.”

That name made me freeze on the spot as my mind was flooded with memories I’d relived a hundred times. I massaged my temples and shooed the lewd thoughts away. The last thing I needed was a hard-on that would make my brother ask all kinds of questions I had no intention of answering. “We don’t have anyone here named Jacob.”

Rhys studied me intently.

Shit. I hadn’t sounded like myself. How had one fucking hookup gotten me so messed up? X hadn’t been kidding about Jacob being trouble. But no matter how much trouble he caused me, I couldn’t be sorry I’d met him and invited him out to my truck.

Rhys shrugged. “I thought that was his name. Maybe I’m wrong. He’s the one that arrived a few days ago. I’ve only seen him briefly.”

“I didn’t hire anyone new a few days ago.”

Rhys rolled his eyes, and we both said, “Rogue,” at the same time.

“If he thinks this is a place he can just bring his friends…” I put down the brush I’d been using.

“Don’t kill him,” Rhys said. “He’s probably trying to help the guy.”

Rhys was right. As a kid and a teen, Rogue had often brought home people he wanted to help. Some of them had been grateful for a safe place to stay and some of them had run off with the little cash I’d saved or something else they found useful.

“You better hope he’s got a good story.”

I stalked out of the barn and tracked Rogue down in a nearby pasture where he was checking on a pregnant mare.

I leaned against the fence and did my best to keep my tone neutral. “Who is Jacob?”

He glanced up, giving me his patented aww-shucks grin. “You said we needed more help.”

“Yes, help that I’ve vetted. Do you realize—”

“Jacob’s not a spy or anything. He’s not going to tell anyone about what we’re doing here.”

“How do you know?”

Rogue sighed. “I helped him escape from Trey Russo. He had no idea who the guy is, and he still doesn’t know beyond a vague sense that he’s into something illegal. Trey manipulated Jacob into a relationship and then wouldn’t let him go.”

“That fucking son of a bitch.”

Rogue nodded. “The fucker managed to find Jacob, so I thought he could hide out here.”

“Without telling me? Did you think I wouldn’t notice?”

“You hadn’t so far.” I got the trademark grin again.

“It took all my self-control not to punch him.”

“This isn’t your personal sanctuary. The people who get sent here are paying big money and—”

“I know you’re not just doing this for money.”

“I’m doing it because I can keep everyone safe.”

“Yeah, and…”

I growled at him. “Because I get to be around horses.”

“So what’s it going to hurt if—”

Tags: Silvia Violet Romance