Page 4 of Always Yours

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He was usually quiet, only speaking up when he had something wise or important to add. After years of raising five kids, three of which were girls, it was no wonder he sat back and just took it all in. But any time his kids fought or were disrespectful to Miranda, he was quick to speak his mind.

Suddenly, there was an uncomfortable lull in the conversation. I curled my hands in my lap and kept my eyes cast down on my plate. The pain in my chest from being reminded yet again that Rhett wasn’t mine, and that he was seeing someone else, was almost unbearable.

Keep it together.Keep it together.Keep it together. I chanted in my head.

I turned my attention to my son, who was happily playing with his truck, eating bits of chicken I gave him from my plate, and drinking milk through his sippy cup.

“Is that yummy chicken?” I whispered.

Kyle broke the silence first. “He’s getting so big and looking more like—ouch, what the hell?” He glared at Ashley from across the table.

“Yeah, I was just thinking that earlier.” I could sense Rhett’s discomfort as he ran his hand through his hair. I bit my lip as I decided to change the subject. “Kyle, how long are you on leave for?”

“Only a week. I have to report back next Monday.” Kyle joined the Army right out of high school and was currently stationed at Fort Bragg. He made the trek home as often as he could.

As dinner progressed, the conversation became easier, but Rhett was not quite himself, more contemplative than usual. There were questions, or maybe an uncertainty, in his gaze that I couldn’t decipher.

As soon as Miranda finished eating, she moved Brendan to her lap, bouncing him on her knee and singing. She’d stepped into the role of his grandmother seamlessly. I imagined how my mom would have been with Brendan, and a mix of emotions still welled up whenever I thought of her.

“Bella, how’s your dad doing? Have you talked to him lately?” George asked me, like he knew where my mind had gone.

Thankful for the reprieve, I took a deep breath before answering with, “Brendan and I video called him last night.” I reached for my mom’s necklace tucked under my shirt, smoothing the heart-shaped locket between my fingers. “He’s doing good… actually dating someone. He seems happy—I promised him I’d take some time off and come visit with Brendan soon.” I turned to Rhett with a playful grin. “Luckily, I’m close with the owners.”

He glanced away and wouldn’t meet my gaze. What the hell was wrong with him? We weren’t super close anymore, not since he’d moved out of his parents’ guest house last fall and into his own small place, but we’d learned to coexist and be friendly with each other. And yet, tonight, for whatever reason, he seemed almost annoyed with me. I had half a mind to ask him what I did to piss him off.

“I’m glad he’s doing well. Tell him hi from us next time you talk and remind him he’s always welcome here.” Although George and Miranda always made that same offer that he could stay with them, in the ten years since my father had moved away, the only time he had been back was for Brendan’s birth.

Rhett cleared his throat and ran his hands through his hair. Nerves were emanating off him in waves.

“I have some news I wanted to share with everyone…” His eyes scanned the table, briefly landing on mine, before sliding away.

But it was his next words that had my heart shattering. “Sarah is pregnant, and I’m planning to ask her to marry me.”

Chapter Three


There was astunned silence around the table. Even though I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, I was watching Bella. Shock, hurt, disbelief, and anger flashed across her face, but no one else seemed to notice. I should have known telling everyone at dinner was a bad idea, but we both needed to move on. She’d made it clear that us getting back together was never going to happen, so from my standpoint, she had no right to be upset.

After only a beat, total chaos erupted. My entire family was talking at once. Savannah wouldn’t shut up about why I would marry that skank. Kyle muttered something aboutonly idiots forget to glove up. And Ashley asked if I was sure the baby was mine.

In all the chaos, my mom’s question seemed to be the only one I could answer. “She’s about three months along,” I responded, while Bella and Ashley shared a pointed look, complete with raised eyebrows. Growing up, it was always like this—unspoken or whispered secrets shared between best friends.

Finally, my father spoke up. “Do you think you two should take some time and talk about marriage after the baby comes? There’s no rush.”

“I think we should marry before the baby comes.” I glared at my dad, frustration rising up. I assumed he would be the one to support my decision to do the right thing.

Savannah leaned casually back in her chair. “Have you asked Sarah what she wants? No offense, but I don’t see her as the settling down type.”

“We have talked about it, and we’re both on the same page.”

“Well, then we’ll all be happy for you,” my mom interjected. “And I’m excited to have another grandchild to spoil.” She tickled Brendan’s belly. As the peacekeeper of the family, this was her way of telling everyone to shut up and move on with dinner.

As our conversations continued, Bella leaned over and asked my mom if she could watch Brendan for a bit because she wanted to take a quick walk.Of course, my mother enthusiastically agreed. She adored that little boy.

“I’ll join you,” Ashley offered, her chair scraping against the patio.

Bella put her hand on her arm. “No, it’s alright. I won’t be long, and then we can finally devour some of that yummy cake you brought. I just… need a moment.”

Tags: A.J. Ranney Romance