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But then it hit her—if she was really in the past, then as far as the myths said, she couldn't go back.

She'd never see her mom or stepdad ever again.

Unless they ended up here too.

Sadness rushed forth, but she pushed it back. She refused to cry in front of these strangers. No, instead she focused on the million and one questions racing through her head. She needed answers. "Can you bring anyone here, to this time, from the future?"

As Yesenia bit her lip, Reina's heart squeezed. The fae witch's words only confirmed her suspicions. "Eventually. Right now, I'm sort of in training. I know, I know, I'm nearly twenty-nine now but I only found out I had magic earlier this year. And there are so many rules about who can or can't come." She took Reika's hand. "But I promise, once I'm fully trained, and if the fae witch Dark Lord doesn't have any objections, I can bring your family here. Well, if you think they'd want to come."

A flicker of hope flashed in her chest. Although to ask her parents to give up everything to reside in the past seemed like too much. She whispered, "I-I don't know."

Yesenia hunched down until she was eye level with Reika. "You aren't married with children, are you?"

She shook her head. "No. But I'm all my mom has, apart from my stepdad."

Silence fell for a few beats until River finally spoke up. "All of this is a hell of a lot for anyone to take in. Allow me to give you a quick check with my magic, heal what needs repairing, and then we'll leave you to eat and let it all set in. You won't have to meet Stone until you're ready."

Is solitude what she wanted?

While still wavering on the whole being-in-the-past thing, Reika liked to make plans. To know what she was going to do, or how to overcome a problem. Just like when she'd first moved to Canada and could barely ask someone's name in English, she wasn't about to allow anything to bring her down or hold her back.

Okay, Reika. Focus on what you can do instead of what you can't.

Determination and hope were her two best coping mechanisms. She'd just have to use them now as well. Maybe soon she'd wake up and find out it was all a dream anyway.

Or maybe not.

In case of the latter, she needed to believe Yesenia could bring her parents here.

Because she didn't want to think of how it'd destroy her mom to lose her too, and without a word.

Although even if the time-wielder could reunite her, life would still be a challenge. There were a million reasons it might not be so rosy—she was a Japanese female in 1890 London, or so they said—and it'd be difficult. Racism would be a lot worse, not to mention misogyny would be off the charts. But she hadn't worked so hard for so many years, first with learning English and starting over in Canada, and later perfecting her culinary skills and blending it with her magic, to give up now.

She needed to find a way to make it work. She just had to.

The words helped, although her heart squeezed at the thought of never seeing her home again, never walking through the park, or debuting a new treat at the bakery.

Never hugging her mom, or even rolling her eyes at her stepdad's corny jokes.

Never visiting her hometown in Japan again.

Suddenly, putting everything off until later seemed like a huge mistake.

Stop it, Reika. This isn't you. Find the positive and move forward. Keep busy and find a way.

Taking a deep breath, she did her best to calm her heart and push away her doubts. Until she knew everything, she shouldn't worry. Much. She'd just put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward.

Both Yesenia and River stared at her, waiting to see what she'd say. Since she wasn't about to sob, or scream, or throw a tantrum, she cleared her throat and decided to be practical. She could use a distraction, after all. "Can I get some paper and a pen? I want to write a few things down."

River shrugged. "I'll see what I can find. Although a pencil might be easier as ballpoint pens are few and far between in this time, and writing with a pen nib and ink is fucking difficult."

Reika shrugged. "Either will work. I had to do brush and ink calligraphy in elementary school, so I'm sure a pen whatever is easier to use."

Although why she was blabbering about her childhoodshodoclasses, she had no idea.

River and Yesenia shared a glance before the female asked, "And will you at least think about meeting Stone, the guy you blooded? I'm not saying you have to let him claim you right away or anything, but he's been stalking around the place, growling about needing to ensure your safety, and maybe meeting you will calm him down a little. Er, wait, that makes him sound unhinged. He's not really, though. Did I mention he's sexy in a silent, growly way?"

River rolled his eyes. "Make him sound creepier, why don't you?" He looked at Reika. "He's a good guy to have at your back, although don't tell him I said that."

Tags: Jessie Donovan Paranormal