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Laughter danced in Reika's eyes. She probably expected him to say no and storm off.

However, he wasn't allowing one of the bloody night guards to escort her anywhere. "Give me an apron and a task, and I'll do it."

Leo chuckled, opened the door leading out of the small room, and gestured for them to exit. "Well, then I'll send one of the guards down to watch over you and ensure you behave. And don't protest, Stone. I know exactly what it feels like to finally kiss your bride and not claim her yet. Even those of us with the best self-control have trouble."

He glanced at Reika and her flushed cheeks, and resisted a groan. Because, yes, he wanted to pull her close and kiss her again. "Fine." He waited for Reika to leave the room first before following.

And once they were in the kitchen, Leo left and Reika handed him a frilly white apron. He shook his head. "This isn't what the kitchen staff wear."

She grinned. "Nope. But it's the biggest one I could find from the former cook. And you're the lucky guy who gets to wear it."

He sighed, put on the white apron, complete with gathered frill things he didn't know the name off, and tied it. As soon as it was on, Reika laughed.

And laughed.

And laughed some more.

He growled. "It's not that amusing."

It took her a second to catch her breath. "But it really is. Like, a maid character was combined with a grumpy secret service agent, and you were the result. I know: Maid Undercover—eradicating dust like he used to do with terrorists. It could be a comedy and be amazing."

She started laughing again. Even if Stone had no bloody idea what she was talking about—some of the words made no sense—he couldn't help but smile.

Something about Reika's laughter was infectious.

When she finally managed to control herself, she took a deep breath and lightly hit his arm with her fingers. "Well, come on then. I have my second wind right now, and it won't last. And trust me, I'm even grumpier when I'm tired versus when I'm hungry."

He grunted, pointed at himself, and raised an eyebrow.

Reika snorted. "Right, what was I thinking? You have grumpy down to an art form."

He was about to say there was a reason for it, but thankfully one of the kitchen maids asked Reika a question and Stone was soon washing dishes.

Even if it wasn't his usual duties, it was somehow soothing to wash, rinse, and dry them.

It also gave him a chance to watch Reika as she interacted with all the staff. Unlike the previous cook, she was friendly, constantly thanked everyone, and when needed, was firm without being cruel.

The more he observed her, the more he couldn't believe fate had picked her for him. She was so…good-humored. And kind. And of course bloody beautiful.

And for a damaged, scarred, gruff male like him, she was like ambrosia. He wanted to devour her, always. Both her happy energy and, of course, her sweet cunt.

Shaking his head, he finished his task and escorted Reika up to her room. She faded as they walked, tiring, and he nearly offered to carry her.

But they arrived at her room before he could. And aware of the night guard watching him, he resisted kissing her. "Good night, Reika. I'll find you tomorrow."

She lightly touched his arm. "I can't wait."

Once she shut her door, he smiled to himself. No female had actually wanted to see him again, let alone looked forward to it.

Maybe, just maybe, fate had made a good choice for him.

And he was determined not to fuck it up.


Reika had been so exhausted the night before that her head had barely hit the pillow before she'd been out cold.

The following morning as soon as she woke to sunlight filtering through the curtains, she lay on her back, the thoughts running a mile a minute through her head.

Tags: Jessie Donovan Paranormal