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Bloody time-travel magic made things confusing as fuck.

Reika laid down her cutlery. "I'd always planned to find and hire a fae witch like that, when I finally opened my own restaurant." She glanced down at the table and played with her plate. "Although I suppose that doesn't really matter any longer."

The previously brave, headstrong female had disappeared.

And Stone didn't like it.

He grunted. "Why? People eat here too."

Stone ignored Yesenia's startled look and focused entirely on Reika. She finally raised her eyes and met his gaze.

He bloody hated the flash of sadness and uncertainty there. He wanted to haul her into his lap and promise Reika the world.

Pushing that ridiculous thought aside, he focused on her answer. "Well, yeah, of course. But I have nothing—no family, no savings, not even a job or place to live. How am I supposed to open a restaurant?"

Yesenia opened her mouth, but Stone beat her to it. "You could start here. Get Leo's kitchen in order until he finds a new cook, and I'm sure the Dark Lord will pay you a nice sum. In the meantime, I can look for a place that would make a good restaurant space for you."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Stone wondered what the fuck he was doing. She wasn't his to keep, never would be, so why was he offering her a future?

It must be his combined bloody instincts.

Then Reika surprised him by raising an eyebrow and stating, "Just trying to bribe and make sure I'll let you claim me?"

He frowned. That hadn't been his first thought, no.

But to say that aloud might give her the wrong idea. He wasn't trying to woo her.

Was he?

Yesenia cleared her throat. "Before we start planning a grand opening, there are a few things Reika needs to do first." The fae witch pushed her plate out of the way and leaned on the table. "You're obviously a fae witch, but is that all?"

She shook her head. "My mother is a fae witch, but my father was an Asian bear shifter."

Reika was half shifter as well? Well, fuck, that would explain some of his pull toward her. Shifter halves weren't dominant, but they bloody well played a role in protecting and claiming a fated one, mixed heritage and all.

Yesenia smiled and waved toward him. "Half shifter, just like Stone. That should make the claiming superhot and sexy."

He narrowed his eyes at Yesenia and grunted. The fae witch shrugged. "What? I thought even in this time, male paranormals didn't get all bashful and shy about sex."

Crossing his arms over his chest, he glared at her for a beat. "We have a guest."

Reika cleared her throat and waved a hand in the air. "Hello, I'm sitting right here. And it's fine, I've heard worse from some of my coworkers. That's what happens when you work with a lot of university students." Since he remained silent—just the thought of her talking about fucking with strangers stirred his instinct to cart her away—Reika asked, "What's your shifter half?"

Not that it really mattered since half-shifters couldn't change forms. "Wolf."

She nodded. "That suits you. Because I don't know if anyone's ever told you, but you're super growly."

Yesenia laughed, but Stone merely shook his head. She was amusing, but it wasn’t as if he wanted to get close to her.

He stood and took a few steps backward. "Yesenia has much to tell you. I'll find you tomorrow."

He turned to leave, but Reika's "Stone," made him halt and look over his shoulder.

After he raised an eyebrow in question, she said, "Thanks for helping in the kitchen. I might need to put you to work again later."

He shrugged and left the room.

But try as he did to think of the upcoming night’s security, and staff rotations, and all of the other details related to his job, all he could imagine was working next to Reika, the heat of the stove making her flush and a bead of sweat trail down her face. He'd then lick it, nibble at her jaw, and place her on the table before tossing up her skirts—she'd be wearing skirts in his fantasy—and devour what he really wanted to taste—her sweet cunt.

Tags: Jessie Donovan Paranormal