Page 40 of Beauty

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“Aurora!” I yell back. But my body refuses to listen with this extreme zapping forcing my limbs into odd shapes.

“If you fucking touch her, I swear …” I say through gritted teeth, barely able to speak.

The guard in front of me laughs as his buddies close the cell again. “You’ll what? Drool a little?” He sniggers and turns around.

The electrical current finally relents when he’s at the top of the stairs.

I breathe in deep, forcing the pain to leave my body as I get up to stand. My muscles quake with my every move, but I still approach the bars and yell, “I WILL KILL YOU ALL!”



“No, take me back!”I yelp as they drag me through the hallway and into the living room area, where I come face-to-face with Lex himself.

The mere sight of his deathly gaze has me boiling with rage.

“Well, I’ve never heard anyone beg so loudly to be put back into a dark hole again.” He laughs out loud. “You’re really smitten with him, aren’t you?”

He laughs so hard that he coughs, and he pulls out a napkin from his pocket and wipes his mouth. There’s blood.

But I don’t care if he’s hurt or not. He hurt Beast and me. This man deserves zero compassion.

“You shot him!” I yell in anger. “How dare you? He did the right thing, and you repaid him by almost killing him.”

“Almostbeing the keyword here.” He winks. “And what’s right is subjective.”

“That’s bullshit, and you know it,” I retort.

“He let you run, and what was the reward?” he muses. “His own near-death and more pain.” Lex shakes his head. “All thanks to you.”

He flicks his fingers, and the guards put me on a couch near the fireplace.

“Who put her in that cell?” he asks one of his guards.

“Uh …” the man stutters.

“Find out. Punish them with the whip,” Lex says, and the guards immediately walk off, talking amongst themselves.

Two guards remain in the room to guard the place while Lex sits down on the seat opposite me. He grabs a cigar from a box off the table and sticks it in his mouth, then fishes a lighter from his pocket to fire it up, all while keeping his gaze fixed on me.

But I’m not intimidated easily by him anymore.

“Let. Me. Go,” I hiss, clutching the couch's armrest.

He snorts. “Give me one good reason.”

“Why do you even need me in the first place?” I ask.

“You were with your father when you ran,” he says, taking another drag of his cigar, blowing out the smoke in my direction. “You know where he is.”

“You think I’d tell you where he is?” I scoff.

He raises a brow. “He hurt you, didn’t he?”

Sweat drops roll down my back. “You did too.”

“It must be so tough living in a world where even your own family doesn’t want you,” he says, steamrolling over me and my emotions. “Where your own father calls you a monster.”

Tags: Clarissa Wild Romance