Page 24 of Beauty

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“Sorry, lady, no can do,” she replies. “I know you said you’re De Vos’s wife, but this is above my pay grade.” She turns the monitor away and focuses on something else, signifying the end.

The end of our conversation.

The end of what little hope I had left.

The end of everything.

I turn and waltz off, my emotions blazing through me like a tornado blasting through a house, trying to find a way out. But there’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide from the debilitating sadness that overwhelms my heart as I sink to the ground behind the clinic and weep against the walls, burying my head in my hands.

He’s gone.

She said it herself.

He lost so much blood … how could anyone survive?

I cry into my hands, not giving a crap that everyone can see them. All I want is one last chance. One last chance to make things right with the boy who deserved all the freedom in the world.

But I can’t.

And I didn’t even know his name.

“Look what we have here … A little runaway girl …” someone says. “Aurora.”

When I lift my head at the sound of my name, my pupils instantly dilate.

It’s one of Lex’s guards.




I shriekand punch all around me, but the guard quickly has my wrists behind my back. I struggle against him as he pushes me into his body, groping me.

“Not so smart now, huh?” he growls into my ear. “You’re coming with me.”

“No, let go of me!” I yell, kicking and screaming.

“Dave!” another guard in the back screams.

“Here!” he replies. “I’ve got her!”

“Take your hands off me!” I shriek as he attempts to bind my wrists with a zip tie.

“Shut up,” he growls, trying to stuff something inside my mouth, but I bite his fingers instead.

He groans in pain, blood rolling down his fingers as he tears them away. The metallic taste is disgusting, and I spit it out instantly. Can’t believe Beast did this on a regular basis.

Dave spins me around on my feet. “You bitch, you bit me!” he roars and slaps me.

“Put her in the van,” the other guard says.

When I finally see straight again, I fight against him as he drags me back through the alley. “No, no, no!” I say.

Not the van. Not the van!

“Stop resisting,” Dave barks. “It won’t get any better for you, trust me.”

Tags: Clarissa Wild Romance