Page 8 of Cabin Mix Up

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I shrug. “Lia saw a spider.”

“A spider?” Steve smirks. “Did she call you outside to kill it?”

I roll my eyes. “That was a quick ride around the lake.”

“We forgot to take the beer,” Steve says with a meaningful look.

When I hear the screen door slide open behind me, I stiffen. Lia better be fully covered or I’ll… I’m already thinking of her as mine. One heated little session on the lounger and I’m ready to go all cave man and claim her.

I try to back away a little, but every time she comes in contact with either of my friends for the rest of the day, I’m there, watching, remembering how she tastes, how she sounds.

Dean drinks more and more as the day rolls on, so I’m glad when Lia says she has to do a little studying and heads back to her room — my room.

“We’re thinking of heading in to that barbecue place for dinner. Do you think Lia will want to join us?”

I lean in. “Do you think it’s a good idea for Dean to eat out?”

“Good point. How about we pick it up and bring it back?”

“Sounds good. Same rules.”

He snorts. “You think I’ll let him drive?”

“No. Especially notyourtruck.”

Steve laughs and gives me a playful punch in the arm. “Any special requests?”

“Get a little of everything.”

“Sure thing.”

And just like that, my friends are gone and I’m alone with Lia — again. I tell myself to slow the fuck down, but my dick is already arguing with me about that. He perks up more and more with each step I take to my bedroom. And when I find Lia laying on my bed, a million different fantasies work their way through my brain.

The door’s open, so I knock as I step over the threshold. Lia turns and gives me a smile. ”Everything okay?”

“Yeah. The guys went to pick up some dinner. If I remember correctly, you love barbecue sauce.”

Her smile grows. “I do.”

“Good, because that’s what we’re having for dinner, smoked meat covered in barbecue sauce.”

Her gaze lowers and her cheeks flush pink. “I wanted to ask you if it’s okay if I sleep in here or if I should take the couch.”

“I’ll take the couch. I don’t want you out there. For all we know, Dean could accidentally sit on you if he gets drunk enough.”

“Does he do that every weekend?” she asks.

I sigh. “Lately. I’ve been hoping he’s just working his way through some stuff. If it goes on much longer, Steve and I will talk to him about it.”

She nods. Silence stretches between us. “I don’t want you to have to sleep on the couch,” she says. “Would your friends think it’s weird if you slept in here with me?”

I lick my lips and try to swallow down a groan. “Are you sure that’s what you want? Because if I sleep in here, it won’t be with a wall of pillows between us. If you’re not ready, that’s fine, but I can’t be in here with that kind of temptation and not touch.”

“I want you to touch. I want you to do everything.”

I press the heel of my hand to my cock when she says the word ‘everything,’ because that is the keys to the kingdom right there. I’m not turning that down.

“I… you got to see me naked. I think I should get to see you naked, too.”

Tags: Amie Barnes Erotic