Page 42 of Mated to the Beast

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Seth burst out laughing and I grinned, suddenly thrilled with the idea. Seth shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

“What, you afraid you’re going to get a slimy, green alien wife?” I shook my head. “You won’t. They test you, Seth. Hook your brain up to sensors and play mating ceremonies inside your head until you’re so hot you think you’re going to lose your mind. But they match you to someone who has the same kink in their head that you have in yours.”

Seth looked from me to Dax, and back. “So you wanted big and scary, huh?”

Dax growled at him in warning, but I threw back my head and laughed as joy filled me. “Yes. I guess I did.” I patted Seth on the cheek and grinned. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, I need to tend to my space alien, for he’s got a fever.”

Seth groaned. “Jesus, sis, I don’t need to know this shit. TMI.” He went over to the door, opened it. “Go. Cure him. Whatever, but not in front of me.”

Dax stepped forward then, once again his hand held out to my brother in an offer of friendship that surprised me. “I am taking my mate to Atlan, Seth. You will be welcome in our home any time.”

Seth stared at the outstretched hand, then grasped Dax’s forearm in a grip between warriors. “Take care of her.”

“I intend to, starting with a hard spanking for lying to me about her injury, then… well, then—”

Seth released Dax’s arm, holding up his hand as my mouth fell open at Dax’s words. He was going to do what?

“Again, brother, too much information.” Seth shook his head, chuckling as I blinked hard, trying to process what Dax had just said.

“You are not going to spank me,” I sputtered, my cheeks heating. “I saved your l

ife, Dax. I saved us all. If I’d told you how badly I was injured, you wouldn’t have let me fly. You would have pulled me out of that pilot’s seat and—”

Dax cut me off. “And found someone else to hold the damn controls still so you didn’t bleed to death. You risked your life without reason, Sarah. You lied to me to do it. I will turn your ass a bright red so it does not happen again.”

“You sure as hell better,” Seth said, wearing that brotherly protective face. “You scared the shit out of me, too, Sarah.” He nodded at Dax. “Add an extra swat for me.”

Dax raised an eyebrow, but agreed immediately. “Done.” He tugged me backward and out the door.

Before it closed, Seth said, “Warlord, if you hurt her, I will hunt you down and kill you.”

Dax rubbed his thumbs over my shoulders. “I would expect nothing less.”

* * *


A few hours later I stood on the balcony of our new home next to my mate and breathed in the scents and sights of Atlan. It had been ten long years since I’d seen the rolling gold and green hills, the towering trees with wide purple and green leaves, the flowers of every color that lined the streets like the most delicate spun glass, their transparent petals glistened beneath the light of our star like a million twinkling lights.

Beside me, Sarah looked breathtakingly lovely in a gown of the finest weave to be found in this sector. The pale gold draped from her lovely shoulders and molded to the tops of her breasts. It fit her curves to just past her hips before falling in a shimmering wave to sway just above her ankles. I reached around her and placed a large pendant around her neck, the oblong gold engraved, as our cuffs were, with the markings of my family line.

We’d arrive via transport, still wearing coalition body armor, Sarah’s former rank as a captain on full display to the greeting party from the Atlan senate. The gasps and curious gazes had begun immediately, and I knew, even before our message comms began lighting up in the living quarters below, that my bride would be a celebrity here, a unique and intriguing woman who had fought beside her mate, a female warrior. Atlan might never recover.

She clasped the pendant to her chest and spun in a wild circle, laughing. I had never seen her so light and carefree. “I feel like Belle, from Beauty and the Beast.”

I frowned. “I don’t understand what that means, mate.”

She stopped and smiled up at me. “It doesn’t matter. I’m happy. I’ve never felt like this before.”

“Like what?”

“Beautiful. Soft.” She spun again, watching her skirt rise in a flare around her knees. Her hair hung loose, the dark waves falling around her shoulders. “I feel like a princess. And we are living in a castle. Good God, Dax. Are you rich, or what? This place is ridiculous.” Sarah smiled and threw her arms around my neck, lifting her face for a kiss, which I eagerly provided. When she was panting and breathless with need, when I could smell the sweet scent of her arousal, I set her back on her feet and looked down at the woman who was about to become mine in every way.

“Wealth is irrelevant here. I am an Atlan warlord, and you are my mate.”

It was her turn to frown. “I don’t understand.”

I traced her cheekbone with my thumb, simply enjoying her happiness, the carefree light in her eyes I’d never seen before. “Not many Atlans return from the war. Most are executed when they enter berserker mode in battle. Those who control their beasts, those strong enough to return, are rewarded with wealth, land, castles.” I gestured to the massive structure surrounding us. The home was more than we needed, with nearly fifty rooms and a full staff of mated Atlan attendants to see to our every need. I traced her bottom lip, my cock growing harder with each passing second. “I am happy to provide for you, princess.”

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